Tuesday, December 25, 2012

An Open Letter To All Americans: Shame On You!

QUOTE: I know it isn’t 87 a day. That’s how many die by getting shot: over 30,000 unnecessary deaths a year.

America already has one gun for every adult. Yet the NRA claims that increasing the number of guns will make Americans safer – they’ll be able to defend themselves.

My comment:

I almost double-up laughing at the above part of what I was reading. The National Rifle Association (NRA) want Americans to have even more guns to be able to better defend themselves!

Defend themselves against what; their neighbors? Is this what USA has become? Obviously; Americans cannot defend themselves against their government’s tyranny because the government has murderous machines (drones), stealth bombers, nuclear devices than can erase from the map an unruly state of the federation meaning the citizenry is no match to the Empire’s universal soldiers.

Anyway; if you ask me…I say arm them to the teeth. Listen to the NRA. Let them Americans self destruct. Think of USA as the Star War “Battle Station” that when disabled will instantly trigger a cessation of hostilities around the planet. The fall of the beast will be good for the peace loving people of planet earth.

An afterthought: USA’s 300 million population is 5% of the world’s total but it consumes 60 % of all psychiatric drugs sold in the market worldwide :-(

An Open Letter To All Americans: Shame On You!

By Jim Taylor
December 23, 2012 "Al Jazeera" --  The Sandy Hook shooting should not have surprised you. It’s simply the most recent in a series of multiple murders. Since 1966, when Charles Whitman climbed into a tower on the University of Texas campus in Austin and started picking off random victims, the pattern has been depressingly familiar. The list of massacres rolls off the tongue like a litany: Columbine, Aurora, Virginia Tech, Tucson, Fort Hood, Nickel Mines, Oak Ridge, Sandy Hook…

Has no one set it to music yet?

It’s always the same – go to a place where people gather, where they think they’re safe – a school, a theatre, a place of worship, a shopping mall -- and mow them down.

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1 comment:

  1. one who is afraid of its own shadow would arm oneself to the teeth!
