Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Two Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time

Time travel I believe is simpler than we think in fact if time travel is not possible or simpler than overcoming the speed of light; Jesus’ second coming will remain to be a myth that will never happen. Science is missing the time machine due to its focus on the speed of light despite the fact that nothing bigger than the photon or the gamma ray can travel the speed of light without disintegrating. Photons and gamma rays are by the way energies not physical mater. Teleportation is different altogether from what we know of travelling in time probably closer to astral travel in time.

Two Astonishing Cases Of Men Who Say They Traveled Through Time
Posted on June 3, 2012 by Soren Dreier

There are many people who claim to have traveled through time. Among them are Seattle Attorney Andrew Basiago and Håkan Nordqvist from Sweden.
In 2004, Andrew Basiago made a very controversial announcement publicly claiming that from the time he was 7 to when he was 12, he participated in “Project Pegasus,” a secret U.S. government program that he said worked on teleportation and time travel under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
“They trained children along with adults so they could test the mental and physical effects of time travel on kids. Also, children had an advantage over adults in terms of adapting to the strains of moving between past, present and future,” Basiago said.
During this time, Basiago said that he experienced eight different time travel technologies. Mostly, he said, his travel involved a teleporter based on technical papers supposedly found in pioneering mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla’s New York City apartment after his death in January 1943.
“The machine consisted of two gray elliptical booms about eight feet tall, separated by about 10 feet, between which a shimmering curtain of what Tesla called ‘radiant energy’ was broadcast,” Basiago said. “Radiant energy is a form of energy that Tesla discovered that is latent and pervasive in the universe and has among its properties the capacity to bend time-space.”
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