Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Aspiring Baptist Minister’s Inspiring Journey to Islam

Quote: I met a Muslim and we talked about religion and after he explained a little bit about Islam; I considered him a confused Christian.

Quote: I found the Qur’an to be everything I want Christianity to be. I embraced Islam instead of going to the seminary.

Quote: My Muslim friend is probably not a confused Christian; maybe I (a Christian) am a confused Muslim.

Quote: If Jesus is God; I am a Christian but if he is not; I am a Muslim. It is as simple as that!

Quote: I want Jesus to speak to me and tell me who he is not what other people tell me about him. Bible: “The father is greater than I. I of my own self can do nothing. Why call me good when the only good is the father who art in heaven. ‘My God my God; why thou has forsaken me’ so Jesus is telling me that he is not God.”

Comment: [John chapter 16 obviously refers to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) but Christians insist that it refers to the Holy Spirit. This is a portion of this sitcom where I found myself clapping my hands :-)]

Quote: You say that Jesus is God, the father is God and the Holy Ghost is God and these 3 are one and the same so let us call them God and read John 16 with clarity: God said, it’s expedient for God to go for if God does not go; God will not come but if God goes, God will send God unto you and God the spirit of truth will not speak as God but only what God heard God said, God shall speak and God shall guide you into all truth. (Does it make sense…?)

▶ An aspiring Christian Baptist Minister meets Muslim in a BAR and learns Islam-TheDeenShow - YouTube:

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