Tuesday, March 13, 2012

  BURNING BABIES: An Atrocity to End the War

Let those dead babies be the heroes that will end this atrocious war which is going nowhere. 
USA in the first place had no quarrel with the Taliban in fact it is despicably preposterous to destroy a country to hunt few CIA renegades conveniently called the “Al Qaye’da” and its leader that used to be CIA’s point man against the Russians in Afghanistan: OBL. If USA is not the ruling superpower of the planet; the Taliban as a legitimate government of Afghanistan criminally bombed out of power has every right to sue USA at the international court of justice for the destruction of their country and demand for reparation because in all sincerity; USA’s war on Afghanistan went beyond the norms of rightful relations between nations. Since OBL is dead; there is no longer an iota of reason for USA to stay a single day more in Afghanistan but hey; might makes right. USA is the beast of empire answerable to no one but God but…do demons believe in God? 

Burning Babies
Afghanistan's Haditha: An Atrocity to End the War

By Robert Dreyfuss

March 122, 2012 " The Nation" --  Iraq had its Haditha. Now, Afghanistan has its Panjwai.
Burning babies—yes, it has come to this.
Following routine bombings of wedding parties, hundreds killed in unchecked “night raids” by US Special Forces, the murders by the scandalous “kill team” in 2010, and, this year, the digitally recorded urination onto dead Afghans by Americans in uniform—not to mention the Koran burnings last month—it’s clear that there’s no hope of success for the “mission.” Whatever that is.
The massacre of sixteen Afghans by a US soldier on Sunday, including many children, is certain to inflame anti-occupation feeling in Afghanistan, send recruits into the Taliban and harden the opposition to a long-term treaty with the United States among politicians. It is also the death knell for President Obama’s plan to organize a dignified, orderly exit from the war.


The Washington Post reports that even Republicans have turned against the war, finally, and in a new poll it concludes that a large majority of Americans want out:
Overall, 60 percent of Americans believe the war has not been worth the loss in life and expense, according to the Post-ABC News poll, which was conducted Wednesday through Saturday, before Sunday’s attack in Kandahar province. There has been consistent majority opposition to the war for nearly two years.
A war that never should have started in 2001 now must come to a rapid end.

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