Sunday, February 10, 2013

Betrayal of the Qur’an: Muslim Nation’s submission to UN/USA/NATO/ISRAEL

It pains me and I believe it does pains as well many Muslims around the world to see Muslim nations fought wars alongside K’firs against another Muslim country. Muslim leaders submitting to the will of the United Nations and USA in the destruction/embargo to inflict suffering and mass murder of Muslims is a great betrayal of God, the Qur’an and the teachings of the prophet of Islam. There is no conflict among Muslims that cannot be solved but with half of the Muslims allied with the K’firs waging wars against the other half is unforgivable. Why would a Muslim nation for instance embargo Iran for no other reason than because USA said so or the United Nations passed a resolution to embargo a Muslim country. That in very simple term is a submission to the will of the United Nations and the United States of America; submission to the will of the SHAITAN against a nation of believers. A community of 1.6 billion believers blessed by God with 80% of the world’s most important commodity is a force to be reckoned with but why Muslim leaders act like whimpering lizards with tails between their legs in submission to the will of the Beast of Empire boggles the mind; unbelievably shocking. If the 57 nations of the OIC refuse to be bound by UN resolutions targeting Muslims member state by virtue of oneness in faith; embargo against Muslims will be toothless.

1 comment:

  1. There should be atleast one Muslim country like Iran or Egypt or Turkey to be a permanent member in the 5 member nations in U.N. Security Council to represent the voice of the Muslim countries. Unlike Israel that is duly represented in the Security Council by the U.S. this being unfair to the Muslim countries like Palestine etc. > Datu Haj Ansari D. Alonto.
