Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SPAWNING THE ISRAEL BEAST; an USA/British immoral cohabitation

PALESTINE: USA/British partnership in crime

Immigration into Palestine - Statement by President Truman, October 4, 1946 (1)


I have learned with deep regret that the meetings of the Palestine Conference in London have been adjourned and are not to be resumed until December 16, 1946. In the light of this situation it is appropriate to examine the record of the administration's efforts in this field, efforts which have been supported in and not of Congress by members of both political parties, and to state my views on the situation as it now exists. 

It will be recalled that, when Mr. Earl Harrison reported on September 29, 1945, concerning the condition of displaced persons in Europe, I immediately urged that steps be taken to relieve the situation of these persons to the extent at least of admitting 100,000 Jews into Palestine.
(2) In response to this suggestion the British Government invited the Government of the United States to cooperate in setting up a joint Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, an invitation which this Government was happy to accept in the hope that its participation would help to alleviate the situation of the displaced Jews in Europe and would assist in finding a solution for the difficult and complex problem of Palestine itself. The urgency with which this Government regarded the matter is reflected in the fact that a 120-day limit was set for the completion of the Committee's task. (END OF SNIP)

SPAWNING THE ISRAEL BEAST; an USA/British immoral cohabitation 

USA since the birth of Israel has been its staunchest supporters more than the Brits showering it with gifts of money and armaments.

Because of USA’s superpower status…it is able to bully friends and foes alike into line for Israel.

It had vetoed all but very few UN resolutions that censure/criticize Israel.

Of the few binding UN resolutions that were passed that would have permanently solved the question of Palestine…Israel flaunted it with impunity and USA and the rest of the World turns a blind eye.

That Israel is allowed to break International Laws, ignore UN resolutions and get away with despicable human rights violations boggles the mind.

USA like a father protecting a wayward child always comes in defense of Israel regardless of how wrong and what evil it has done. It is for this obviously that the trajectory of Moslem’s anger over the inhumane treatment of the Palestinians is always towards USA.

Had it not been for AL JAZEERA INTERNATIONAL that had changed the rule of 24 hours reporting…CNN and BBC would have continued to feed us with rubbish glorifying ISRAEL’S divine right of self defense playing footage of the holocaust in Germany…not the holocaust in Palestine as it unfolds. With the advent of alternate media (Internet)…truth will no longer be silenced.


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