Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ex-Israeli spy boss attacks Netanyahu and Barak over Iran | World news |

I wonder if the year 2012 was destined to be the year ender when the fate of planet Earth is to be determined by few messianic men the likes of Bibi Netanyahu, Ahmadenijad, Barak (Israel) and BaraK (USA) not to mention Egypt’s M’barak whose downfall undoubtedly brought instability in the Arab World. While Netanyahu and Ehud Barak believe it is their destiny to fulfill the messianic prophecy to bring the Jewish people back to the Promised Land from the shores of the Red Sea in the Sinai to the banks of the Jordan River; Ahmadinejad likewise believes the messianic prophecy that the ‘Mahdi’ will come to lead Iran to victory. USA’s Jews and Christian fundamentalists (preparing for the messianic Jesus’ 2nd coming) on the other hand pressure the government to back Israel 100%. What is going to happen to the rest of us…? :-)

Ex-Israeli spy boss attacks Netanyahu and Barak over Iran

PM and defence chief not fit to lead Israel and are misleading the public over Iran, warns former Shin Bet boss Yuval Diskin


"My major problem is that I have no faith in the current leadership, which must lead us in an event on the scale of war with Iran or a regional war," he said.
"I don't believe in either the prime minister or the defence minister. I don't believe in a leadership that makes decisions based on messianic feelings. Believe me, I have observed them from up close ... They are not people who I, on a personal level, trust to lead Israel to an event on that scale and carry it off.
"They are misleading the public on the Iran issue. They tell the public that if Israel acts, Iran won't have a nuclear bomb. This is misleading. Actually, many experts say that an Israeli attack would accelerate the Iranian nuclear race."

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: SEX W/ DEAD WIFE (Prophet: man will return to the religion of his forefathers)

One of the signs of the hour according to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is when man returns to the religion of his forefathers.
Islam essentially is no different from Christianity when it comes to breaking into smaller groups with weird beliefs and strange practices. The Muslim Druze (Lebanon) for instance believe that God reincarnates very similar to the Dalai Lama or the strange practices of the Alawites of Syria where according to a Syrian friend (Sunni); the Alawites collects the bath water of those whom they consider saints and drink it anyway; the proponents of this despicable law must be among these small groups that make their backward traditions part of Islam for legitimization. The Baha’i or even the Sheiks of India were at some point in times considered Muslims because they took some of Islam and mixed it with their traditions. This is one of the reasons why volumes of the so-called non-authentic traditions of the prophets are discarded because some people invent evil things and attribute it to the prophet but its inventors continue to adhere to it. I don’t believe this will ever be passed by the Egyptian parliament in fact its proponents may even be stoned by the people. It is a non-issue but it is so laughably strange and weird; it went viral in the net to further tarnish the good image of Islam.

Egyptian gods of the dead

Egypt's 'Farewell Intercourse' law allowing sex with dead wives sparks fury
By ANI | ANI – Fri, Apr 27, 2012
London, Apr 27 (ANI): Egypt's new Islamist-dominated parliament is preparing to introduce a controversial lawthat would allow husbands to have sex with their deceased wives up to six hours after death.
Known as the "farewell Intercourse" law, the measure is being championed as part of a raft of reforms introduced by the parliament that will also see the minimum age of marriage lowered to 14 for girls.
Egypt's National Council for Women is campaigning against the changes, saying that 'marginalising and undermining the status of women would negatively affect the country's human development'.
Dr Mervat al-Talawi, head of the NCW, wrote to the Egyptian People's Assembly Speaker Dr Saad al-Katatni addressing her concerns.
Egyptian journalist Amro Abdul Samea reported in the al-Ahram newspaper that Talawi complained about the legislations, which are being introduced under 'alleged religious interpretations'.he subject of a husband having sex with his dead wife arose in May 2011 when Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari said marriage remains valid even after death.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SPAWNING THE ISRAEL BEAST; an USA/British immoral cohabitation

PALESTINE: USA/British partnership in crime

Immigration into Palestine - Statement by President Truman, October 4, 1946 (1)


I have learned with deep regret that the meetings of the Palestine Conference in London have been adjourned and are not to be resumed until December 16, 1946. In the light of this situation it is appropriate to examine the record of the administration's efforts in this field, efforts which have been supported in and not of Congress by members of both political parties, and to state my views on the situation as it now exists. 

