Wednesday, October 30, 2013

P-Noy: the real issue here is “thievery”…PAGNANAKAW!

The president does not only deserve the benefit of the doubt; there should be no doubt that he is trying his best. His best may not be enough but who does in this time and age where earth is turned into a monster-ball for the scammers of planet earth. For good to survive not necessarily to win is already a victory for the forces of good and to quote Abad in one interview; “Kami pa (ni P-Noy) ang na-plunder” referring to the plunder case filed against the president and his men at the ombudsman. Damn if you do; damn if you don’t. Listen to what the president has to say…11 minutes. 

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Lanao del Sur in the 2013 statistics tops the country’s poorest province and although it is 2013; it is always in the top 10 as far back as I can remember. I will not say that the content of this documentary is the cause; it is just one of the many. If the GMA’s team has come on a payday; I am sure that the Municipal Halls would have been full of people. The team had visited adjacent municipalities meaning if they have gone even further; they would have found probably more something like…it is the trend. No wonder…we are at the top. We are number one!

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Monday, October 28, 2013

AWESOME! wakeskating Philippine's 8th wonder of the world

When I first saw a picture of this; I thought of it as a perfect Photoshop in fact I considered it real artistic until I saw it on the news. I said; “wow, it’s real ingenious to even think and then acted on it.” There are those however who didn’t see it as fun but c’mon; there is no damage done and it’s really good. I wonder how many times they have to do it to get the perfect shot the way it is. It’s more fun in the Philippines. (1minute)

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

▶ Did Jesus Die On The Cross (BBC 4 Documentary)

This will be a better alternative if you are planning to watch a movie either in your cable or in the theater. The knowledge you gain becomes a part of you something like riding a bike that you don’t unlearn not to mention that some knowledge learned are intellectually exciting specially in this age and time where you virtually travel in different places and times. If you are a Christian; this documentary movie will not make you less of a Christian than you already are in fact you can rest in the comfort of knowing that many churches no longer oblige their flocks to believe in the resurrection. Interestingly by the way; background for the re-enactment of the crucifixion was the Philippine’s (Pampangga) holy week re-enactment where real people are nailed to the cross with real nails.

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

IS EARTH UNDER REAL THREAT of comet hit…? (2 minutes)

Some kind of scary: after the coming of the BEAST 666 in 1990 and the New Jerusalem in 1994 not to mention the Muslim Dajjal in 2001; I have come to believe that “the end” could be at any moment but earth seems to be okay until I got this on my E-mail. A Chinese space telescope Tiam Lian 1 released this 2 minutes video of the 3.1 mile comet ‘Ison’ some say put Mars in coma when it passed by it and changed course that may threatens earth. You can see in the video that 2 UFOs were in orbit around the comet some say is veering the comet away from earth but others suspect otherwise. What if the UFOs are steering the comet towards earth and to compound the scare; a massive UFO mothership is allegedly parked on the dark-side of the moon. Fiction…? Be the judge. 

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

LAKE LANAO; Lifeline of the MARANAWS

I have been for quite a while trying to put together a short movie of Lake Lanao but I couldn’t find the material I want to project. I scoured YouTube but nobody seems to have made a documentary of the lake’s untouched beauty anyhow; at least I tried. If your own photo appeared in this short movie; I thank you and be proud because I chose your photo or photos from the thousands posted in the net.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Dr. Brown’s search of the God that listened to his prayer as an atheist

We have all heard of people’s amazing journeys to Islam that differs in as many as there are people on the journey but rarely if at all do we hear of one that is based on real miracle. If you are in the medical or paramedic profession; you will understand why Dr. Brown’s journey is miraculous in every sense of the word. You cannot find an abnormality on an ultrasound and moments later; it is completely changed to being normal unless the power of prayer did intervened and yes…Dr. Brown was an atheist at the time he prayed to God. The miracle set him on a journey to finding God…

It must have gone like this:

Atheist: “If it is true that there is a God and you are there…”

God: “Yea; I am here and to prove I am here alright…your wish is granted but will you fulfill your end of the bargain?”

