Wednesday, June 6, 2012

NETANYAHU: sanctions not working; not a millimeter bit…

As far as Bibi Netanyahu and Israel for that matter is concerned; anything other than “zero nuclear purification” is not good enough. The west (USA/NATO) not Israel must attack Iran before it is too late. It is either now or never or as an afterthought; Israel will with nuclear hellfire. (I believe that Israel will and for men of good sense; the Iranian leadership must be flexible. When faced with mad men possessed by evil; good men must bend because they are men possessed of reason especially if the outcome outweighs any other possible result.) 

Sanctions not slowing Iran N-program by ‘one millimeter’: Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has blasted Western countries for failing to halt Iran’s nuclear energy program, insisting that the US-led sanctions have not slowed down the Iranian nuclear activities “by one millimeter.”

“The Iranian nuclear program has not slowed down by one millimeter despite all the pressures that were applied to it; nothing,” Netanyahu said in an exclusive interview with the German Bild newspaper on Tuesday. 

The Israeli premiere also complained, “The Iranians were only asked to stop 20 percent enrichment of uranium; that doesn’t stop their nuclear program in any way. It actually allows them to continue their nuclear program. ” 


'via Blog this'

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