Wednesday, October 2, 2013

“THE PIG” is much ado about nothing…

There is another million-man march in the making for the pig and its barrel of killer fat. The president have already declared that there will be no Pork Barrel as in ‘Read my lips’; no more pork barrel now and in the future. If you look at the people leading the million-man march; they are the same people you see over and over on television who makes it a hobby of making noise against any issue that is making the headlines.

So okay; let’s kill the pig but how about the poor that draws benefits from it which reminds me of the biblical story where Prophet Abraham (a.s.) asked God if it is just for the innocents to die with the sinners before the destruction of the city of Sodom.

There was the Pork Barrel, the Malampaya Funds and now; the Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP). I always believe that Philippine is a poor country but wow; I think I am wrong…very wrong. I get dizzy with all these billions being tossed around but hey; why make so much ado about it if it goes to the people? Take for instance the government savings that it put into the DAP that some pathetic politicians are threatening to impeach the president with. First; this money is a government saving which only proved P-Noy’s campaign slogan: “Kung walang kurap; walang mahirap.” Let us be joyful that unlike previous administrations; it did not end up in some secret bank accounts in the Swiss and the Caribbean. Second; P-Noy re-distributed the money to different departments to spur the economy and for the first time possibly because of that…the economy boomed beyond expectations. Increased government spending is the easiest way to boost the economy. You build roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, government buildings and lend to the banks to provide capitals for business. Thanks to P-Noy; there was 137 billion government savings to do all that. To be called a ‘Tiger-economy’ is no small feat for any president. Only 9% of the government savings went to Pork Barrel boost on the correct assumption that congressmen know better the needs of their constituents. What is important beyond any politicking is that the money went to development projects that provided jobs and infrastructures benefiting the people so what’s the fuss? To impeach the president for doing the right thing that no other president ever did in the past is not only idiotic; it’s treason.

Obviously; some senators and congressmen abused their pigs so let’s hang them and hang them high for animal cruelty.


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