It will be recalled that, when Mr. Earl Harrison reported on September 29, 1945, concerning the condition of displaced persons in Europe, I immediately urged that steps be taken to relieve the situation of these persons to the extent at least of admitting 100,000 Jews into Palestine.
(2) In response to this suggestion the British Government invited the Government of the United States to cooperate in setting up a joint Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, an invitation which this Government was happy to accept in the hope that its participation would help to alleviate the situation of the displaced Jews in Europe and would assist in finding a solution for the difficult and complex problem of Palestine itself. The urgency with which this Government regarded the matter is reflected in the fact that a 120-day limit was set for the completion of the Committee's task. (END OF SNIP)

SPAWNING THE ISRAEL BEAST; an USA/British immoral cohabitation 

USA since the birth of Israel has been its staunchest supporters more than the Brits showering it with gifts of money and armaments.

Because of USA’s superpower status…it is able to bully friends and foes alike into line for Israel.

It had vetoed all but very few UN resolutions that censure/criticize Israel.

Of the few binding UN resolutions that were passed that would have permanently solved the question of Palestine…Israel flaunted it with impunity and USA and the rest of the World turns a blind eye.

That Israel is allowed to break International Laws, ignore UN resolutions and get away with despicable human rights violations boggles the mind.

USA like a father protecting a wayward child always comes in defense of Israel regardless of how wrong and what evil it has done. It is for this obviously that the trajectory of Moslem’s anger over the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians is always towards USA.

Had it not been for AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL that had changed the rule of 24 hours reporting…CNN and BBC would have continued to feed us with rubbish glorifying ISRAEL’S divine right of self defense playing footage of the holocaust in Germany…not the holocaust in Palestine as it unfolds. With the advent of alternate media (Internet)…truth will no longer be silenced.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

THE NOBEL PARADOX: Carter warns against war with Iran

Jimmy Carter was the only USA’s presidents that received (after leaving office) and rightly deserved the Nobel Peace Prize by simply calling spade a spade. He does not mince words to lie. He tells the truth like it is to be told regardless of how brutal it is to the demons of war. When I first read on yahoo news that Obama was to receive the Nobel Prize for Peace; I said, “Wow, absurd.” If the wisdom (you may call it a joke) of awarding Obama the Nobel (before doing anything for peace) was to preempt the new USA’s president to do more for peace in the world; the Nobel Committee was wrong. If and when USA bombs Iran; the Nobel Committee must withdraw the Nobel Prize for Peace awarded to Obama the moment the first bomb hits its target. If the Nobel Committee doesn’t; the world must demand for it.

Carter warns against war with Iran

Carter, who served as US president from 1977 to 1981, made the remarks in a keynote address at a summit of Nobel Peace Prize laureates in Chicago on Monday, AFP reported. 

War is only just when it is a "last resort" after "every other possible peaceful resolution" is exhausted, when all efforts are made to protect civilians, when the purpose of the conflict is to make the situation better, not worse, when society in general agrees it is just, and when the level of violence is "proportional to the injury received," he said, adding, "That would obviously exclude our recent policy of preemptive war." 

Carter said that while he is "not against conflict when necessary," the criteria for a just war are often not met. 

He noted that the United States has been "almost constantly at war" over the past 60 years -- in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, El Salvador, Libya, Panama, Haiti, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places, adding that most of those wars fail to meet the criteria for a just war and "some of them were completely unnecessary." 


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Sunday, April 22, 2012


Wow, if found sane and guilty; he will b in jail for 21 years for the massacre of 77 people for the  stupid reason that he profoundly hates Muslims. It is not; mind you; not 77 multiplied by 21 years; it is 21 years (252 months) divided by 77 meaning he will only serve less than 4 months for every life that he took without mercy. If found mentally ill; he will be committed to a mental institution where he could walk free in a year or few years if and when found cured and no longer a danger to society. In Haditha (Iraq) where 28 Muslims men, women and children were massacred by USA’s soldiers some of whose hands were tied behind their backs; all the murderers walked free. In Guantanamo, Cuba; hundreds of Muslims men and women were incarcerated and tortured by USA for many years although none of them were neither tried nor found guilty of any crime. Many are still languishing in the Island waiting for trials that may never come. In Palestine; more than 1,000 men, women and children were slaughtered by Israel in the Gaza Strip in 2008/9 in what USA/Europe called Israel’s right of self defense. 

