Friday, October 18, 2013


The Earthquake that hit the Philippine Island of Bohol on October 15 that destroyed homes and killed about 200 also destroyed churches considered national treasures. Many lives were saved especially children who were away from school because of the Eid’l Adha (Muslim) Holiday. The Eid’l Adha translated “Feast of Sacrifice” marks the day Prophet Abraham (a.s.) sacrificed Ishmael; his only son at the time in obedience to God’s demand. What most people don’t know was the reason for the sacrifice. It was actually for the building of Ka’aba or Beit Allah (House of God); the first house of worship for God. This is where the tradition of shedding of sacrificial animal blood before the construction of a building began…believe it or not. This latest video is my reading of the ‘signs of the times’: 7 minutes.

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