Friday, November 30, 2012

THE TRIUMPH OF TRUTH: Long Live Palestine…

Long sigh! The world is finally waking up from its deep slumber 65 years after it has been drugged or rather after 65 years of holding USA/Zionist’s guns over the UN’s brain. This is the most glaring evidence that USA’s influence in the world is waning and to be counted among tiny inconsequential states like Micronesia, Palau, Panama, Nauru, Marshall Island and Czech Republic who voted against must be considered an insult of the highest degree (if not laughably hilarious) to an empire although obviously in decline but an insult just the same. USA like its old heavy weights partners in crime the likes of UK, Germany and Australia should have abstained if only to save face but ah; USA is Israel’s most loyal ‘dog of war’ as in ‘till death do us part.’ Canadians must be sheeting mad at their leaders for putting Canada in shame in front of the world by going the way of the beast. Canada so it seems is unable to step out of the shadow of its bigger neighbor. If USA jumps over the cliff of the Niagara Falls; Canada will do likewise.

If Netanyahu’s aim when it bombarded Gaza for 6 days was to again solicit the pity of the world from HAMAS merciless Qassam Rockets before the UN votes; it achieved exactly the opposite because the world is no longer blind. What are few kilograms of Qassam Rockets that hardly dents a building’s wall to USA’s supplied 2,000 pounds bombs that shattered towering buildings to rubble and reduced human bodies to bits and pieces.

CLASSIFIED/CONFIDENTIAL: Obama is happy not only for the Palestinians but for the trashing of Netanyahu at the United Nations :-)

UN: A Decisive Victory for Palestine
Despite objections from US and Israel, 138 nations vote to approve statehood
- Common Dreams staff

The vote is in. In a victory for its right to self-determination in the international arena, Palestine has been granted observer-state status at the United Nations, after 138 general assembly member states—an overwhelming majority—voted to approve the designation.
"I believe that Palestinians have the right to its own state. I believe that Israel has the right to peace and security," UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon said following the historic vote. He added, "we must give new impetus to our collective efforts" toward a two-state solution.


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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Extraterrestrial Mummy Found In Egypt

The body of a perfectly preserved, carefully mummified an alien was found buried in an ancient pyramid. A mysterious creature from between 150 and 160 centimeters was found by an archaeologist near Lahun when exploring a small pyramid near the Dynasty doceaba of Senusret II. However, this fact was not revealed immediately. “The mummy of what appears to be an alien, dates back more than 2000 years and it seems it would be a humanoid” said a source at the Egyptian Antiquities Department, who provided details and photographs of the find but did so under condition anonymity. “ 

Please read full article:
…and here:

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

THE THIRD EYE; believe it or not…

I can’t remember exactly when was the last time I read a book from beginning to end. It must be something like 8 years ago or so and yeah; I remember the books because both were best sellers at the time that people talked about: “The Alchemist” that made Paulo Coelho famous and of course; Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code.” Although I used to be a certifiable bookworm; the web offered so much to read that it deleted printed books from my life’s routine. With my favorite science magazines available on line and with the latest advances in pdf; I get the entire monthly issue of Scientific American download for 33 dollars a year. That in my personal view is a real bargain and with failing eyesight for someone sailing towards the sunset; zooming technology is godsend. You can enlarge the words and photos as large as you like to cater to the comfort of your aging eyesight something you cannot do with a print. To do that; you need a magnifying glass :-)

Thanks to the foresight of Steve Job that gave the world iPod and iPad; reading became portable again. You can keep hundreds of books, magazines and whatever you care to read about locked in your armpit while on a bus, a train or while on a ticket line and with Wi-fi, 3G/4G; you can watch the news or your favorite soap while idling the time away. There is no time to waste.

