Sunday, November 4, 2012


If you google image search “Navel of the World”; you will find all the ancient oracle centers in the world with stone markers better known as “Omphalous.” What you will not find is the real one: THE BLACK STONE IN MECCA; the true center (middle) of planet earth. Read on…shocking!


“The aimless army will depart from Europe,
And join up close to the submerged island.
The NATO fleet folds up its standard,
And NAVEL OF THE WORLD taken over by a greater voice.”

Nostradamus II.22

The puzzling key word in the above prophecy is the “Navel of the World.” The rest are quite understandable. The submerged Island every interpreter of Nosradamus agrees is the British Isle that for some unknown reason will partly sink (Global Warming?) in the sea or flooded. Interpreters of the Nostradamus prophesies however are lost when it comes to the Navel of the World.

In “The Sirius Mystery” by Robert Temple, an extensively researched book of pre-historic religious center in the Mediterranean; Mecca is among those points of Oracle Centers in the ancient world strategically located to simulate star maps. There was an Oracle Center in Egypt believe to be the original one at the Temple of Amon. There was one in Delphi in Greece at the temple of Apollo and many others in the region: Babylon, Libya, Palestine, Turkey and surprisingly, the Ka’aba in Mecca. Not by random, all the religious centers were strategically chosen to simulate star maps. A stone marker, the “Omphalos” or Navel of the Earth represents each of the centers of worship. Possibly because Mr. Temple is not a Moslem, he failed to mention the presence of the Navel of the World in the Ka’aba. These Navels are now forgotten relics that rarely if ever attract any more attention. Mr. Temple missed the true Navel of the World: the Blackstone in the Ka’aba whose picture I have included herewith.

The story goes that when the Ka’aba was rebuilt in the time of the prophet, there was a conflict among the tribes who will have the honor to put back the “Black Stone” in its place. The “Al Ameen, Al Sadique” (Faithful and True) was chosen as an arbiter to choose among the Quraish tribes. They all agreed to honor the decision of the arbiter. The Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) who was not yet a prophet at the time took a piece of cloth, put the black stone in it and asked all the chiefs of the contending tribes to hold unto one side while they carry it to the corner for re-installation. It was a very wise ruling that further enhanced his standing in Mecca. Take note of the picture of how it literally resembles a navel compared to any other “Omphalos” in the ancient world. Pilgrims lines up to kiss the black stone as a symbol of Moslem brotherhood. Kissing it is like having kissed every believer who had ever touched it that spans millenniums from the time of prophet Abraham (a.s.)

Quote: “Also a straight line passes through the three points Behdet, Mecca, Dodona. As for Mecca, I doubt that many Moslem scholars will be at all surprised to learn of these aspects of their holy center. They know very well that the center has geodetic aspects and the central shrine of the Kaaba dates from pre-historic times; they say was established by the prophet Abraham.” (Robert Temple: The Sirius Mystery; page 273)

Since all the Navels of the Earth faded into oblivion except the Navel in the Ka’aba, would I be wrong to assume that the Ka’aba was the chosen one? Some Moslems believe that the Ka’aba was built by Adam and later rebuilt by Abraham and his son, Ishmael. Hagar, the mother of Ishmael according to the Bible was an Egyptian. She and her son were expelled from the house of Sarah. If I was Hagar and I was alone in the desert wilderness with an infant in my arms, I would have gone to Egypt rather than to the valley of Mecca. It is on the other side of the Red Sea opposite Egypt but it was not her choice to make. She was commanded by God to go to the valley.

The above prophecy therefore could only refer to one place, the Navel of the World located at the corner of the Ka’aba. I believe, the greater voice referred to by Nostradamus who will take over the Navel of the World (Mecca/Hijjas) is the same uniting force referred to in Century X, Quatrain 75: prophet Issa (a.s.) better known in the Christian world as Jesus.

“The long awaited one will never come into Europe;
Instead he will appear in Asia.
One issued from the great leagues of Hermes;
He will dominate over all the rulers of the orient.”                                                    
                                    Nostradamus X.75


1 comment:

  1. I wonder why you will question my faith Alexis. This is my blog. I am not your ordinary Muslim with a closed mind. I am forever in search of the truth because Islam is not the end; it is the key to all mysteries. It is the key to the secrets of the universe. If Aliens will land tomorrow to shake our hands; Islam is probably the only religion that will survive the shock. For a long time; there was this particular verse in the Qur’an that keeps my mind always wondering whenever I look at the stars so much so that when I saw the book of Robert Temple, “The Serius Mystery” at the National Bookstore; I grabbed it. If you read the Qur’an; you will find this verse: “For He is the Lord of Serius; the mighty star.” Allah is my God and your God and the God of everyone else not only of those that walks the surface of planet Earth but everyone else in the infinite universe. Am I less of a Muslim because my perception of God is bigger and wider in scope? I think not. I don’t blame you; I write things that are little bit off the mark of a traditional Muslim but I will be glad to explain myself which of the things I wrote that you found questionable as a Muslim. In the above article; there is no doubt that Jesus in the second coming is a Muslim in fact Christians consider the Nostradamus prophecy as referring to the anti-Christ for the simple reason that according to Nostradamus; he will unite the Muslims of Asia and Africa and invade Christian Europe :-) If I can show the Christian world that the “Haram Mosque” in Mecca is the prophesied New Jerusalem; they will have no other choice but to accept Islam but it is not that simple. The coming of the New Jerusalem according the book of revelation is the absolute sign that the second coming is imminent and when I said that there will be an intergalactic rescue of humankind shall our planet crashes; I am not joking: “…and you will be taken out at last” was God’s promise to Adam and Eve. Allah’s promise never fails…believe it.
