Thursday, November 22, 2012

ISRAEL MAYORS: Netanyahu gave in to Hamas

Israel can kill all the leaders of HAMAS but they will be replaced faster than they can be buried. They can kill thousands of babies a day and thousands will be born to take their place. They can bomb building to rubble and it will be rebuilt as fast with oil money that Arabs have plenty of; an indirect contribution from the world through oil prices increase resulting from the conflict. Israel can continue deceiving the world via its Jews owned media but what worked in the past doesn’t work all the time. The holocaust victimhood that worked so well for Israel following WW II is a forgotten relic that Israel should abandon to the dustbin of history. With the death of the last holocaust survivor that Israel can parade on television; Jews victimhood that the Zionists banked on to justify wrongly their crimes against the people of Palestine is likewise dead. The holocaust is officially a footnote to history and while Jews will not forget; the rest of the world not will but had. This is a generation that has neither the memory of the Third Reich nor World War II. This is a generation that will battle the lords of war to avert World War III from happening. 

Netanyahu gave in to Hamas: Israeli mayors

Mayors of the southern Israeli cities have criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for accepting the Egypt-mediated truce deal to end violence on Gaza, saying the premier gave in to Hamas.

Yehiel Lasri, the mayor of Ashdod, said that he was disappointed by Netanyahu’s decision to accept the ceasefire to end the operations against the Gaza Strip. 

"This wasn't the conclusion we prayed for," Lasri said. 

David Buskila, the Mayor of Sderot also in southern Israel, echoed dissatisfaction at the truce, saying he felt “no pride” in the ceasefire. 

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