THIS IS A QUESTION FOR ALL: "Will you fulfill your end o the bargain with God...?"

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Friday, October 18, 2013


The Earthquake that hit the Philippine Island of Bohol on October 15 that destroyed homes and killed about 200 also destroyed churches considered national treasures. Many lives were saved especially children who were away from school because of the Eid’l Adha (Muslim) Holiday. The Eid’l Adha translated “Feast of Sacrifice” marks the day Prophet Abraham (a.s.) sacrificed Ishmael; his only son at the time in obedience to God’s demand. What most people don’t know was the reason for the sacrifice. It was actually for the building of Ka’aba or Beit Allah (House of God); the first house of worship for God. This is where the tradition of shedding of sacrificial animal blood before the construction of a building began…believe it or not. This latest video is my reading of the ‘signs of the times’: 7 minutes.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

You have to see it to BELIEVE! (3 minutes video)


If I did not see and hear it word for word; I would have never believed it. I can’t discard the feeling that the latest Philippine earthquake in Bohol is another sign of the times whose real meaning everybody is missing. I was looking for some YouTube video that I can put into a short documentary of sort that will visualize what I feel when I came upon this 3 ½ minutes video that…shocked me. Listen; you can follow it word for word.


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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Vatican’s Official Exorcist: THE DEVIL IS REAL…

Whether you are a Christian or not; you will find this weird if not shocked at why Vatican is keeping all these idols that used to be objects of worship by idolaters in the past. Some of you may have heard of rumors of these artifacts or read about it somewhere in the net but you probably have not seen this 11 minutes documentary report that I found in my YouTube channel.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

▶ UFO In Hong Kong...

Wow! This is the best of recent UFO sightings I found posted on YouTube. With the increasing sophistication of digital cameras both as single unit camera or camera in your cell phone; we know that whenever you maximize the power of the zoom; the object becomes really unsteady regardless of how you try to steady your hand and hold your breath. The background noise likewise become prominent which happened in this video which is the more reason I believe this is no fake.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013


If you have not watched this video; you would think that what General Wesley Clark said was a myth. Of the 7 countries mentioned; only the axis of Lebanon (Hezbollah), Syria (only a matter of time) and Iran remains. USA with its African allies successfully removed the Al-Shabab from power in Somalia and successfully partitioned Sudan with the granting of Independence to the mostly Christian South meaning of the 7; 4 are already destroyed: Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Sudan. General Clark, mentioned 7 not 8 because at the time; Afghanistan was already being bombed meaning it’s actually 8 countries not 7 including Afghanistan.

When Obama declared that USA will bomb Syria as early as within days of his speech; the world held its breath. I think what really saved Syria from bombing devastation similar to what it did to Libya was UK’s parliament vote of no go. USA is so financially broke; it won’t go to another war unless its traditional allies like UK and the NATO (who are likewise broke) are willing to go along and pay for the cost.

USA as of today is still locked down without the necessary budget to finance government operations…real weird.  The World Bank is warning the US government to end the lock down and fix the debt ceiling or default on its debts and drag down the world economy. USA’s current debt now stands at 16.7 trillion dollars. 

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Muslim Zeng He; did he discover America before Columbus?

Zeng He; the Muslim Chinese Admiral who commanded the greatest armada of ships ever assembled is back in the limelight with the latest book “1421; the year China Discovered America.” The following is a 2 hours documentary of his exploits where the author theorized that he discovered America 70 years before Columbus and possibly without knowing circumnavigated the globe long before Magellan did. 

