Thursday, October 24, 2013

IS EARTH UNDER REAL THREAT of comet hit…? (2 minutes)

Some kind of scary: after the coming of the BEAST 666 in 1990 and the New Jerusalem in 1994 not to mention the Muslim Dajjal in 2001; I have come to believe that “the end” could be at any moment but earth seems to be okay until I got this on my E-mail. A Chinese space telescope Tiam Lian 1 released this 2 minutes video of the 3.1 mile comet ‘Ison’ some say put Mars in coma when it passed by it and changed course that may threatens earth. You can see in the video that 2 UFOs were in orbit around the comet some say is veering the comet away from earth but others suspect otherwise. What if the UFOs are steering the comet towards earth and to compound the scare; a massive UFO mothership is allegedly parked on the dark-side of the moon. Fiction…? Be the judge. 

'via Blog this'

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