No wonder; “Amazon Kindle Fire” became a best seller due to the comfort it offers to book readers. I had downloaded many books I really want to read but never had the time. I read few pages and forget about it until I bought for my daughter a Samsung Tab 7. I loaded into it some books I like to read and wow; it’s absolutely great. With just half an hour each day; I read in 2 weeks “The Third Eye” by T. Lobsang Rampa. In a few days; I will send this tablet to its rightful owner but there is a cheaper version by “Eurostar” that perfectly fits my fancy. Unlike Nishreen; I am going to read not play Angry Bird :-)


I have in my file some of his books but I can’t remember the website where I got it for free but anyone interested can Google search T. Lobsang Rampa. You may find some of his stories unbelievable but if he tells you that he astral traveled to other worlds; better believe it. Although it is beyond my control; I too am able to astral travel to other worlds. If I had a teacher early on; I could have trained to astral travel at will. For me; it’s a gift I ignore and if someone tells me that he or she can astral travel at will…I will believe it.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

ISRAEL MAYORS: Netanyahu gave in to Hamas

Israel can kill all the leaders of HAMAS but they will be replaced faster than they can be buried. They can kill thousands of babies a day and thousands will be born to take their place. They can bomb building to rubble and it will be rebuilt as fast with oil money that Arabs have plenty of; an indirect contribution from the world through oil prices increase resulting from the conflict. Israel can continue deceiving the world via its Jews owned media but what worked in the past doesn’t work all the time. The holocaust victimhood that worked so well for Israel following WW II is a forgotten relic that Israel should abandon to the dustbin of history. With the death of the last holocaust survivor that Israel can parade on television; Jews victimhood that the Zionists banked on to justify wrongly their crimes against the people of Palestine is likewise dead. The holocaust is officially a footnote to history and while Jews will not forget; the rest of the world not will but had. This is a generation that has neither the memory of the Third Reich nor World War II. This is a generation that will battle the lords of war to avert World War III from happening. 

Netanyahu gave in to Hamas: Israeli mayors

Mayors of the southern Israeli cities have criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for accepting the Egypt-mediated truce deal to end violence on Gaza, saying the premier gave in to Hamas.

Yehiel Lasri, the mayor of Ashdod, said that he was disappointed by Netanyahu’s decision to accept the ceasefire to end the operations against the Gaza Strip. 

"This wasn't the conclusion we prayed for," Lasri said. 

David Buskila, the Mayor of Sderot also in southern Israel, echoed dissatisfaction at the truce, saying he felt “no pride” in the ceasefire. 

Full article:

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Israel…Butchers Of Gaza | Real Jew News

Another 5 minutes video from Brother Nathanael…
Don’t miss it…I have no comment.
Brother Nathanael doesn't mince words.

Dear Real Jew News Family.

It’s been a LONG 4 days.

I’ve been working on this Video ROUND THE CLOCK for 4 days and I am now NOT only DISGUSTED, OUTRAGED, ANGRY, SAD, but totally exhausted.

There is NO end to Jewry’s CRIMES against Humanity.

What else can we expect from the ANTI-CHRIST people of Judaism whose forefathers MURDERED the Eternal Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ!

I don’t buy into the LIE that Zionism is not Judaism. Every YEAR at Passover the Jews pray, “Next Year In Jerusalem!”

Every Sabbath Service the Jews PRAY that Israel be their state “SPEEDILY IN THEIR DAYS!”
Jews Killed DIVINE LIFE, God Incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ.

What else can you expect from Jews ARMED TO THE TEETH with DEADLY weapons? BUT…to keep on ANNIHILATING Life!

Please read more:

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Israel is virtually begging HAMAS to stop firing rockets towards Israel although these are few kilograms rockets with few pounds of war heads; it scare out of their wits ordinary Israelis especially those rockets can reach Tel Aviv and Jerusalem Al Quds. If Israel’s aim was to test if HAMAS is telling the truth that it has rockets able to reach Tel Aviv; it is confirmed. Actually; it needs no rocket scientist to see Israel’s real aim. Since it is more dangerous to attack Hezbollah; the indirect test to see if they have rockets able to reach Tel Aviv is to attack Gaza. If HAMAS has it then Hezbollah must have it in thousands.

Another lesson learned is that Israel’s Iron Dome; a gift from USA is not 100% effective. It is able to intercept only 250 out of the 800 fired from Gaza.

One more lesson learned: Israel can no longer fool the world. If it is able to project Israel as the victim in the past through Jewish media outlets; alternate media is beyond the Zionist’s reach and it is becoming more combative revolutionaries unleashing 44 million cyber warfare assault against Israel in sympathy with the oppressed people of Gaza.