Zheng He (1371–1433), formerly romanized as Cheng Ho, was a Hui-Chinese court eunuch, mariner, explorer, diplomat and fleet admiral, who commanded expeditionary voyages to Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and East Africa from 1405 to 1433. As a favorite of the Yongle Emperor, whose usurpation he assisted, he rose to the top of the imperial hierarchy and served as commander of the southern capital Nanjing. These voyages were long neglected in official Chinese histories but have become well known in China and abroad since the publication of Liang Qihao's "Biography of Our Homeland's Great Navigator, Zheng He"[3] in 1904.[4] A trilingual stele left by the navigator was discovered on Sri Lanka shortly thereafter.
Zheng He was the second son of a family from Kunyang,[a] Yunnan.[5] He was originally born with the name Ma He.[1][6] His family were Hui people. He had four sisters[1][6][7][8] and one older brother.[1][7]
Zheng He's religious beliefs are uncertain. We know that he was born into a Muslim family[6][9][10] and that on his travels he built mosques while also spreading the worship of Mazu/Tianfei. He apparently never found time for a pilgrimage to Mecca but did send sailors there on his last voyage. He played an important part in developing relations between China and Islamic countries.[11][12] His religious beliefs may have become eclectic in his adulthood.[9][10] Zheng He also visited Muslim shrines of Islamic holy men in the Fujian province. In 1985 a Muslim-style tomb was built in Nanjing on the site of an earlier horseshoe-shape grave; it contains his clothes and headgear as his body was buried at sea.[13]
He was the great-great-great-grandson of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar, a Persian who served in the administration of the Mongol Empire and was the Governor of Yunnan during the early Yuan Dynasty.[14][15] His great-grandfather was named Bayan and may have been stationed at a Mongol garrisons in Yunnan.[6] His grandfather carried the title hajji.[1][16] His father had the surname Ma and the title hajji.[1][6][16] The title suggest that they had made the pilgrimage to Mecca.[1][6][16]

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

ANTS TALK TO EACH OTHER’S…better believe it!

Wow! I just have to put this in my blog. Ants are probably the most organized of insects and very likely of the entire animal kingdom. Scientists are now convinced that to do this; ants must communicate with each other’s as in talk but hey; that is no news for Muslims.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

STATE OF THE NATION: Senator Lacson and the Pig...

Few months into the senate in 2001; Senator Lacson discovered the evil of the Pig. He was a neophyte in the senate. He was told by colleagues that the pork is your bridge to the people. It is how you make friends to advance your political carrier something like “it is the pig that will bribe your way up the political ladder.” He realized though that he was making enemies not friends if he was going to prosecute recipients of his pork who were corrupting his pigs. He found it better to stay clean and gave up his annual 200 million worth of pigs; a whooping 2.4 billion pesos in the 12 years he was in the senate.  (9 minutes in his own words)

He delivered a privilege speech in 2003 against the pork but he was like a criminal telling his co-criminals the evil of their deeds. The session was suspended as soon as he finished his speech and when the session resumed; the session was immediately adjourned. His senator colleagues ignored his privilege speech and lived happily-not-ever-after until Napoles smashed the pig into their faces. Some senators will live-sadly-ever-after not for the loss of their pigs but for the death of their dreams to become presidents but hey; Filipinos are not only forgiving…they have very short memories. Jinggoy Estrada and Bong Revilla could still become future presidents if Bong-Bong Marcos don’t beat them into it…get what I mean?

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Making of Malala Yousafzai: DESTINY's CHILD...

I thought all along before I watched this documentary that the girl Malala was a nobody until she was shot in a failed assassination by the Pakistan Taliban who I always refers to as the soldiers of the Dajjal.  I was wrong…

Watch this 10 minutes documentary made before she was shot in the head by the Taliban and tell me if she does not deserve regardless of her young age the “Nobel for Peace.” She deserves it far better than US president Obama, Israel’s president Perez  and NATO; real non-fictions gods of war that were hilariously awarded the Nobel for Peace. 

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Pakistan Taliban: Heretics Waging War against Islam

As a Muslim; it pains me a lot to see freaks among my co-religionists do things I would consider very un-Islamic acts in facts I would call it evil. It boggles the mind how such people would do ungodly acts and scream to the top of their voices the name of God; an act that defaces the beautiful face of Islam. I find it real hard to comprehend unless we are closer to the end times; closer than we think where according to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) the ‘Dajjal’ will mislead Muslims to damnation. Some of you may have amusingly laughed with things I wrote in the past where I tagged the “one eyed Mullah Muhammad Omar;” founding father of the Taliban as the prophesied ‘Dajjal.’  These heretics took it upon themselves to wage war against Muslims who do not subscribe to their brand of Islam.

