Monday, December 31, 2012

2013: CELEBRATE LIFE; the world did not end in 2012…

That the world was coming to an end in December 2012 showed how humans are restlessly boring animals always looking for excitement even if it would mean the end of the world. What now that the world did not end…?

If there are 7 billion people on planet earth; the New Year should mean differently to 7 billion souls but who cares about 2013 except most of the Christian west that uses the Gregorian calendar? Not half; not even third of the people of earth really cares about 2013. Muslims (1.5 billion), Chinese (1.5 billion) and India (1.3 billion) are the large groups which alone comprises more than half of the entire planet that don’t use the Gregorian calendar so in essence; January 1, 2013 is just another day for most of the people of planet earth.

Filipinos are a people of exaggeration who imitate everything with mind-boggling over zealousness.  That overacting character is exemplified by the adoption and extreme practice of Christianity that surprises even the original Christians that introduce it to the Philippines.

Often times I wonder how Ronald Tubid; the basketball player whose picture/statue at age 17 was adopted by the church to represent saint Pedro Calungsod feels whenever he sees people worshiping his picture/statue. How will his children/grandchildren and future generation feels knowing that the saint Pedro Calungsod that multitudes worship was in fact their father/grandfather? In this age and time; a computer generated face will take minutes if not seconds. I find it strange that the church did not ask for a computer generated face based on Pedro Calungsod’s living relatives.

The use of firecrackers is very Chinese in character that Filipinos adopted with gusto. It causes a lot of injuries with some deaths; a practice that you don’t find anywhere else on the planet yet; neither Christianity nor the celebration of New Year is indigenous to Philippines. These are alien to Philippine culture that we practice with absurd zealotry.

That there is more fun in the Philippine is no empty slogan. Whatever others can do; Filipinos can do even more…for better or worse :-(


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Israel...Butchers Of Gaza

This is one short video I like to keep in my blog because if there is one who says it better and direct to the point with out mumbling; it’s brother Nathanael not to mention that this is one of the most important event that happened before 2012 fades into oblivion without the world coming to an end :-)

Friday, December 28, 2012

STARSHIP HUMANITY: imagine life 50, 100 AND 150 years from now…

I realized that fifty years from now; my youngest daughter will be at my present age meaning I will not be there but she and my grandchildren will be; insaallah!

Scientific American; January 2013 issue asked prophets of Technology what life would be like 50, 100 and 150 years from now. Reading it right now is like traveling in time because for certain; it will not be less but probably more than what we can right now imagine. Prophets of technology tends to be conservatively realistic to separate themselves from fiction writers but hey; when 007 talked to his watch some 45 years ago like a phone; we smiled at it like in a pleasant dream. When pictures were added to the fiction like a live-television on James Bond’s wrist; we laughed at it like too much fiction and yet we live not only to see it happen but to have one in our pockets while children use it for live-internet gaming; a toy.

I wrote a week ago how photos my daughter took with her tablet back home in the Philippine instantly uploads in my Google-plus that I can instantly see. Last night; I discovered something else. You probably know about this but I didn’t. There is in your facebook page a map where it says where you live; at least that was what I thought indicating from your profile your address? I was wrong. I always ignored that face of my facebook until last night when I saw the map says I was at the “Mall of Asia.” I said, “What?” I realized that Nishreen had been to 9 different places since she received her tablet 3 weeks ago the last being at MOA :-) I have no idea if it is a function of her tablet’s GPS or her Google map. Fiction…? Nah!

We see in science fiction movies flying cars that we now thought is pure fiction. We can’t imagine how it will be possible but if you are young; you may actually ride in one maybe even own it. Drones that USA uses not only to spy but murder enemies with the consequent death of many innocents will in the future turn into manned space vehicles (MSV) as well although unmanned space vehicle (USV) will still be around getting even more sophisticated. Some drones will be the size of your red blood cells that can circulate in your body to spy on your organs and hunt and kill whatever that makes you ill. Other drones will be insect size from mosquito size to birds that can spy and kill in urban areas. USA has 7,000 spy/killer drones with unknown numbers in many other countries. If drones can fly 24 hours and carry heavy loads of bombs; why not humans and to drive it; you don’t need a driver’s license :-) Drones technology is the next world changing technology after the internet. Electrical engineers should tread this path or be left behind by those who does.

