Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Netanyahu in AIPAC speech: Israel cannot afford to wait much longer on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Yeah Bibi; you are the master of your own fate. Let the Americans and Europeans die for Israel. It reminds me of a joke in High school where there were 4 people aboard a raft that can carry only 1 person. 3 of the people on board should volunteer to jump to their deaths so at least one of them can live. “Long live France,” the Frenchman bravely shouted and jumped. “Long live America” and the American leaped to his death to the joy of the waiting sharks. The Filipino stood and screamed to the height of his voice, “long live Philippines” and kicked the Chinese overboard to his death.

It is no different from Bibi Netanyahu screaming long live Israel and kicking the Americans to their deaths. It boggles the mind how Americans can willingly volunteer to kill the innocents and die for Israel for hush hush reasons even if it endanger the safety; well being and security of the inhabitants of the entire planet. It is shockingly insane. 

Netanyahu in AIPAC speech: Israel cannot afford to wait much longer on Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News:

Netanyahu in AIPAC speech: Israel cannot afford to wait much longer on Iran
Israel's prime minister warns of the dangers of a nuclear Iran, which he says will provide a 'nuclear umbrella' to terrorists; in earlier meeting, New York Times reports Obama said talk of war is increasing oil prices.

"Amazingly, some people refuse to acknowledge that Iran's goal is to develop nuclear weapons. You see, Iran claims that it's enriching uranium to develop medical research. Yeah, right," Netanyahu said.

"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then what is it? That's right, it's a duck. But this duck is a nuclear duck and it's time the world started calling a duck a duck," he said.
Netanyahu reiterated the fact that Israel reserves its right to protect itself. He added that for Israel all options remain on the table. “I will never gamble with the security of Israel.,” he explained.
Netanyahu warned of the dangers of a nuclear Iran. “A nuclear-armed Iran would dramatically increase terrorism by giving terrorists a nuclear umbrella,” he said. "That means that Iran’s terror proxies like Hezbollah, Hamas will be emboldened to attack America, Israel, and others because they will be backed by a power with atomic weapons."
Full article:

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