The battle for the hearts and mind of the world is a war Israel can no longer win and with the memory of the holocaust fast fading from memory; Israel must reinvent itself away from the holocaust. This is a generation where the word holocaust doesn't mean a thing much less rings a bell. The real holocaust is what they see on their TV screens and YouTube: Gaza.

Regardless of how many movies the Jew owned Hollywood produces depicting the holocaust in horrific graphics; moviegoers would rather go see a vampire movie or an animated computer generated fantasy movie. This is a generation that wants peace…no war.

LESSON: don’t attack Iran. The homemade rockets you saw are just the tip of the iceberg. You really don’t know what Hezbollah is hiding in their arsenal: made in Iran. 

Israel fears repeat of 2006 debacle

Although too early to predict which way the Israeli war on Gaza would finally turn out, significant signs have emerged that seem to suggest the terrorist state possibly fears the repeat of the failure it had to face in its onslaught on Hezbollah in 2006.


The fact that Israel has come to table to seek truce within just three days of launching a fresh war on Gaza is something unusual that points to its weakness. This is contrary to the situation during Operation Cast Lead in 2008 when the terrorist state didn’t respond Hamas and international calls for truce but ceased fire on its own volition only after pounding Gaza for 21 days. 

Though initially denied by Israel, both Israeli and Egyptian sources have now confirmed arrival of the Israeli negotiator in Cairo for ceasefire talks, being brokered by the Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 

One cannot be sure but I suspect one clue to Israeli willingness to negotiate ceasefire so early in the war of its own choice lies in the tweet message of the Israeli ambassador to the US and the IDF disclosure on rockets fired by Hamas. 

Ambassador Michael Oren tweeted, “Just appeared on the set of CNN. Israel willing to sit down with Hamas -- if they just stop shooting at us.” Note: “Just Stop” 

Please read full article:

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Obama: Evil: Plain and Simple

Evil is neither small nor big; neither less nor more; neither tall nor short for evil by nature is simply evil without heights, weights and sizes. The uproar against Israel’s evil is worldwide; only its creators (USA/UN/Europe) and mentors are cheering her evils but the good people of the planet including those in USA and Europe who does not approve of the demons in their governments are out in the street to protest. With 24/7 broadcasting; Israel can no longer hide its monstrosities. Regardless of how hard Israel justifies its evils; evil is simply unjustifiable. With the advent of alternate media; the people of the world is no longer as ignorant as they used to be when it comes to the question of Palestine. There is no justification for dropping 2,000 pounds bombs to retaliate against few kilograms of bombs that can hardly make a dent on building’s walls. You cannot claim self defense against a people whose lands and homes you have stolen and occupied for more than half a century. You cannot claim self defense against a people you have confined to refugee camps in their own land and country and dictates how much calorie of food each must consume and how many glasses of water each must drink. The evils of Israel and her mentors are mind-boggling shocking; no surprise that people want to blow themselves up with as many enemy monsters as they can.

Evil: Plain and Simple

By Kim Petersen 
November 18, 2012 -- In a recent Real News piece, senior editor Paul Jay objected to talk of lesser evilism: “… I think this whole terminology lesser evil, it’s a terrible mistake to use such terminology. The problem is it’s turning this whole thing into some kind of moral debate, and neither Romney nor Obama are evil. They are the products of a social-economic system. They represent different sections of the elite…”


Obama is not a lesser evilist; he is the man who enables evil. If this does not — in Paul Jay’s mind — call for a moral debate, then one wonders what does call for such a debate. The ongoing, repeated carnage and slaughter in Gaza (Syria, Bahrain, Afghanistan …) underscores the utter futility of pandering to lesser evilism. If one votes for a degree of evil, then one should not be surprised when evil results.

Progressivism demands that social justice activists repudiate evil. Consequently, insofar as media plays along within the parameters set by the socio-economic system and its evil, how progressivist can it legitimately claim to be?

Please read full article: Warning: few seconds of graphic video

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

TILL DEATH DO US PART: USA behind Israel Gaza onslaught

Beasts of the same horns and fangs graze together on the same human carcasses of the innocents.

