Friday, December 28, 2012

Dubai Rotating Tower: MIND-BOGGLING...

There seems to be no limit to human imagination and to human capabilities where the only limit is what else; human imagination. I just concluded a short essay on what life would be 50, 100 and 150 years from now based on the January 2013 issue of scientific American when I saw this on YouTube. While we can predict the future; our predictions are just guesses at best. Sometimes; fictions are better predictor of the future. Watch this 3 minutes video and tell me if it is not fiction made real here and now…

Houses and building in the future will all be made in the factories that you just sort of assemble on a piece of land. A company in china is building sky scrapers in months not in years in fact; the company plans to build the world’ tallest building in just 3 months. Impossible…?

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