Wednesday, March 7, 2012



by acson005 @, Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 14:23

Any western leader who dares to speak the truth and wishes to deliver a speech on the true state of the world today can quote Hitler (1922) word for word. What was the truth then is even truer today...Zionists are masters of the macabre. I watched John Pilger’s 32 minutes speech at gimp’s post; “Obama and Empire” and I wish (after watching)…WE CAN ELECT THE PUPPETEERS (behind the curtains) RATHER THAN A WHITE HOUSE PUPPET.

as being “scrupulously accurate,” the New York Times joined literary critics from around the world in praising the renowned historian’s works. 

The Times’ acclamation of Toland included his biography Adolf Hitler…Zionism’s ultimate weapon in bludgeoning generation after generation into emotional, if not intellectual, submission.

One such speech, “Free State or Slavery,” delivered by Hitler in 1922, Toland describes as Hitler’s “most trenchant speech.” A look up of the word for those not too familiar with it, shows it to mean ‘vigorous,’ ‘incisive,’ ‘effective’ and ‘sharply defined.’


“IT’S A BATTLE BEGUN 120 YEARS AGO,” the speech begins, “at the moment when the Jew was granted citizen rights in the European States.”

Hitler continues, “The emancipation of the Jews was the beginning of an attack on European society. For thereby full equality was given to a people that has always formed a State within the State.”

Hitler then proceeded to expose Jewry’s hegemony over Europe’s economy: “The process of industrialization meant the confluence of great masses of workmen in the cities. As industry grew, a fourth estate was formed.

“The master-stroke of the Jew was to claim the leadership of the fourth estate: he founded the Movements both of the Social Democrats and the Communists. His policy was twofold: he had his ‘apostles’ in both political camps.

“Parallel with this was a gradual ‘moneyfication’ of the whole of the nation’s labor-strength. ‘Share-capital’ was in the ascendant and thus bit by bit the Stock Exchange came to control the whole national economy.”

Hitler then denounces the Gentiles who acted as “window dressing” for the Jews: “The directors of these institutions were without exception, Jews. I say ‘without exception,’ for the few non-Jews who had a share in them were nothing but shop-window Christians, whom one needs to keep up the appearance that these institutions were founded as a natural outcome of the needs of all peoples alike, and were not, as was the fact, institutions which correspond with the essential characteristics of the Jewish people.”

Next, Hitler denigrates Democracy as the means of Jewish ascendancy: “Under the concept of Democracy, it was possible to create a State-form by which the mastery over the herd by the Jewish intelligentsia who control the organs of information is guaranteed. Though small in numbers and therefore completely hidden in the body of the people, who quite unconscious of whom they were obeying, in the end did but serve the purposes of this small stratum of society.”

HITLER CONCLUDES HIS SPEECH by addressing the political controversy of the day: “The so-called ‘Law for the Protection of the Republic’ is nothing else than a means for reducing all criticism to silence. And what is the ultimate aim of Bolshevik Judaism in Germany? To make the nation defenseless in arms and to make the people defenseless in spirit. Two great aims!” View Entire Speech Here.

Indeed, gun control was an aggressive policy of the Weimar Republic as there was no Right to Bear Arms in the Constitution of 1919. To silence all dissent was to disarm the spirit of the German people.

In evaluating the “reasonableness” of Hitler’s speech, the question remains for freedom lovers today, have the Zionist extremist Jews (and their ‘normal’ Jewish followers) with their control of democracy and their command of the press made We The People “defenseless in spirit?” This is the question that every man’s conscience MUST confront. It would seem that the answer has become a tragic ‘yes.’

To study TRUE history is to LEARN from it…and that is one thing Zionism has targeted for absolute extinction.

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