Monday, December 17, 2012

Mars’ Moon Phobos is Hollow and Artificial!

“Allah” is not only referred to as the Lord of the Worlds in the Holy Qur’an; there are many verses in the holy book in reference to other creatures and beings in the universe.

One may not prove but neither one will disproves the existence of other life forms in the infinite universe; to the contrary, man is getting closer to the discovery of his own origin; the Garden of Eden.


Qur’an 10:66  “Behold! Verily to Allah belong all the creatures in the heavens and on Earth.”

Qur’an 4:36  “Then praise to Allah, Lord of the heavens and Lord of the Earth, Lord and cherisher of all the Worlds.” (World is always plural everywhere in the Qur’an which could mean universes that would sync with the “MULTIVERSE” theory.)

Qur’an 30:26  “To Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and on Earth. All are devotedly obedient to Him.”

Qur’an 48:4  “For to Allah belong the forces of the heavens and on Earth.”

Qur’an 19:93  “Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to the most gracious as a servant.”

Qur’an 13:15  “Whatever beings there are in the heavens and on earth do prostrate themselves to Allah with good will or in spite of themselves so do their shadows in the morning and evening.” (As spirits, angels are generally accepted to have no shadows that would make this verse very significant as to the physical nature of those extraterrestrial creatures of the heavens)

Qur’an 42:29  “and one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that He scattered through them and He has the power to gather them together when He wills.”

European Space Agency Indicates Mars’ Moon Phobos is Hollow and Artificial!

ESA, the prestigious European Space Agency which is the equivalent of NASA, has confirmed what has long been rumored: Mars’ moon Phobos is hollow but also, it is likely artificial!  Here it is: Proof of intelligent life beyond Earth!
Here are some mind boggling possibilities as to why some alien race or perhaps humans of the future, placed Phobos in Mars orbit:
1.  As a huge spaceship possibly built as an orbiting station and observatory.
2.  As a starship, multi-generational, that arrived from another star system and was parked by Mars.
(To enjoy this concept, check out Star Trek’s For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky!”and also, check out  this website
3. It was being built in Mars orbit for travel between star systems but was never completed. Was it built by Martians before they/we had to immigrate to Earth? Will it be built by humans of the future and somehow fell backward in time through some experiment gone amok?
4. It is a functional (or non-functional) humongous planet-killing space bomb, the remains of some interplanetary space conflict of eons passed? This possibility has been seriously placed on the table by researchers.  What if it still functions?
Might weirdly-shaped Phobos still house aliens?
Earth probes sent to Mars and Phobos have had strange things happen to them. For example, the Russian Mars mission Phobos-Grunt made a surprise transmission in November, 2011, which stated, "I’m alive!” Phobos-Grunt had been dead for many months.

Please read full article:

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