What truly fascinates me is space travel. Again; 150 years from now for colonists to live and thrive on Mars is too conservative a time but ah; journey to the stars…150 years it is. With big business and moneyed individuals investing on Mars’ future colonies; I may even live to see it happen and when I see humankind walks on the surface of Mars; I will sail towards the sunset with a smile in my face.


How future generations will make the voyage from our earthly home to the planets and beyond—and what it means for our species
By Cameron M. Smith


If space colonization is to succeed in the long run, we must consider biology and culture as carefully as engineering. Colonization cannot be about rockets and robots alone—it will have to embrace bodies, people, families, communities and cultures. We must begin to build an anthropology of space colonization to grapple with the fuzzy, messy, dynamic and often infuriating world of human bio-cultural adaptation. And we must plan this new venture while remembering the clearest fact of all regarding living things: they change through time, by evolution. Three main concepts shape current thought about space colonization. First is the colonization of Mars. Widely publicized by the peppery space engineer and president of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin, Martian colonies would be self sufficient, using local resources to generate water and oxygen as well as to make construction materials. Next is the concept of free-floating colonies—enormous habitats built from lunar or asteroid metals. Popularized by physicist Gerard K. O’Neill in the 1970s, these would house thousands of people, could rotate to provide an Earth-like gravity (as beautifully envisioned in the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey), and could either orbit Earth or hang motionless at so-called Lagrangian points, spots where an object’s orbital motion balances the gravitational pull of the sun, moon and Earth. Finally, we might also consider the concept of the Space Ark, a giant craft carrying thousands of space colonists on a one way, multigenerational voyage far from Earth. I have been working with the nonprofit foundation Icarus Interstellar to design just such a mission. Each of these approaches has its merits, and I think they are all technologically inevitable. But we must never confuse space colonization with the conquest of space. The world beyond ours is unimaginably vast; it will be what it has always been. When humankind begins to make its home in space, it is we who will change.

Scientific American: January 2013

Dubai Rotating Tower: MIND-BOGGLING...

There seems to be no limit to human imagination and to human capabilities where the only limit is what else; human imagination. I just concluded a short essay on what life would be 50, 100 and 150 years from now based on the January 2013 issue of scientific American when I saw this on YouTube. While we can predict the future; our predictions are just guesses at best. Sometimes; fictions are better predictor of the future. Watch this 3 minutes video and tell me if it is not fiction made real here and now…

Houses and building in the future will all be made in the factories that you just sort of assemble on a piece of land. A company in china is building sky scrapers in months not in years in fact; the company plans to build the world’ tallest building in just 3 months. Impossible…?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

EMPIRE troops to Libya, Sudan, Algeria, Nigeria, Mali and 30 others African countries…

If you think for a moment that the empire is slowing down to take care of problems at home; you are wrong. Since USA’s economy if ever it will recover will take a long time; the empire like its predecessors will expand its arms reach to plunder the natural resources of African nations at the pretext of what else; battling Islamic extremist laughably out to bring down by force the pantheons of democracy. If you are old enough to remember; it is exactly the same reasons that warmonger USA justifies its wars to stop evil godless communist from taking over the planet and taking away your freedom to do evil. The USA’s troops according to this piece of news will specially head to Libya, Nigeria, Algeria, Sudan and Mali: sounds familiar? The empire obviously has declared war on Islam worldwide; Middle East, South Asia and now Africa.

US Deploying Troops To 35 African Countries 

By Russia Today

December 25, 2012 "
Russia Today" -- The United States Army will be deploying troops to nearly three-dozen African nations in the coming year.

Soldiers based out of Fort Riley, Kansas’ 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division will begin training in March 2013 in order to prepare for a project that will send troops to as many as 35 African nations, the Associated Press reports.

Citing a growing threat from extremist groups, including those with ties to al-Qaeda, the Department of Defense is hoping to install American soldiers overseas in order to prepare local troops there for any future crises as tensions escalate.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

An Open Letter To All Americans: Shame On You!

QUOTE: I know it isn’t 87 a day. That’s how many die by getting shot: over 30,000 unnecessary deaths a year.

