Monday, June 4, 2012

GOD OF WAR: ‘US warships in Asia Pacific extremely dangerous'

I am afraid that USA will engineer more trouble in the Philippines the Scarborough Shoal being one if not on the top of its list to instill fear and inflame anger not necessarily nationalism among Filipinos that will justify bringing back the American bases.

I remember one prophecy of Nostradamus where it says that USA and Russia will be friends after the collapse of communism but it will be short lived. Why USA is always stirring troubles where there is none is a mindboggling puzzle. It is okay if the American people starve for as long as USA remains the world’s topmost warlord; the god of war. 

‘US warships in Asia Pacific extremely dangerous, politically foolish’

Steinberg: What you have coming from Britain and the US, the old Anglo-American alliance that was behind the Iraq war and other things, is a notion that ultimately the powers that have to be contained are Russia and China and so there's very much an effort here to build up a combination of military force. 

Now, the problem of course is that the US relationship with China is multidimensional and a very large component of that relationship is military. So the idea of using a kind of Cold War model for how to deal with the US relationship with China makes no sense whatsoever, it would have been as if the Soviet Union, at the height of the Cold War, was the largest debt holder of the US, which was of course not the case. 

So, this whole idea of militarization of our relationships with Russia and China is not only crazy, but is extremely dangerous. 

Russian President Putin has threatened that the missile defense issue i.e. the deployment of this ABM (anti-ballistic missile) system in Europe could be a trigger for conflict all the way up to thermo nuclear war. 

So the dangers of this policy are immense and the foolishness of the political leaders is extremely dangerous. Many top American military officials are adamantly opposed to this demonization of Russia and China, but ultimately it's the president's call. 

Full article:

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