Monday, November 19, 2012

Obama: Evil: Plain and Simple

Evil is neither small nor big; neither less nor more; neither tall nor short for evil by nature is simply evil without heights, weights and sizes. The uproar against Israel’s evil is worldwide; only its creators (USA/UN/Europe) and mentors are cheering her evils but the good people of the planet including those in USA and Europe who does not approve of the demons in their governments are out in the street to protest. With 24/7 broadcasting; Israel can no longer hide its monstrosities. Regardless of how hard Israel justifies its evils; evil is simply unjustifiable. With the advent of alternate media; the people of the world is no longer as ignorant as they used to be when it comes to the question of Palestine. There is no justification for dropping 2,000 pounds bombs to retaliate against few kilograms of bombs that can hardly make a dent on building’s walls. You cannot claim self defense against a people whose lands and homes you have stolen and occupied for more than half a century. You cannot claim self defense against a people you have confined to refugee camps in their own land and country and dictates how much calorie of food each must consume and how many glasses of water each must drink. The evils of Israel and her mentors are mind-boggling shocking; no surprise that people want to blow themselves up with as many enemy monsters as they can.

Evil: Plain and Simple

By Kim Petersen 
November 18, 2012 -- In a recent Real News piece, senior editor Paul Jay objected to talk of lesser evilism: “… I think this whole terminology lesser evil, it’s a terrible mistake to use such terminology. The problem is it’s turning this whole thing into some kind of moral debate, and neither Romney nor Obama are evil. They are the products of a social-economic system. They represent different sections of the elite…”


Obama is not a lesser evilist; he is the man who enables evil. If this does not — in Paul Jay’s mind — call for a moral debate, then one wonders what does call for such a debate. The ongoing, repeated carnage and slaughter in Gaza (Syria, Bahrain, Afghanistan …) underscores the utter futility of pandering to lesser evilism. If one votes for a degree of evil, then one should not be surprised when evil results.

Progressivism demands that social justice activists repudiate evil. Consequently, insofar as media plays along within the parameters set by the socio-economic system and its evil, how progressivist can it legitimately claim to be?

Please read full article: Warning: few seconds of graphic video

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