Monday, October 7, 2013

Pakistan Taliban: Heretics Waging War against Islam

As a Muslim; it pains me a lot to see freaks among my co-religionists do things I would consider very un-Islamic acts in facts I would call it evil. It boggles the mind how such people would do ungodly acts and scream to the top of their voices the name of God; an act that defaces the beautiful face of Islam. I find it real hard to comprehend unless we are closer to the end times; closer than we think where according to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) the ‘Dajjal’ will mislead Muslims to damnation. Some of you may have amusingly laughed with things I wrote in the past where I tagged the “one eyed Mullah Muhammad Omar;” founding father of the Taliban as the prophesied ‘Dajjal.’  These heretics took it upon themselves to wage war against Muslims who do not subscribe to their brand of Islam.

This is an 8 minutes video edited from a 42 minutes video I found in my YouTube Channel. I am likewise posting the whole video for those who have the time to watch.

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