Sunday, April 22, 2012


Wow, if found sane and guilty; he will b in jail for 21 years for the massacre of 77 people for the  stupid reason that he profoundly hates Muslims. It is not; mind you; not 77 multiplied by 21 years; it is 21 years (252 months) divided by 77 meaning he will only serve less than 4 months for every life that he took without mercy. If found mentally ill; he will be committed to a mental institution where he could walk free in a year or few years if and when found cured and no longer a danger to society. In Haditha (Iraq) where 28 Muslims men, women and children were massacred by USA’s soldiers some of whose hands were tied behind their backs; all the murderers walked free. In Guantanamo, Cuba; hundreds of Muslims men and women were incarcerated and tortured by USA for many years although none of them were neither tried nor found guilty of any crime. Many are still languishing in the Island waiting for trials that may never come. In Palestine; more than 1,000 men, women and children were slaughtered by Israel in the Gaza Strip in 2008/9 in what USA/Europe called Israel’s right of self defense. 

IF GOD SMASHES PLANET EARTH TO DUST NOW OR ANYTIME SOON; I WILL UNDERSTAND. Earth has become the planet of Sodom where evils reign triumphant. 

Court in shock as Norway gunman describes massacre

OSLO, Norway (AP) – In testimony too graphic for any parent to hear, Norwegian far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik shocked an Oslo courtroom Friday as he calmly described hunting down teenagers on an island summer camp.


The 33-year-old Norwegian left out no detail from his rampage, explaining how he shot panicked youths at point-blank range. Sixty-nine people, mostly teenagers, were killed on Utoya island and others only survived by diving into chilly waters to escape.

Breivik said he did not anticipate his victims' reactions.

"Some of them are completely paralyzed. They cannot run. They stand totally still. This is something they never show on TV," Breivik said. "It was very strange."

Breivik's first two victims were Monica Boesei, a camp organizer, and off-duty police officer Trond Berntsen, a security guard.

"My whole body tried to revolt when I took the weapon in my hand. There were 100 voices in may head saying 'Don't do it, don't do it,'" Breivik said.

But he did.

He said he pointed his gun at Berntsen's head and pulled the trigger. He shot Boesei as she tried run away. Then as they lay on the ground, he shot them both twice in the head.

The first shot was "extremely difficult," he declared, saying he then entered a "fight-and-flight modus" that made it easier to continue the killing spree.

Breivik said he couldn't remember large chunks of the approximately 90 minutes he spent on the island before surrendering to police commandos. Still, he recalled some of the shootings in great detail, including inside a cafe where he mowed down young victims as they pleaded for their lives.

Some teenagers were frozen in panic, unable to move even when Breivik ran out of ammunition. He changed clips. They didn't move. He shot them in the head.

Others pretended to be dead. He said he shot them, too.

Full article:

'via Blog this'

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