US reiterates support for Israel onslaught on Gaza

US President Barack Obama has reiterated support for Israel's new round of violent attacks on the Gaza Strip, saying Washington opposes any effort to provide arms to Hamas.

According to the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the US president to provide an update on the situation on Friday.

Obama said that Israelis have the right to make their own military decisions and Washington wants 'the same thing as the Israelis want'. 
Netanyahu expressed appreciation to Obama for Washington’s investment in the Iron Dome rocket and mortar defense system, used by the Zionist regime to intercept rockets launched from the Gaza Strip. 

However, Israeli media reported on Saturday that the missile shield system has so far been able to only intercept 230 out of 705 missiles fired from Gaza into the occupied lands. 


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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

THE BIBLE AND THE QUR’AN: 6 days or 6,000 years creation

THE BIBLE AND THE QUR’AN: 6 days or 6,000 years creation

Unbelievable texts in religious books can effectively weaken the faith of many unless someone comes up with not only rational but believable explanations.

One verse I read in the Qur’an set me on an intellectual journey that did not take me long to go far in my search for answers but the riddle kept me awake at nights until it gradually faded.

Qur’an 22:47 ‘Verily, a day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.’

It is an innocent verse that we tend to read in passing but if you pause for a moment; there is nothing so trivial about this terse but very significant verse because it casts the “6 days creation” into topsy-turvy topspin.

Was the universe created by God in 6 days or 6,000 years…?

I said I didn’t have to go far. Muslim, Christians and Jews believe in the 6 days creation. What I like to know was if there is anything similar in the Bible of the Qur’an verse where it says that one day for God is a thousand years of our reckoning. Believe it or not; I got the answer in the first page of the Bible. It is not exactly the same but it affirmed the correctness of the verse and likewise; the Qur’an solved for the Christians the Biblical dilemma of the 6 days creation.

(Note: the above is a copy-paste from the King James Version online (Genesis). It is very frustrating if not outright despicable of how revisionists of the Bible keep changing the words. In the printed Bible I read; it simply wrote that God created the Sun to light the day and the moon to light the night then there was morning and there was evening; the fourth day.)


If God created the Sun and the Moon; two heavenly bodies upon which human conception of time is based on the FOURTH DAY; how is it possible that there were first, second and third days if both the moon and the sun did not yet exist?

QUR’AN IS THE ANSWER: ‘Verily, a day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning’ meaning GOD WHEN HE SAID ONE DAY; HE WAS REFERRING TO HIS TIME WHEREVER HE WAS IN THE INFINITE UNIVERSE. HE WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT EARTHLING’S (or human) TIME.
God obviously created the universe in 6 days of His time which is the equivalent of 6,000 years of earthling’s. The first 3 days of creation could be referring to other Galaxies or other universes ours having been created on the fourth day and so forth.

Note: the elaborate 6 days creation is also found in the Qur’an that can also be translated according to Muslim scholars as 6 periods of time. In another verse; 1 day is like 50,000 years of our reckoning. I will also explain/interpret later why at one time; 1 day is 1,000 years and in another, it’s 50,000 years. Critiques of the Qur’an often times mention this discrepancy without mentioning the context.


Monday, November 12, 2012


Most if not all of us must have read at one time or another something about the life and time of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). We must have seen some videos as well depicting the prophet’s life but I found this one especially different for some remarkable reason. The narrator went to specific places where history unfolded and it is only here where the controversies in the life of the Prophet were presented in a much unbiased fashion. It is only here where I heard for the first time the Prophet’s deception by the devil that had become the basis of Salman Rushdie in the writing of his book; “The Satanic Verses.”

All the prophets of God at one time or another were deceived by the devil. The devil’s deception however is more profoundly demonstrated in Islam than any other religion. For 3 days during the annual Hajj; pilgrims stone the devil at exactly the place where Prophet Abraham (a.s.) did five thousand years ago. The stoning however symbolizes not only a replication of what Prophet Abraham (a.s.) did but an affirmation of Muslim’s rejection of evil in all forms and sizes represented by the small, medium and big devils/Satan that the pilgrims stone each day for 3 days.

