Saturday, April 14, 2012

Could 'advanced' dinosaurs rule other planets

Run for your precious life; intelligent T. Rex are coming. Often times I wonder in fact I believe there is a real big possibility that the Dinosaurs were intentionally exterminated for a reason; replace the Dinosaurs with humans. If the ‘Dinos’ didn’t die out or rather killed in mass; would have humans ever evolved or rather humans ever came to settle planet earth?

Science is obsessed with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution to the point of discarding any other opinion branding creationists (Believers in God) as idiots. Darwinian proof is infallible so the scientific community contends but hey; does the Darwin’s theory of evolution answers pre-Dinosaurs evolution? How is it possible that humans or intelligent monkeys (planet of the apes) didn’t evolve at a time when Dinosaur’s earth was a tropical paradise? Planet earth was so good then; everything grew giant size even dragon flies had several feet of wingspan but why no humans? If you believe in the theory of evolution; Dinosaurs after 350 million years in paradise earth should have built pyramids and mega cities because it is how evolution should work.

Can you possibly imagine 350 million years of humans on planet earth…immortality? Humans should be living in other planets, traveling in time and to the stars. The Qur’an is the absolute proof that Time Travel is not only possible; it is the key to the secrets of the universe. Travel in time and like the prophets; you come face to face with God.

While grossly looking at monkeys and humans; we can probably believe that yeah; why not…nature can evolve monkeys, exotic animals and maybe Australopithecus and Neanderthals but once you look deeper into our bodily functions; you are stunned. Do you have any idea of the complex physiology of how you are able to hear, speak, smell and see? We are not simply heads, arms and legs. Pick one and search the net and read and tell me if an inanimate nature is intelligent enough to engineer your sense of sight.

You came to love your laptop and your cellular phones but did you ever bother to know how it works? Have you ever seen a bird flying while an airplane is taking off or landing? We didn’t create the bird but we built the plane and we know the complex mechanism that makes it fly. If nature cannot build a plane, how do you expect it to build a bird knowing that although small; a bird’s bodily function is more complex than a plane? Whoever created that tiny bird has to be many times over intelligent than the hundreds of humans who built the plane.

Did any in the scientific community answers the puzzle of how is it possible that assuming all the dinosaurs died; their evolutionary seeds didn’t evolve back but ah; it did. The lizards in your house and birds in your gardens are descendants of the Dinosaurs…LOL! Evolution in retreat…retrograde evolution; backward evolution…LOL!

ACS News Service Weekly PressPac: April 11, 2012
Could “advanced” dinosaurs rule other planets?
New scientific research raises the possibility that advanced versions of T. rex and other dinosaurs — monstrous creatures with the intelligence and cunning of humans — may be the life forms that evolved on other planets in the universe. “We would be better off not meeting them,” concludes the study, which appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
In the report, noted scientist Ronald Breslow, Ph.D., discusses the century-old mystery of why the building blocks of terrestrial amino acids (which make up proteins), sugars, and the genetic materials DNA and RNA exist mainly in one orientation or shape. There are two possible orientations, left and right, which mirror each other in the same way as hands. This is known as "chirality." In order for life to arise, proteins, for instance, must contain only one chiral form of amino acids, left or right. With the exception of a few bacteria, amino acids in all life on Earth have the left-handed orientation. Most sugars have a right-handed orientation. How did that so-called homochirality, the predominance of one chiral form, happen?
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