Wednesday, November 14, 2012

THE BIBLE AND THE QUR’AN: 6 days or 6,000 years creation

THE BIBLE AND THE QUR’AN: 6 days or 6,000 years creation

Unbelievable texts in religious books can effectively weaken the faith of many unless someone comes up with not only rational but believable explanations.

One verse I read in the Qur’an set me on an intellectual journey that did not take me long to go far in my search for answers but the riddle kept me awake at nights until it gradually faded.

Qur’an 22:47 ‘Verily, a day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.’

It is an innocent verse that we tend to read in passing but if you pause for a moment; there is nothing so trivial about this terse but very significant verse because it casts the “6 days creation” into topsy-turvy topspin.

Was the universe created by God in 6 days or 6,000 years…?

I said I didn’t have to go far. Muslim, Christians and Jews believe in the 6 days creation. What I like to know was if there is anything similar in the Bible of the Qur’an verse where it says that one day for God is a thousand years of our reckoning. Believe it or not; I got the answer in the first page of the Bible. It is not exactly the same but it affirmed the correctness of the verse and likewise; the Qur’an solved for the Christians the Biblical dilemma of the 6 days creation.

(Note: the above is a copy-paste from the King James Version online (Genesis). It is very frustrating if not outright despicable of how revisionists of the Bible keep changing the words. In the printed Bible I read; it simply wrote that God created the Sun to light the day and the moon to light the night then there was morning and there was evening; the fourth day.)


If God created the Sun and the Moon; two heavenly bodies upon which human conception of time is based on the FOURTH DAY; how is it possible that there were first, second and third days if both the moon and the sun did not yet exist?

QUR’AN IS THE ANSWER: ‘Verily, a day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning’ meaning GOD WHEN HE SAID ONE DAY; HE WAS REFERRING TO HIS TIME WHEREVER HE WAS IN THE INFINITE UNIVERSE. HE WAS NOT TALKING ABOUT EARTHLING’S (or human) TIME.
God obviously created the universe in 6 days of His time which is the equivalent of 6,000 years of earthling’s. The first 3 days of creation could be referring to other Galaxies or other universes ours having been created on the fourth day and so forth.

Note: the elaborate 6 days creation is also found in the Qur’an that can also be translated according to Muslim scholars as 6 periods of time. In another verse; 1 day is like 50,000 years of our reckoning. I will also explain/interpret later why at one time; 1 day is 1,000 years and in another, it’s 50,000 years. Critiques of the Qur’an often times mention this discrepancy without mentioning the context.


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