This is an 8 minutes video edited from a 42 minutes video I found in my YouTube Channel. I am likewise posting the whole video for those who have the time to watch.

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Saturday, October 5, 2013


One amazing thing I found so awe-inspiring among most reverts to Islam is their wide range of knowledge of Christianity before finding their way to Islam as if that very knowledge serves as the torch that light their paths to Islam.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013


Compiling clips is not difficult but it is time consuming because first you have to search the net and download the video files. You then have to watch all of it one by one to choose the scenes you like to cut and paste/download into a new compilation file. Whoever made this video must have spent days and weeks to complete. You can correctly call this 9 minutes video a collector’s item…

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

“THE PIG” is much ado about nothing…

There is another million-man march in the making for the pig and its barrel of killer fat. The president have already declared that there will be no Pork Barrel as in ‘Read my lips’; no more pork barrel now and in the future. If you look at the people leading the million-man march; they are the same people you see over and over on television who makes it a hobby of making noise against any issue that is making the headlines.

So okay; let’s kill the pig but how about the poor that draws benefits from it which reminds me of the biblical story where Prophet Abraham (a.s.) asked God if it is just for the innocents to die with the sinners before the destruction of the city of Sodom.

There was the Pork Barrel, the Malampaya Funds and now; the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP). I always believe that Philippine is a poor country but wow; I think I am wrong…very wrong. I get dizzy with all these billions being tossed around but hey; why make so much ado about it if it goes to the people? Take for instance the government savings that it put into the DAP that some pathetic politicians are threatening to impeach the president with. First; this money is a government saving which only proved P-Noy’s campaign slogan: “Kung walang kurap; walang mahirap.” Let us be joyful that unlike previous administrations; it did not end up in some secret bank accounts in the Swiss and the Caribbean. Second; P-Noy re-distributed the money to different departments to spur the economy and for the first time possibly because of that…the economy boomed beyond expectations. Increased government spending is the easiest way to boost the economy. You build roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, government buildings and lend to the banks to provide capitals for business. Thanks to P-Noy; there was 137 billion government savings to do all that. To be called a ‘Tiger-economy’ is no small feat for any president. Only 9% of the government savings went to Pork Barrel boost on the correct assumption that congressmen know better the needs of their constituents. What is important beyond any politicking is that the money went to development projects that provided jobs and infrastructures benefiting the people so what’s the fuss? To impeach the president for doing the right thing that no other president ever did in the past is not only idiotic; it’s treason.

Obviously; some senators and congressmen abused their pigs so let’s hang them and hang them high for animal cruelty.


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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Aspiring Baptist Minister’s Inspiring Journey to Islam

Quote: I met a Muslim and we talked about religion and after he explained a little bit about Islam; I considered him a confused Christian.

Quote: I found the Qur’an to be everything I want Christianity to be. I embraced Islam instead of going to the seminary.

Quote: My Muslim friend is probably not a confused Christian; maybe I (a Christian) am a confused Muslim.

Quote: If Jesus is God; I am a Christian but if he is not; I am a Muslim. It is as simple as that!

Quote: I want Jesus to speak to me and tell me who he is not what other people tell me about him. Bible: “The father is greater than I. I of my own self can do nothing. Why call me good when the only good is the father who art in heaven. ‘My God my God; why thou has forsaken me’ so Jesus is telling me that he is not God.”

Comment: [John chapter 16 obviously refers to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) but Christians insist that it refers to the Holy Spirit. This is a portion of this sitcom where I found myself clapping my hands :-)]

Quote: You say that Jesus is God, the father is God and the Holy Ghost is God and these 3 are one and the same so let us call them God and read John 16 with clarity: God said, it’s expedient for God to go for if God does not go; God will not come but if God goes, God will send God unto you and God the spirit of truth will not speak as God but only what God heard God said, God shall speak and God shall guide you into all truth. (Does it make sense…?)

▶ An aspiring Christian Baptist Minister meets Muslim in a BAR and learns Islam-TheDeenShow - YouTube:

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