America already has one gun for every adult. Yet the NRA claims that increasing the number of guns will make Americans safer – they’ll be able to defend themselves.

My comment:

I almost double-up laughing at the above part of what I was reading. The National Rifle Association (NRA) want Americans to have even more guns to be able to better defend themselves!

Defend themselves against what; their neighbors? Is this what USA has become? Obviously; Americans cannot defend themselves against their government’s tyranny because the government has murderous machines (drones), stealth bombers, nuclear devices than can erase from the map an unruly state of the federation meaning the citizenry is no match to the Empire’s universal soldiers.

Anyway; if you ask me…I say arm them to the teeth. Listen to the NRA. Let them Americans self destruct. Think of USA as the Star War “Battle Station” that when disabled will instantly trigger a cessation of hostilities around the planet. The fall of the beast will be good for the peace loving people of planet earth.

An afterthought: USA’s 300 million population is 5% of the world’s total but it consumes 60 % of all psychiatric drugs sold in the market worldwide :-(

An Open Letter To All Americans: Shame On You!

By Jim Taylor
December 23, 2012 "Al Jazeera" --  The Sandy Hook shooting should not have surprised you. It’s simply the most recent in a series of multiple murders. Since 1966, when Charles Whitman climbed into a tower on the University of Texas campus in Austin and started picking off random victims, the pattern has been depressingly familiar. The list of massacres rolls off the tongue like a litany: Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech, Tucson, Fort Hood, Nickel Mines, Oak Ridge, Sandy Hook…

Has no one set it to music yet?

It’s always the same – go to a place where people gather, where they think they’re safe – a school, a theatre, a place of worship, a shopping mall -- and mow them down.

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Cool; a tour of the inside of the International Space Station (ISS)

Guys this is real cool; a 25 minutes tour of the inside of the International Space Station (ISS) we heard so much about on the news. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

STUNNING APPS: mobile phone owners…must read!

I discovered something in my mobile application that is shockingly pleasant if not stunning. I am going to share it because it could mean life and death for some at moments you can never tell when it will happen.

I was shocked pleasantly I should say when I discovered in my Google plus photos; funny photos that my 8 years old daughter took with her Samsung Galaxy tab. She is in the process of learning how to use the camera in her tablet so she took photos and videos of anything that took her fancy. It gave me tremendously pleasant surprise but that is not the point. She is Manila and I am in KSA. It virtually transcended the borders of space and time. She has not the slightest hint neither did I that photos and videos she took will be instantly uploaded to my Google-plus. I have not told her yet but she will be wondering for the meantime how I got her photos that I just posted on her wall. 

For the millions of Filipino overseas foreign workers (OFWs) scattered all over the globe; this is tremendously useful apps but that is not all. In the Philippines where criminality is rampant; don’t resist if somebody poke a gun or knife at your side. Give him your mobile, your wallet and your pants as well. Go home and monitor your Google+ account until photos start appearing in your gallery. Take the photos to the police and whoa; huli ka :-)

If you are a facebook fanatic; Google plus does not require you to close your account. You can have both. The beauty of Google-plus instant upload is; you don’t even have to transfer the photos to your desk top or laptop.


Saturday, December 22, 2012


1.      Sandy Devastates the U.S. Northeastern Coast

Like a bad horror movie sequel, Hurricane Sandy churned up the U.S. east coast this fall, making landfall on the New Jersey shore just before Halloween and a little more than a year after Hurricane Irene took a similar path. Unlike Hurricane Irene, which devastated inland communities with torrential rains, Sandy's wrath came in the form of hurricane-force winds and a storm surge exceeding four meters—enough to reshape the New Jersey and Long Island shorelines as well as inundatecritical New York City infrastructure, such as subway tunnels and power stations, among other ill effects.

Meteorologists dubbed Sandy a “frankenstorm” for its meteorologic mash-up of a hurricane moving up from the south, a winter storm moving in from the west and a ridge of high pressure forcing the systems to merge and move inland. Add in the fact that the tropical cyclone alone stretched more than 1,500 kilometers across and boasted the lowest pressure of any storm ever recorded north of North Carolina—943 millibars—and Sandy certainly merited the designation “superstorm.”
Climate change seems to have intensified the event. A record summer sea ice melt in the Arctic likely helped create the weather conditions that forced Hurricane Sandy along its ill-fated track. The storm also gained "a little bit of extra kick from the slightly warmer than normal waters it will be tracking over," noted James Franklin, the branch chief of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center.