IF GOD SMASHES PLANET EARTH TO DUST NOW OR ANYTIME SOON; I WILL UNDERSTAND. Earth has become the planet of Sodom where evils reign triumphant. 

Court in shock as Norway gunman describes massacre

OSLO, Norway (AP) – In testimony too graphic for any parent to hear, Norwegian far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik shocked an Oslo courtroom Friday as he calmly described hunting down teenagers on an island summer camp.


The 33-year-old Norwegian left out no detail from his rampage, explaining how he shot panicked youths at point-blank range. Sixty-nine people, mostly teenagers, were killed on Utoya island and others only survived by diving into chilly waters to escape.

Breivik said he did not anticipate his victims' reactions.

"Some of them are completely paralyzed. They cannot run. They stand totally still. This is something they never show on TV," Breivik said. "It was very strange."

Breivik's first two victims were Monica Boesei, a camp organizer, and off-duty police officer Trond Berntsen, a security guard.

"My whole body tried to revolt when I took the weapon in my hand. There were 100 voices in may head saying 'Don't do it, don't do it,'" Breivik said.

But he did.

He said he pointed his gun at Berntsen's head and pulled the trigger. He shot Boesei as she tried run away. Then as they lay on the ground, he shot them both twice in the head.

The first shot was "extremely difficult," he declared, saying he then entered a "fight-and-flight modus" that made it easier to continue the killing spree.

Breivik said he couldn't remember large chunks of the approximately 90 minutes he spent on the island before surrendering to police commandos. Still, he recalled some of the shootings in great detail, including inside a cafe where he mowed down young victims as they pleaded for their lives.

Some teenagers were frozen in panic, unable to move even when Breivik ran out of ammunition. He changed clips. They didn't move. He shot them in the head.

Others pretended to be dead. He said he shot them, too.

Full article:

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

ARMAGEDDON: 144,000 of the “Book of Revelation”

ARMAGEDDON: 144,000 of the “Book of Revelation”

(Palestinian Children)

Revelation 14:1 And I looked and lo, a lamb stood on the mount of Zion and with him, a 144,000 having his father's name written on their foreheads.
Revelation 14:14 these are they which were not defiled with women for they are virgins.
Revelation 14:5 and in their mouths was found no guile for they are without fault before the throne of God.
From the above prophecy, we can deduce that they are 144,000; they are at the mount of Zion; they are virgins; they are faultless before God and they have the mark of the father on their foreheads.
Jesus according to the Bible will bring these 144,000 to a place called ARMAGEDDON in Hebrew and take them to heaven.
At a closer look; THE ABOVE PROPHESY REFERS TO THE 144,000 OF THE RAPTURE that Many Christians believe in. The left behind series fiction novels by LaHaye/Jenkins and the website have produced a large number of followers among Christians. They believe righteous Christians will be taken up to heaven by no less than Jesus himself before the tribulation period. If you are one of those Christians hoping to be counted, I said, think again.
144,000: 12 thousands each from the 12 tribes of the Ishmaelite not from the 12 tribes of Israel
Mount of Zion: Dome of the Rock/Al Aqsa Mosque
Virgins and faultless before the throne of God: innocence of childhood
Mark of the father on their foreheads: Mark of prayer in Islam

