Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Zealand lawmaker calls for Muslim flight ban...

Yea right and Christians are inquisitors who tortured, brutalized and burned people who did not believe that Earth is flat and the sun rotates around earth or Napoleon or Hitler or Bush/Chenney or Melosivic/Mladic who slaughtered millions of Jews, Muslims and others. Wow; before you or any other freaks criticize Muslims…please look in the mirror because Muslims are none of the above and…9/11? I think I need to vomit…

New Zealand lawmaker calls for Muslim flight ban
A New Zealand politician has labelled young Muslim men a terrorist threat who should be banned from Western airlines, sparking condemnation from Prime Minister John Key on Tuesday.
Richard Prosser, of the New Zealand First party, also labelled Islam a "stone age religion" in a magazine column, claiming that most terrorists were "angry young Muslim men who hate the West".
"If you are a young male, aged between say about 19 and about 35, and you're a Muslim, or you look like a Muslim, or you come from a Muslim country, then you are not welcome to travel on any of the West's airlines," he wrote.
He added: "I will not stand by while my daughters' rights and freedoms, and those of other New Zealanders and Westerners, are denigrated by a sorry pack of misogynist troglodytes from 'Wogistan'."

Please read full article:

'via Blog this'


  1. haha! he just want to become famous but i do thank him from the very bottom of my heart for making Muslims as the topic once again. i just pray that this may not spark anger amongst us Muslims but rather we seek for the enlightenment of the mind of this guy and his likes. Allah bless!

  2. besides it is written in the Holy Quran: Surat Al Bagarah Verse 120: And never will the Jews and Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the (only) guidance." if you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.
