Monday, March 12, 2012

NOSTRADAMUS: 'The Man Who Saw Tomorrow' (Movie)

Although the movie was made in 1981; it is as relevant today as it was then in fact we are even in a better position to make judgment if it is fulfilled or not. The makers of the movie predicted that the big war; WW III in fact will probably happen between 1994 and 1999 based on dates prophesied by Nostradamus. World War 3 did not happen but wars that happened were no small wars that killed millions, bankrupted the west (USA/Europe) and continue to rage to this day nurturing more future wars that may eventually spark WORLD AR 3.

Nostradamus correctly prophesied the revolution in Iran (1979) and the fall of the ‘Sha’ and the ensuing war between Iraq and Iran. Nostradamus prophesied a destructive war by two nations both claiming to be fighting for God. The Iran-Iraq war saw the death of a million and the maiming of millions more. If the Iran-Iraq war did not happen; Saddam probably would not have invaded Kuwait and the Gulf war of 1991 may not have happened and so was the war of 2003. Nostradamus rightly predicted the fall of the New City (NY) but not in the way he saw it. He saw the fall of the ‘Twin Towers’ and the destructive wars that followed (Afghanistan/Iraq) that he may have mixed up with the New City (NY). He mistook the events of 9/11/Afghanistan/Iraq as happening in the same place. The war in 1999 that Nostradamus prophesied was no small war hailed by many as Europe’s second holocaust that saw the slaughter of 150,000 Muslim men, women and children finally leading to the U.N.’s bombing of Serbia.

Nostradamus predicted that the war will last 7 and 20 years but if you consider the conflicts to have begun in 1979 (Iran Revolution) and officially ended when USA left Iraq in December of 2011; the war would have lasted 32 years not to mention that the War in Afghanistan is still raging :-( 

This 1981 film narrated by Orson Welles asks: Did 16th century French astrologer and physician Nostradamus actually predict such events as the fall of King Louis XVI, the rise of Napoleon, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy? Are there any of his prophecies foretold that have yet to come to fruition?

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