I particularly like that incident where the unbelievers demanded during the signing of peace with the Meccans at Hudaibia to strike out the words “messenger of God” beneath the prophet’s name because as they reasoned out; we don’t believe you to be the messenger of God. The prophet’s men especially Ali was furious but the prophet took the pen and asked; which part here you don’t like and he struck out “messenger of God.” As a genuine prophet; he knew the future. He knew what peace will bring and a year later due to this treaty; he and the entire Muslim army rode into Mecca unopposed. He conquered Mecca without firing a single arrow.

Peace not war was the way of the prophet whenever given a choice…

Thursday, November 8, 2012

WHO ARE YOU SHARIF'UDDIN? Are you the sign...?

Who are you Sharif’uddin…? Who are you in a previous life…? If your story is true; you are unlike anyone born since the birth of the last prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.). Who are you…really? Some geniuses are born but your genius is of different make-up. You did not come to solve the elusive unified theory of everything; you were born reciting the Qur’an in infancy but ah; the Qur’an is the key to the secrets of the universe.  What is your mission? You did not come to teach humankind Islam; it has been with us for a thousand and four hundred years unless you have come to reveal to us the secrets that we have been so stupid to see. Are you the re-incarnation of Jesus…? He spoke in infancy according to the Qur’an just like the way you did. Your parents are catholic but you are born speaking Arabic and reciting the Qur’an. Are you Jesus; the anti-Christ? The prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) foretold of your second coming. He foretold that you will break the cross and for that; Christians will call you the anti-Christ. Are you the sign of the end…?

The boy must be a young man of 19 by now but where is he. Why is there no available info about him except those videos at age 5 on Google search? Is he being isolated somewhere for special reasons…? Is he dead or maybe a fake? I wonder…!

Jesus’ own prophecy of his second coming:

Matthew 7:21 – “Not everyone that saidth unto me, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils; and in thy name done wonderful works: and then will I profess unto them; I never knew you: depart from me, ye that works inequities.”

(Comments are the figments of my imagination; please ignore but this boy Sharif’uddin is real. Read and watch the video. You be the judge.) 

Sharif-uddin (or Sharif-iddin) Khalifa, is a miraculous boy, born in in Arusha, in the Northern part of Tanzania (a country in East Africa), in December 1993. Muslims are only a minority in Tanzania and Arabic language is not a native in Tanzania. His parents were Catholic Christians. Their native language is Swahili and they did not know Arabic.

When he was a little child, his parents (who were Christians) noticed that he was able to recite the whole Quran by heart, even though no body had ever taught him to do so.

At the age of two months, he refused to suckle his mother's milk.
At the age of four months, he started reciting verses from the Holy Quran.
By the time he was one-year old, he was able to recite the whole Quran and went on to be able to preach in Arabic, Swahili and French without any formal education.

It is reported that his first words were: "You people repent and you will be accepted by God" and he spoke these words in Arabic. His concerned parents initially thought he was possessed by demons and called Christian priests to pray for the baby.

Eventually, Muslim neighbors were able to interpret Sharif's alien speech. After his parents recognized that the significance of what their boy is saying and that he is miracle from God, his parents converted to Islam.

Furthermore, despite the fact that he is from Tanzania, he speaks Arabic fluently in addition to 4 other languages (English, French, Italian, and Swahili). He is able to pick up languages very fast, he once said: "I went to Congo and heard people speaking Lingala (the local language). I immediately was able to start speaking it."

Today, he delivers sermons and lectures in Africa and Europe that draw thousands of people to listen to him. Because of this boy, thousands of people have converted to Islam.

please read full article and watch the video here:

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012



I am a skeptic I mean most of us should be until we are able to prove by our own initiative that what we see is real. We live in an age where truth and falsehood are indistinguishable. We can hardly tell the difference between what is real and unreal especially that we are being bombarded 24/7 by the make-believe-world of television. Here are some incredible photos whose truthfulness I will leave for you to decide because I took it from the web. I am no photo expert but most of these photos were taken long before digital technology was widely in use. I was at one time watching a scientific video on YouTube when something suddenly caught my attention. I previously saw a photo that I thought was photo-shopped. I saw it flashed in millisecond right before my eyes. I clicked the pause and jumped backward for replay. There was no mistake; what I saw was real. The cloud formations caught on camera by the shuttle on the way to space spelled “Allah.”

