Tuesday, April 24, 2012

THE NOBEL PARADOX: Carter warns against war with Iran

Jimmy Carter was the only USA’s presidents that received (after leaving office) and rightly deserved the Nobel Peace Prize by simply calling spade a spade. He does not mince words to lie. He tells the truth like it is to be told regardless of how brutal it is to the demons of war. When I first read on yahoo news that Obama was to receive the Nobel Prize for Peace; I said, “Wow, absurd.” If the wisdom (you may call it a joke) of awarding Obama the Nobel (before doing anything for peace) was to preempt the new USA’s president to do more for peace in the world; the Nobel Committee was wrong. If and when USA bombs Iran; the Nobel Committee must withdraw the Nobel Prize for Peace awarded to Obama the moment the first bomb hits its target. If the Nobel Committee doesn’t; the world must demand for it.

Carter warns against war with Iran

Carter, who served as US president from 1977 to 1981, made the remarks in a keynote address at a summit of Nobel Peace Prize laureates in Chicago on Monday, AFP reported. 

War is only just when it is a "last resort" after "every other possible peaceful resolution" is exhausted, when all efforts are made to protect civilians, when the purpose of the conflict is to make the situation better, not worse, when society in general agrees it is just, and when the level of violence is "proportional to the injury received," he said, adding, "That would obviously exclude our recent policy of preemptive war." 

Carter said that while he is "not against conflict when necessary," the criteria for a just war are often not met. 

He noted that the United States has been "almost constantly at war" over the past 60 years -- in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, El Salvador, Libya, Panama, Haiti, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places, adding that most of those wars fail to meet the criteria for a just war and "some of them were completely unnecessary." 


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