The disaster, which inflicted at least $50-billion worth of damage and claimed at least 250 lives, 131 in the U.S. alone, showed the vulnerability of our cities and coastal communities.  Sandy's legacy demands new thinking as to how best to prepare forfuture punishing storms, likely to be even stronger in our ever-warmer world. —David Biello

2. The Higgs Boson Is Detected

This year the best Fourth of July fireworks took place in Europe. On that warm summer’s day, in a conference room not far from the shores of Lake Geneva, physicists representing two experiments at the Large Hadron Collider celebrated the news four decades in the making: The Higgs boson had been found.

The next day’s front-page headline ofThe New York Times read “Physicists Find Elusive Particle Seen as Key to Universe,” but the Higgs discovery is about much more than enhancing our understanding of the subatomic world. The Higgs represents the final chapter in the story of 21st-century particle physics. It completes the Standard Model, the theoretical description of all the known particles and forces (and by some metrics the most successful theory in the history of science). From here, hopes are that scientists at the LHC will make discoveries that illuminate the universe beyond the Standard Model, providing fireworks for years to come. —Michael Moyer

3. NASA’s Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars

In 2012 Mars received a new six-wheeled visitor. NASA’s Curiosity rover—the biggest, most sophisticated explorer of its kind—landed safely on the Red Planet in August. The successful touchdown capped an elaborate landing sequence that had been dubbed “seven minutes of terror” and made mini-celebrities out of mission engineers (notably flight director Bobak Ferdowsi, aka the “Mohawk guy”).

Curiosity’s roughly two-year mission on Mars has only just begun—the rover is still trying out some of its instruments for the first time. But already the rover has foundevidence of an ancient riverbed and has detected tantalizing but unconfirmed hints of Martian carbon (the stuff of life on Earth) in the soil. Soon Curiosity will begin to explore Mount Sharp, a towering stack of sedimentary layers that should provide clues to the conditions that prevailed on ancient Mars, when water flowed more freely.—John Matson


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ISRAEL AND CHRISTIANITY; the nauseating paradox of our time…

Israel’s plan has always been to keep talking peace even if takes forever and in the meantime; keep building settlements until nothing is left for the Palestinians to live except isolated rocky hills unsuitable for habitation. 

Make life so miserable that young Palestinians who left to study or visit abroad would never like to come back or parents who want their children and grandchildren to have a better future will be forced to send them abroad to live with friends and relatives never to return. It is working; of course it should. It is designed by evil geniuses who believe that non-Jews are nothing more than dogs…no exception and Christians worship the ground they walk on like divine royalties not to mention that Jews crucified Jesus. 

I don’t care what UN says about settlement activities: Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he doesn’t care about what the United Nations says about Tel Aviv’s plan to build more settler units, pledging to escalate the construction activities.

Netanyahu made the remarks in an interview broadcasted in part on Israeli Channel 2 on Friday. 

Netanyahu described al-Quds (Jerusalem) as Israel’s capital and said it was not an occupied territory. 

"I don't care what the United Nations says," Netanyahu declared.

Full article:

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Friday, December 21, 2012


The “SARIMANOK” emblem was at one time the logo of the Miss Universe pageant :-)

There must be something lucky about the Maranao and I am proud to be one…

Maranao-inspired, kasi ‘yun talaga ‘yung bagay sa akin na pinagpilian,” Tugonon told ABS-CBN News.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Prophet’s Mosque: A GHOST OR A GLOWING PERSON (1 minute)

Huh! Is this a GHOST or a glowing person as the poster assumed in this video? This was a live video that one observer noted while the camera panned inside the Prophet’s mosque on a Friday. Who wouldn't be interested to see a glowing person so I clicked the video. I had to replay it several times trying to see if a bright light was seeping from above causing the figure in question to be brightly exposed but there was no noticeable beam of light hitting the white figure. I tried to look closely if persons next to the figure were likewise brightly exposed or if anyone else in the multitude of worshipers was or were brightly lighted that will indicate a bright bulbs at particular places inside the mosque but there was none. My skin crawled when I looked closely because the figure appeared to me more like a ghost than a normal person. Watch it; it’s only 45 seconds…

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Life goes on despite 'Mayan Apocalypse' (2 minutes video)

Reminds me of my mother’s loom (weaver)…

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


 ISLAM is the only non-Christian faith that recognizes and accepts Jesus. You can’t be a Muslim if you don’t believe in Jesus (9 minutes video).