Take another look at the above prophecy. THE 144,000 ARE OBVIOUSLY CHILDREN/TEEN AGERS AND WHETHER JESUS (Lamb) IS PRESENT OR NOT, THEY REPRESENT THE NUMBER WHO WILL BE RESCUED FROM THE MID-EAST INFERNO. I believe they represent the "CHLDREN OF THE INTIFADA," thousands of whom have already died most of them in and around the vicinity of the MOUNT OF ZION. With rocks, bottles and slingshots, they fought the Israeli army unabated in the late 80's and in December 2000 to most of 2001. Thousands more are maimed for life. The next "INTIFADA" may force Jesus to come for the rescue. (Jesus will take the 144,000 to a place called Armageddon in Hebrew for a take off to heaven meaning it is what Christians refer to as the rapture. There are no others mentioned in the Bible that Jesus will take up to heaven)
The MARK OF THE FATHER ON THEIR FOREHEADS is a very distinguishing mark. Some Moslems have taken this spiritual light literally to the point of prostrating before God on hard ground when they worship. Next time you watch the news, take a good look at some of those Moslems making the News. You will see some of them with a darkened callous over their foreheads (President Rafsanjhani/Ahmadenijad) of Iran). It is the mark of the father on their foreheads, the mark of prayer in Islam. (…On their faces are their marks being the traces of their prostration. Qur'an 48:29)
It is the mission of the Beast to wipe off the believers from the face of the Earth and what a better and easy way to do it than to stir troubles among the 3 traditional Abrahamaic religions against each other's. It was a vow the fallen angel (Satan) had made before he was thrown out of God's kingdom and according to the prophet Mohammad, man will return to the (Idol worship) religions of his forefathers.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

 HUMAN SAVAGE: U.S. Troops Posed With Body Parts of Afghan Bombers  

If there is anything that the sum total of human civilization did not subdue; it is human savagery. The dark side of humanity remains as dark and as unconquerable as ever. When 17 civilians 9 of whom were children were slaughtered and 2 of whom were raped; the media projected the culprit as under tension for repeated tour of duty in Afghanistan and a family man? The media is soliciting empathy for the demons of war. Record shows that these guys who remain and volunteer for repeated tour of duties enjoy immensely their murdering work posing for pictures with the mangled bodies of their victims like hunters posing with the mangled bodies of their prey. Where can you go in the world today where killing another human is a sport but in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Palestine? Would the world ever know about Abu Ghuraib (Iraq) or the pissing soldiers over Afghans dead bodies if no pictures were taken? For every picture we see published; there has to be many more maybe a hundred where no photos were taken. What we see is just a tip of the iceberg. 

U.S. Troops Posed With Body Parts of Afghan Bombers

An American soldier says he released the photos to the Los Angeles Times to draw attention to the safety risk of a breakdown in leadership and discipline. The Army has started a criminal investigation.

By David Zucchino

April 18, 2012 " Los Angeles Times" --  The paratroopers had their assignment: Check out reports that Afghan police had recovered the mangled remains of an insurgent suicide bomber. Try to get iris scans and fingerprints for identification.

The 82nd Airborne Division soldiers arrived at the police station in Afghanistan's Zabol province in February 2010. They inspected the body parts. Then the mission turned macabre: The paratroopers posed for photos next to Afghan police, grinning while some held — and others squatted beside — the corpse's severed legs.

A few months later, the same platoon was dispatched to investigate the remains of three insurgents who Afghan police said had accidentally blown themselves up. After obtaining a few fingerprints, they posed next to the remains, again grinning and mugging for photographs.


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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Strange Lights and Spirit Guides

Strange Lights and Spirit Guides

The wonders of technology is that with few clicks; you can visually convey a message you could not have done without much time and effort in the past :-)

Lights has always been a feature of my dreams often times not one but two. I found out that lights are just one of the many that one’s own spirit guide can assume. My spirit guide often assumes someone very close wandering and astral traveling with me in my dreams and when I don’t see his presence; I always have that feeling of not being alone.

Something very strange happened not in my dream but while I was fully awake.

I was praying inside my room when during my prostration; I saw a bright light behind me as I buckled down to the floor just before my forehead and the tip of my nose touched the carpet. I thought; there must be a broken glass reflecting light seeping from the window that is few feet to my left. Although there is a thin bluish plastic curtain that markedly reduces the light from my closed glass window; there is no other explanation.

I checked afterwards but there was nothing in fact; my single sofa was barely a foot behind my back. There was neither a broken glass nor a piece of foil on the floor that can reflect a bright light exactly the same lights that I saw so many times in my dreams. The question is why…?

Monday, April 16, 2012


THE PROPHET’S SIGNS OF THE TIMES: “The hour will not come until a group of my people who does not know how to wear shoes will compete with one another to build high rise buildings.”

