Friday, November 30, 2012

THE TRIUMPH OF TRUTH: Long Live Palestine…

Long sigh! The world is finally waking up from its deep slumber 65 years after it has been drugged or rather after 65 years of holding USA/Zionist’s guns over the UN’s brain. This is the most glaring evidence that USA’s influence in the world is waning and to be counted among tiny inconsequential states like Micronesia, Palau, Panama, Nauru, Marshall Island and Czech Republic who voted against must be considered an insult of the highest degree (if not laughably hilarious) to an empire although obviously in decline but an insult just the same. USA like its old heavy weights partners in crime the likes of UK, Germany and Australia should have abstained if only to save face but ah; USA is Israel’s most loyal ‘dog of war’ as in ‘till death do us part.’ Canadians must be sheeting mad at their leaders for putting Canada in shame in front of the world by going the way of the beast. Canada so it seems is unable to step out of the shadow of its bigger neighbor. If USA jumps over the cliff of the Niagara Falls; Canada will do likewise.

If Netanyahu’s aim when it bombarded Gaza for 6 days was to again solicit the pity of the world from HAMAS merciless Qassam Rockets before the UN votes; it achieved exactly the opposite because the world is no longer blind. What are few kilograms of Qassam Rockets that hardly dents a building’s wall to USA’s supplied 2,000 pounds bombs that shattered towering buildings to rubble and reduced human bodies to bits and pieces.

CLASSIFIED/CONFIDENTIAL: Obama is happy not only for the Palestinians but for the trashing of Netanyahu at the United Nations :-)

UN: A Decisive Victory for Palestine
Despite objections from US and Israel, 138 nations vote to approve statehood
- Common Dreams staff

The vote is in. In a victory for its right to self-determination in the international arena, Palestine has been granted observer-state status at the United Nations, after 138 general assembly member states—an overwhelming majority—voted to approve the designation.
"I believe that Palestinians have the right to its own state. I believe that Israel has the right to peace and security," UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon said following the historic vote. He added, "we must give new impetus to our collective efforts" toward a two-state solution.


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