Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Israel…Butchers Of Gaza | Real Jew News

Another 5 minutes video from Brother Nathanael…
Don’t miss it…I have no comment.
Brother Nathanael doesn't mince words.

Dear Real Jew News Family.

It’s been a LONG 4 days.

I’ve been working on this Video ROUND THE CLOCK for 4 days and I am now NOT only DISGUSTED, OUTRAGED, ANGRY, SAD, but totally exhausted.

There is NO end to Jewry’s CRIMES against Humanity.

What else can we expect from the ANTI-CHRIST people of Judaism whose forefathers MURDERED the Eternal Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ!

I don’t buy into the LIE that Zionism is not Judaism. Every YEAR at Passover the Jews pray, “Next Year In Jerusalem!”

Every Sabbath Service the Jews PRAY that Israel be their state “SPEEDILY IN THEIR DAYS!”
Jews Killed DIVINE LIFE, God Incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ.

What else can you expect from Jews ARMED TO THE TEETH with DEADLY weapons? BUT…to keep on ANNIHILATING Life!

Please read more:

'via Blog this'

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