We will show them Our signs in all regions of the Earth and in their own souls until they clearly see that this is the truth (Al Qur’an 41:53)


Sunday, November 4, 2012


If you google image search “Navel of the World”; you will find all the ancient oracle centers in the world with stone markers better known as “Omphalous.” What you will not find is the real one: THE BLACK STONE IN MECCA; the true center (middle) of planet earth. Read on…shocking!


“The aimless army will depart from Europe,
And join up close to the submerged island.
The NATO fleet folds up its standard,
And NAVEL OF THE WORLD taken over by a greater voice.”

Nostradamus II.22

The puzzling key word in the above prophecy is the “Navel of the World.” The rest are quite understandable. The submerged Island every interpreter of Nosradamus agrees is the British Isle that for some unknown reason will partly sink (Global Warming?) in the sea or flooded. Interpreters of the Nostradamus prophesies however are lost when it comes to the Navel of the World.

In “The Sirius Mystery” by Robert Temple, an extensively researched book of pre-historic religious center in the Mediterranean; Mecca is among those points of Oracle Centers in the ancient world strategically located to simulate star maps. There was an Oracle Center in Egypt believe to be the original one at the Temple of Amon. There was one in Delphi in Greece at the temple of Apollo and many others in the region: Babylon, Libya, Palestine, Turkey and surprisingly, the Ka’aba in Mecca. Not by random, all the religious centers were strategically chosen to simulate star maps. A stone marker, the “Omphalos” or Navel of the Earth represents each of the centers of worship. Possibly because Mr. Temple is not a Moslem, he failed to mention the presence of the Navel of the World in the Ka’aba. These Navels are now forgotten relics that rarely if ever attract any more attention. Mr. Temple missed the true Navel of the World: the Blackstone in the Ka’aba whose picture I have included herewith.

The story goes that when the Ka’aba was rebuilt in the time of the prophet, there was a conflict among the tribes who will have the honor to put back the “Black Stone” in its place. The “Al Ameen, Al Sadique” (Faithful and True) was chosen as an arbiter to choose among the Quraish tribes. They all agreed to honor the decision of the arbiter. The Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) who was not yet a prophet at the time took a piece of cloth, put the black stone in it and asked all the chiefs of the contending tribes to hold unto one side while they carry it to the corner for re-installation. It was a very wise ruling that further enhanced his standing in Mecca. Take note of the picture of how it literally resembles a navel compared to any other “Omphalos” in the ancient world. Pilgrims lines up to kiss the black stone as a symbol of Moslem brotherhood. Kissing it is like having kissed every believer who had ever touched it that spans millenniums from the time of prophet Abraham (a.s.)

Quote: “Also a straight line passes through the three points Behdet, Mecca, Dodona. As for Mecca, I doubt that many Moslem scholars will be at all surprised to learn of these aspects of their holy center. They know very well that the center has geodetic aspects and the central shrine of the Kaaba dates from pre-historic times; they say was established by the prophet Abraham.” (Robert Temple: The Sirius Mystery; page 273)

Since all the Navels of the Earth faded into oblivion except the Navel in the Ka’aba, would I be wrong to assume that the Ka’aba was the chosen one? Some Moslems believe that the Ka’aba was built by Adam and later rebuilt by Abraham and his son, Ishmael. Hagar, the mother of Ishmael according to the Bible was an Egyptian. She and her son were expelled from the house of Sarah. If I was Hagar and I was alone in the desert wilderness with an infant in my arms, I would have gone to Egypt rather than to the valley of Mecca. It is on the other side of the Red Sea opposite Egypt but it was not her choice to make. She was commanded by God to go to the valley.

The above prophecy therefore could only refer to one place, the Navel of the World located at the corner of the Ka’aba. I believe, the greater voice referred to by Nostradamus who will take over the Navel of the World (Mecca/Hijjas) is the same uniting force referred to in Century X, Quatrain 75: prophet Issa (a.s.) better known in the Christian world as Jesus.

“The long awaited one will never come into Europe;
Instead he will appear in Asia.
One issued from the great leagues of Hermes;
He will dominate over all the rulers of the orient.”                                                    
                                    Nostradamus X.75