Wednesday, February 13, 2013

British Journalist Yvonne Ridley Converts to Islam...

Yvonne Ridley is a British Journalist who was married to a Muslim for 5 years but did not become a Muslim because she would not allow her husband to bring the subject up. She thought she knew enough of Islam until they drifted apart. Because she is a journalist covering south Asia; she fell into the hands of the Taliban. She promised the Taliban leadership that if they let her go; she would read the Qur’an and to fulfill her side of the bargain…she did. The first thing she looked for in the Qur’an was which part where it says the extent of how far a husband can beat his wife and she was shocked. What she found was the rights of women that didn’t exist in the west until 50 years ago. People in the west spend months and years resolving rights of men and women in courts in cases of divorce or the rights of women in cases of inheritance but 1,400 years ago; it was already clearly defined in the Qur’an. This video is worth 56 minutes of your time :-)

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