Monday, March 5, 2012

TILL DEATH DO US PART: Israel’s “TOP DOG OF WAR” affirms loyalty

Obama’s speech is a declaration of allegiance to Israel regardless of its evil deeds: you slaughtered Gazans; we said you didn’t. The rest of the world says; you are racist; we said you aren’t. When you are censured by UN; we vetoed it. When the world boycotted you; we unwind it. When the Human Rights Council censured you; we opposed it.

Huh! What a real dog…

Obama says when chips are down I have Israel’s back

US President Barack Obama says Washington has remained and will remain committed to Israel’s security, despite Tel Aviv atrocities committed against Palestinians.

"At every crucial juncture, at every fork in the road, we have been there for Israel every single time," Obama said.

"When Israel was isolated in the aftermath of the flotilla incident, we supported them. When the Durban conference was commemorated, we boycotted it, and we will always reject the notion that Zionism is racism,” He said.

“When resolutions are brought up at the Human Rights Council, we oppose them. When Israeli diplomats feared for their lives in Cairo, we intervened to help save them. When there are efforts to boycott or divest from Israel, we will stand against them,” Obama added.

"When the chips are down I have Israel’s back."

The speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Conference, a pro-Israeli lobby group, is pivotal for Obama to keep Jewish voters happy in his 2012 reelection bid.


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