Saturday, April 21, 2012

ARMAGEDDON: 144,000 of the “Book of Revelation”

ARMAGEDDON: 144,000 of the “Book of Revelation”

(Palestinian Children)

Revelation 14:1 And I looked and lo, a lamb stood on the mount of Zion and with him, a 144,000 having his father's name written on their foreheads.
Revelation 14:14 these are they which were not defiled with women for they are virgins.
Revelation 14:5 and in their mouths was found no guile for they are without fault before the throne of God.
From the above prophecy, we can deduce that they are 144,000; they are at the mount of Zion; they are virgins; they are faultless before God and they have the mark of the father on their foreheads.
Jesus according to the Bible will bring these 144,000 to a place called ARMAGEDDON in Hebrew and take them to heaven.
At a closer look; THE ABOVE PROPHESY REFERS TO THE 144,000 OF THE RAPTURE that Many Christians believe in. The left behind series fiction novels by LaHaye/Jenkins and the website have produced a large number of followers among Christians. They believe righteous Christians will be taken up to heaven by no less than Jesus himself before the tribulation period. If you are one of those Christians hoping to be counted, I said, think again.
144,000: 12 thousands each from the 12 tribes of the Ishmaelite not from the 12 tribes of Israel
Mount of Zion: Dome of the Rock/Al Aqsa Mosque
Virgins and faultless before the throne of God: innocence of childhood
Mark of the father on their foreheads: Mark of prayer in Islam

Take another look at the above prophecy. THE 144,000 ARE OBVIOUSLY CHILDREN/TEEN AGERS AND WHETHER JESUS (Lamb) IS PRESENT OR NOT, THEY REPRESENT THE NUMBER WHO WILL BE RESCUED FROM THE MID-EAST INFERNO. I believe they represent the "CHLDREN OF THE INTIFADA," thousands of whom have already died most of them in and around the vicinity of the MOUNT OF ZION. With rocks, bottles and slingshots, they fought the Israeli army unabated in the late 80's and in December 2000 to most of 2001. Thousands more are maimed for life. The next "INTIFADA" may force Jesus to come for the rescue. (Jesus will take the 144,000 to a place called Armageddon in Hebrew for a take off to heaven meaning it is what Christians refer to as the rapture. There are no others mentioned in the Bible that Jesus will take up to heaven)
The MARK OF THE FATHER ON THEIR FOREHEADS is a very distinguishing mark. Some Moslems have taken this spiritual light literally to the point of prostrating before God on hard ground when they worship. Next time you watch the news, take a good look at some of those Moslems making the News. You will see some of them with a darkened callous over their foreheads (President Rafsanjhani/Ahmadenijad) of Iran). It is the mark of the father on their foreheads, the mark of prayer in Islam. (…On their faces are their marks being the traces of their prostration. Qur'an 48:29)
It is the mission of the Beast to wipe off the believers from the face of the Earth and what a better and easy way to do it than to stir troubles among the 3 traditional Abrahamaic religions against each other's. It was a vow the fallen angel (Satan) had made before he was thrown out of God's kingdom and according to the prophet Mohammad, man will return to the (Idol worship) religions of his forefathers.


  1. This piece is intended for non-Muslim specially Christians knowledgeable of the Book of Revelation better known as the “Apocalypse.” If you are a Muslim with knowledge of the Bible; you will find this real interesting. Anyone interested to know can read Chapter 14 of the Book or Revelation. You can read it on line in many Bible websites but it will not be complete. The printed Bible will provide more detailed information. You will not find on line the part where Jesus took the 144,000 to a place called Armageddon in Hebrew and took them to heaven.

    Question: What is there in Armageddon that took them to heaven; Spaceship, Time Machine or star gate/heaven’s gate? It must be the same Time Machine that took the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and the other prophets to heaven and back during the Prophet’s Night Journey.

  2. 144,000 is a hidden time stamp

    It is widely known in bible prophecy circles that 1 day = 1 year in prophetic writings.

    The secret

    6 literal days = 144 hours = Leads right up to the Sabbath

    6000 literal days = 144,000 hours = 16.42746453036617 years

    6000 prophetic days = 6000 years = 2000 AD from the fall of Adam

    The 144,000 is a time stamp of a people who sing a new song, making the old song go away.

    Now, an amazing connection to the number 144,000 hours

    Add 6000 days or 144,000 hours to the end of 2000 AD =
    1/1/2001 + 16.42746453036617 = 6/6/20017

    Exactly 50 years (Jubilee) from 6/6/1967 and the 6 day war when Israel recaptured Jerusalem and made it the capitol city after more than 2000 years

    Daniel 8 and the vision of the Ram and the Goat

    Alexander the great defeats Darius III at the battle Granicus in May of 334 BC after Passover of that year.

    “Unto 2300 days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed…” - Daniel 8

    There are exactly 2300 Passovers between the battle at Granicus and the 6 day war in 1967

    The new song

    “I believe God will heal every human being that ever lived, even Satan himself.” – 1999

    Pearls hidden in the field, surrounded by thorns and thistles

    1 Corinthians 15:22 – “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” = 100% faith in the power of God

    Romans 5:18 – “Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life” = 100% faith in the power of God

    Church doctrine of “Most will be lost” = Zero faith in the power of God

    Do the math

  3. Hmmm. This is getting interesting...everything will come to pass as written in the books of life.
