Sunday, March 4, 2012

Assad Threatens Israel if Syria is Attacked

A message to the BEAST OF EMPIRES

The spark that will light the fuse of what could be “WORLD WAR 3” is Syria. It is real unfortunate that a genuine revolt against tyranny is being utilized by the western warmonger that is turning away real support for the Syrians. The greatest blunder the Syrian rebels did was to turn to the west for help demanding similar actions they did in Libya. Although they succeeded in getting a UN resolution similar to what lead to the deceptive “No-Fly-Zone” in Libya; it failed to pass with Russia and China’s vetoes. It is no longer a war between the oppressed Syrians and dictator Assad; it is all about “Iran-Syria-Hezbollah” axis. The fall of Assad will cut the stone walk between Iran and Hezbollah; a dream that Israel/USA/NATO would like to see fulfilled but the rest of the world did not want. It would almost lead to a wider conflagration. The only war freaks itching for war with Iran are the axis of evils: Israel/USA/NATO AXIS. The rest of the world wants peace even if it means for Assad to stay in power and for Iran to have few bombs if it is the only alternative to war.

This is a message to the BEAST OF EMPIRE. 

Assad Threatens Israel With Missiles if Syria is Attacked
Report: Assad has ordered his military to hit Israel with a barrage of missiles should there be any foreign intervention in Syria.
By Elad Benari


The report said that Assad ordered that if any military action is started against Syria, the Syrian army should respond by firing missiles in Israel, with a particular emphasis on Israeli military airports.

The report added that an operations room has been opened in Damascus and that it is continuously manned by officers from Syria and Iran, as well as by Hizbullah terrorists, all of whom coordinate their military operations in the event of external military intervention in Syria.
A similar operations room has been opened in Tehran, said the report, and is manned by Iranian as well as by Hizbullah terrorists.
Hizbullah has also opened a similar operations room in Lebanon, said the Jordanianwebsite, and Iran and Hizbullah have promised Syria to launch missiles at Israel from their territories as well.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak recently warned that sophisticated weapons could be transferred from Syria to Lebanon and to Hizbullah should Assad fall.

Full article:

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