Kingdom Center; Riyadh (110 stories)

Clock Tower; the world's 2nd tallest building

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Taliban blitz Kabul with "spring offensive" attacks

How long will USA stop living in a state of denial that it is fighting an unwinnable war in Afghanistan? Is this what USA called a guerilla war reduced to small bands that is able to assault Kabul in different locations while simultaneously attacking inside Pakistan that freed 384 Taliban inmates? When will USA accept that Afghanistan is Vietnam all over again? Does this “Taliban Spring Offensive” marks the end of USA’s adventurism in Afghanistan the same way that the “Tet (New Year) Offensive” of the Vietnam era? Whether USA likes it or not; time is on the side of the Taliban and USA will have to leave one way or another maybe not now; maybe in 2014 and whether they leave honorably (Iraq) or in utter defeat (Vietnam) is their choice to make. USA cannot simply win fighting an unconventional war with conventional warfare against an unconventional army of the Taliban (and the Vietcong of Vietnam). 

Taliban blitz Kabul with "spring offensive" attacks
ReutersBy Hamid Shalizi and Jack Kimball | Reuters – 36 minutes ago

KABUL (Reuters) - Heavy explosions, rockets and gunfire rattled Kabul on Sunday as Afghanistan's Taliban launched a "spring offensive" with multiple attacks targeting Western embassies, the NATO force's headquarters and the parliament building.
The assault, one of the most serious on the capital since U.S.-backed Afghan forces removed the Taliban from power in 2001, highlighted the ability of militants to strike the heavily guarded diplomatic zone even after more than 10 years of war.
It was also another election-year setback in Afghanistan for U.S. President Barack Obama, who wants to present the long campaign against the Taliban as a success before the departure of most foreign combat troops by the end of 2014.
"These attacks are the beginning of the spring offensive and we had planned them for months," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told Reuters.
He said the onslaught was revenge for a series of incidents involving American troops in Afghanistan - including the burning of Korans at a NATO base and the massacre of 17 civilians by a U.S. soldier - and vowed that there would be more such attacks.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Could 'advanced' dinosaurs rule other planets

Run for your precious life; intelligent T. Rex are coming. Often times I wonder in fact I believe there is a real big possibility that the Dinosaurs were intentionally exterminated for a reason; replace the Dinosaurs with humans. If the ‘Dinos’ didn’t die out or rather killed in mass; would have humans ever evolved or rather humans ever came to settle planet earth?

Science is obsessed with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution to the point of discarding any other opinion branding creationists (Believers in God) as idiots. Darwinian proof is infallible so the scientific community contends but hey; does the Darwin’s theory of evolution answers pre-Dinosaurs evolution? How is it possible that humans or intelligent monkeys (planet of the apes) didn’t evolve at a time when Dinosaur’s earth was a tropical paradise? Planet earth was so good then; everything grew giant size even dragon flies had several feet of wingspan but why no humans? If you believe in the theory of evolution; Dinosaurs after 350 million years in paradise earth should have built pyramids and mega cities because it is how evolution should work.

Can you possibly imagine 350 million years of humans on planet earth…immortality? Humans should be living in other planets, traveling in time and to the stars. The Qur’an is the absolute proof that Time Travel is not only possible; it is the key to the secrets of the universe. Travel in time and like the prophets; you come face to face with God.

While grossly looking at monkeys and humans; we can probably believe that yeah; why not…nature can evolve monkeys, exotic animals and maybe Australopithecus and Neanderthals but once you look deeper into our bodily functions; you are stunned. Do you have any idea of the complex physiology of how you are able to hear, speak, smell and see? We are not simply heads, arms and legs. Pick one and search the net and read and tell me if an inanimate nature is intelligent enough to engineer your sense of sight.

You came to love your laptop and your cellular phones but did you ever bother to know how it works? Have you ever seen a bird flying while an airplane is taking off or landing? We didn’t create the bird but we built the plane and we know the complex mechanism that makes it fly. If nature cannot build a plane, how do you expect it to build a bird knowing that although small; a bird’s bodily function is more complex than a plane? Whoever created that tiny bird has to be many times over intelligent than the hundreds of humans who built the plane.

Did any in the scientific community answers the puzzle of how is it possible that assuming all the dinosaurs died; their evolutionary seeds didn’t evolve back but ah; it did. The lizards in your house and birds in your gardens are descendants of the Dinosaurs…LOL! Evolution in retreat…retrograde evolution; backward evolution…LOL!

ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: April 11, 2012
Could “advanced” dinosaurs rule other planets?
New scientific research raises the possibility that advanced versions of T. rex and other dinosaurs — monstrous creatures with the intelligence and cunning of humans — may be the life forms that evolved on other planets in the universe. “We would be better off not meeting them,” concludes the study, which appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
In the report, noted scientist Ronald Breslow, Ph.D., discusses the century-old mystery of why the building blocks of terrestrial amino acids (which make up proteins), sugars, and the genetic materials DNA and RNA exist mainly in one orientation or shape. There are two possible orientations, left and right, which mirror each other in the same way as hands. This is known as "chirality." In order for life to arise, proteins, for instance, must contain only one chiral form of amino acids, left or right. With the exception of a few bacteria, amino acids in all life on Earth have the left-handed orientation. Most sugars have a right-handed orientation. How did that so-called homochirality, the predominance of one chiral form, happen?
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

FUTURE SAINT?: Transcript of Pacquiao’s Talk with God Leaked :-)

After so much fame and glory not to mention money Manny cannot consume in many lifetimes; it is only right that he spend the rest of your life doing God’s bidding to express an endless gratitude but is this dream some kind of a prank? It must be genuine or why will it end in Vatican and NYT or why Vatican unless the catholic church is keeping it as a proof that Paquiao is fit for sainthood shall the question arises in the future. Remember; you cannot be a saint unless there is a proof that you have done a miracle or miracles that can be attested to by the Vatican. What can be a greater miracle than talking with God? Whoa! Ha ha…saint Manny Paquiao. 

Transcript of Pacquiao’s Talk with God Leaked
6:51 pm | Wednesday, April 11th, 2012
ROME (The New York Times)—Vatican officials have launched a frantic investigation into the unauthorized release of the transcript of God’s recent conversation with world boxing champion Manny Pacquiao.

Officials of the Roman Curia, the Holy See’s ruling body, are appalled that someone with access to the Archivum Secretum Vaticanum illicitly passed on an official copy of the classified document to a columnist of in the Philippines, which published it verbatim.

Pacquiao, today’s best pound for pound pugilist, told a Philippine radio show that he spoke with God in a dream and that the Almighty asked him to quit boxing soon. As a result, he has turned to preaching, which eventually will be his new vocation in addition to politics.

Serious security breach

The release of the full transcript of the conversation is a serious security breach, declared Caparbio Ficcanaso, chief of the special unit of the Pontifical Swiss Guards assigned by the Curia to track down the source of the leak.

“It’s the religious version of attorney-client privilege,” Mr. Ficcanaso stressed, “except lawyers charge more. God is fine with a few candles and a sincere prayer.”

He expressed relief that his unit members do not have to wear the guards’ colorful but swishy uniform on this assignment. “We tend to stand out in tutus and tights,” he told a Times reporter who met him in a typical trattoria near Peter’s basilica for the obligatory local color.

Full article and transcript of the dream:

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Heavy rains in Asir forces roads to be closed - Arab News

The last time the weather was like this in the Assir region of Saudi Arabia was in 1981-82 when 40 bridges between the high land city of Abha and coastal city of Jazan were washed away by rampaging flash floods. We have to abandon our hospital when it virtually buckled under heavy rains for months two years in a row forcing the government to move the hospital to a hotel it had to rent. It took the government 15 years to build a new hospital. Is there a 30 years weather cycle in this region of Saudi Arabia?

Heavy rains in Asir forces roads to be closed
Published: Apr 11, 2012 01:11 Updated: Apr 11, 2012 01:11
There is a possibility of unstable weather in most parts of the Kingdom today, the Presidency of Meteorology and Environment said in a forecast yesterday. A man reportedly died in Asir while a number of roads have been closed as a result of heavy rains.
The PME and the Civil Defense Department have urged citizens and residents to be cautious about flashfloods caused by rains.
Hussein Al-Qahtani, spokesman of PME, said the unstable weather would continue until tomorrow (Thursday) and would cover Tabuk in the north right through to Jazan in the south as well as Makkah and Madinah and their coastal areas.
He also cautioned the public about the possibility of heavy rains accompanied by fresh winds and low visibility in most of these regions. The height of waves in the Red Sea and Gulf is likely to reach 1.5 meters.
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