Sunday, March 4, 2012

What Surprises Await Our Warmongers in the Gulf?

MONEY: root of all EVILS and WARS

A war against Iran is a war of choice meaning there is another choice; don’t go to war. Why go to war in the first place? Regardless of how hard I tried to justify a war against a nation that has not attacked nor threatened any other; I can’t find any logical reason to do so. If the only reason is the alleged Iran’s ambition to build a bomb; I find it laughable at best. Iran in a hundred years will never match the fire power of the west if its aim is hostility. Assuming that it produces few bombs; how will that match Israel’s hundreds and the western alliance’s thousands (USA=5,000 +) not to mention Russia’s thousands and China’s? Iran will never match the west’s technological knowhow meaning Iran can be erased off the map before it can launch a single bomb so why go to war…? It boggles the mind.

Is it possible that all these mambo jumbo about attacking Iran has to do with nothing more than money? The price of oil is hovering sky high and if you look deeper as to who are the real gainers; OIL COMPANIES with little profit going to oil producers. In 2008 when the oil prices went as high as 148 dollars per barrel; the big 4 oil companies profited 1 trillion dollars (CNN) in just one quarter. All of these oil companies are owned and financed by Jewish bankers; Jewish families that own 500 trillion dollars; more than half of the planet’s entire wealth. These are the same Jewish families that finance the state of Israel.


What Surprises Await Our Warmongers in the Gulf?
By Stuart Littlewood

The most important thing I've read these last few days is the excellent article 'Armageddon Approaches' by Dr Lasha Darkmoon, a cautionary piece which points the reader towards some very scary background information.
For example, according to Russ Winter of The Wall Street Examiner, Iran’s Sunburn missiles, acquired from Russia and China over the last 10 years, have the capability of creating "a world of hurt" for the US Navy’s 5th Fleet.
"The Sunburn is perhaps the most lethal anti-ship missile in the world, designed to fly as low as 9 feet above ground/water at more than 1,500 miles per hour (mach 2+). The missile uses a violent pop-up maneuver for its terminal approach to throw off Phalanx and other US anti-missile defense systems. Given their low cost, they’re perfectly suited for close quarter naval conflict in the bathtub-like Persian Gulf.”

With its 90-mile range, the Sunburn can be fired from practically any platform, including a flat bed truck, and could hit a ship in the Strait in less than a minute.

Mark Gaffney adds this warning: "The US Navy has never faced anything in combat as formidable as the Sunburn missile.”


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