Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mississippi Voters: Obama is a Muslim

If what Americans have against Muslims is the practice of Polygamy; what about Romney being a Mormon where Polyandry is a practice where women are allowed to have multiple husbands :-) He is predicted to clinch the Republican nomination. It’s going to be a Muslim (Obama) vs. a Mormon (Romney).  USA is a beacon of Democracy where people’s religion matters not in the performance of their duties whatever that maybe including being a president of USA.  So what if Obama is a Muslim. His father was a Muslim. Barak Hussein Obama sounds very familiar Muslim name and by the way; Barak Hussein Obama is the current president of the United States of America and there is nothing that neither you nor I can do about it. His having been elected president is a glaring example of how USA stands among nations as a country where free choice reigns regardless of color, creed or religion. In the end; it is your merit that counts not the color of your skin neither your religion. Yeah, I like to believe that…

Mississippi Voters: Obama’s a Muslim

Many in the South are not still convinced that President Obama is a Christian. A survey by Public Policy Polling reveals that a majority of Republicans in Alabama and Mississippi—states with primary elections on Tuesday—believe the president is a Muslim. Forty-five percent of Republican voters in Alabama think Obama is a Muslim, while 41 percent are "unsure." Only 14 percent believe he is Christian. In Mississippi, belief in the president's supposed Muslim faith is even stronger. Fifty-two percent of Republicans there think Obama is Muslim, while 36 percent are unsure and only 12 percent believe he is Christian.
March 12, 2012 12:33 PM

'via Blog this'

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