A hitman is what we see in the movies. Neither I nor you will ever meet one in our natural life because they don’t go around boasting about their profession. They stay incognito; they kill for money; no question asked. They have no empathy for life; they can’t afford to have one. They ride in motorcycle tandem lately; one to drive the other to fire the lethal shot. Aim for the head or the heart; one shot to kill.

USA’s latest killers are of a different breed; a different evil. CIA used to employ professional hitmen to kill enemies abroad. Now; they kill on broad daylight and they laugh about it like they just killed terrorists on counter strike computer game. This is a new world. This is accelerated future. It is here to stay. It will evolve to let machines do the killing. It will completely dehumanize wars; killing a million at the push of a button will mean nothing because machines have no emotions. It is the reverse of fiction. Machines dehumanizing humans not humans humanizing machines.

Read this article: a guy on the job pins a photo of his wife and two children on his computer monitor. In front of him are multiple satellite monitors of targets 10,000 km away on the other side of the planet. He listens to others thousands of miles away from each others. He receives command to fire and pushed the button. Again; like a computer game…he sees a flash and buildings collapsed. He smiles at his wife and children’s photo. Somewhere on the other side of planet earth; he just killed someone’s wife and someone’s children or killed a father that turned wives into widows and children into orphans. He doesn't care; how can he feel for someone he never meet 10,000 km away. Maybe he killed ten; maybe a hundred. It’s all numbers that matters not. Others take care of statistics. He goes home, have a nice dinner and play with the kids: this is what America has become.

Imagine the chaos, the wailing, screams and cries, dismembered and mangled bodies, the flaming and collapsed buildings 10,000 km away. Death and destruction…America doesn't care; they laugh like blood sucking vampires. 

The Woes of an American Drone Operator
By Nicola Abé


Bryant saw a flash on the screen: the explosion. Parts of the building collapsed. The child had disappeared. Bryant had a sick feeling in his stomach.

“Did we just kill a kid?” he asked the man sitting next to him.

“Yeah, I guess that was a kid,” the pilot replied.

“Was that a kid?” they wrote into a chat window on the monitor.

Then, someone they didn’t know answered, someone sitting in a military command center somewhere in the world who had observed their attack. “No. That was a dog,” the person wrote.

They reviewed the scene on video.  A dog on two legs?


Bryant completed 6,000 flight hours during his six years in the Air Force.
 “I saw men, women and children die during that time,” says Bryant. “I never thought I would kill that many people. In fact, I thought I couldn’t kill anyone at all.”


At some point, Brandon Bryant just wanted to get out and do something else. He spent a few more months overseas, this time in Afghanistan. But then, when he returned to New Mexico, he found that he suddenly hated the cockpit, which smelled of sweat. He began spraying air freshener to get rid of the stench. He also found he wanted to do something that saved lives rather than took them away. He thought working as a survival trainer might fit the bill, although his friends tried to dissuade him.

On uneventful days in the cockpit, he would write in his diary, jotting down lines like: “On the battlefield there are no sides, just bloodshed. Total war. Every horror witnessed. I wish my eyes would rot.”


Doctors at the Veterans’ Administration diagnosed Bryant with post-traumatic stress disorder. General hopes for a comfortable war — one that could be completed without emotional wounds — haven’t been fulfilled. Indeed, Bryan’s world has melded with that of the child in Afghanistan. It’s like a short circuit in the brain of the drones.

Why isn’t he with the Air Force anymore? There was one day, he says, when he knew that he wouldn’t sign the next contract. It was the day Bryant walked into the cockpit and heard himself saying to his coworkers: “Hey, what motherfucker is going to die today?”


Israeli Embassy: ‘If alive today, Jesus and Mary would be lynched by hostile Palestinians’

If you watch a Hollywood movie without background knowledge of Jesus’ crucifixion; you will leave the movie thinking that it was the Arabs who crucified Jesus. The Jew owned Hollywood dresses every villainous character in the movie in Arab garbs to make sure that ignorant movie goers gets the idea that it was the Arabs that crucified Jesus.

Mel Gibson was ostracized by Israel and the American Jewish community for his latest movie of Jesus crucifixion that he produced and directed because he made it sure that the movie goers understood that it was the Jews who accused and crucified Jesus.

If Jesus were alive today; he would be in the forefront of peace and the Zionists will crucify him…again.

Israeli Embassy: ‘If alive today, Jesus and Mary would be lynched by hostile Palestinians’
Israel’s diplomatic corps finds itself in hot water after posting an inflammatory message on an official Facebook page. Although the message has now been deleted, this is not the first time Israel has used social media to post controversial views.
The message appeared on the IsraelinIreland Facebook page – which is linked to on the official embassy site – on Monday morning. The post comprised a painting of Mary and Jesus, accompanied by the following caption:
"A thought for Christmas… If Jesus and mother Mary were alive today, they would, as Jews without security, probably end up being lynched in Bethlehem by hostile Palestinians. Just a thought…"
The message sparked immediate heated debate, but was taken down within hours.
“An image of Jesus and Mary with a derogatory comment about Palestinians was posted without the consent of the administrator of the Facebook page. We have removed the post in question immediately. Apologies to anyone who may have been offended,” said an official statement from the Israeli embassy in Dublin.
Full article:

Monday, December 17, 2012

Mars’ Moon Phobos is Hollow and Artificial!

“Allah” is not only referred to as the Lord of the Worlds in the Holy Qur’an; there are many verses in the holy book in reference to other creatures and beings in the universe.

One may not prove but neither one will disproves the existence of other life forms in the infinite universe; to the contrary, man is getting closer to the discovery of his own origin; the Garden of Eden.


Qur’an 10:66  “Behold! Verily to Allah belong all the creatures in the heavens and on Earth.”

Qur’an 4:36  “Then praise to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the Earth, Lord and cherisher of all the Worlds.” (World is always plural everywhere in the Qur’an which could mean universes that would sync with the “MULTIVERSE” theory.)

Qur’an 30:26  “To Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and on Earth. All are devotedly obedient to Him.”

Qur’an 48:4  “For to Allah belong the forces of the heavens and on Earth.”

Qur’an 19:93  “Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to the most gracious as a servant.”

Qur’an 13:15  “Whatever beings there are in the heavens and on earth do prostrate themselves to Allah with good will or in spite of themselves so do their shadows in the morning and evening.” (As spirits, angels are generally accepted to have no shadows that would make this verse very significant as to the physical nature of those extraterrestrial creatures of the heavens)

Qur’an 42:29  “and one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that He scattered through them and He has the power to gather them together when He wills.”

European Space Agency Indicates Mars’ Moon Phobos is Hollow and Artificial!

ESA, the prestigious European Space Agency which is the equivalent of NASA, has confirmed what has long been rumored: Mars’ moon Phobos is hollow but also, it is likely artificial!  Here it is: Proof of intelligent life beyond Earth!
Here are some mind boggling possibilities as to why some alien race or perhaps humans of the future, placed Phobos in Mars orbit:
1.  As a huge spaceship possibly built as an orbiting station and observatory.
2.  As a starship, multi-generational, that arrived from another star system and was parked by Mars.
(To enjoy this concept, check out Star Trek’s For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky!”and also, check out  this website
3. It was being built in Mars orbit for travel between star systems but was never completed. Was it built by Martians before they/we had to immigrate to Earth? Will it be built by humans of the future and somehow fell backward in time through some experiment gone amok?
4. It is a functional (or non-functional) humongous planet-killing space bomb, the remains of some interplanetary space conflict of eons passed? This possibility has been seriously placed on the table by researchers.  What if it still functions?
Might weirdly-shaped Phobos still house aliens?
Earth probes sent to Mars and Phobos have had strange things happen to them. For example, the Russian Mars mission Phobos-Grunt made a surprise transmission in November, 2011, which stated, "I’m alive!” Phobos-Grunt had been dead for many months.

Please read full article: