Thursday, February 2, 2012



If the only barrier between now and everywhere else in time is the speed of light; our spirits are not only interplanetary hoppers; they must transcend the borders of time as well.
Scientific studies on the subjects of dreaming will tell you that chemical reaction goes on in the brain of the dreamer that creates images but how we dream of the future is a subject that researches evades. In order to understand and appreciate the gift of astral projection; one has to believe in the reality of spirits that is not only bound to our body by an unbreakable fiber of energy but survives our physical existence.
When I told my mother of my dreams when I was very young; she told me not to relate the content of my dreams. They are spirits; she told me.
Lake Lanao

We had a class excursion to ‘Sumpitan Falls.’ It is located at the edge of the forest across the lake from Marawi City. I was in the first year high school then at the Mindanao State University Preparatory High School. We chartered 2 launches and crossed the ‘Lake Lanao’ and from the lakeshore; we trekked for more than an hour through scenic hills until we entered the forest. Cascading from the forested hills was a beautiful water fall. As I undressed under a tree; I paused for a moment with my lips breaking into a smile. I dreamt of that very moment several months earlier while I was still in the 6th grade; the teens in the pool some of whom I didn’t know then, the water fall, the forest and the beams of sunlight breaking through the forest. I thought then that the teens swimming and splashing in the pool were spirits :-)
Conscious recall of our pasts is different from seeing our past in a dream. We readily accept that dreams of our past is due to memories stored somewhere in our brain but I don’t buy that. I don’t deny (I am an M.D.) that some chemical reaction could be going on in our brain serving as a trigger factor for astral projection. When you astral travel into the past or the future; you are an observer not a participant. If you are a natural dreamer reading this then you know what I am talking about. 

I was in the second year college of medicine (UERMMMC, Quezon City, Philippines). The night before we left for a class excursion, I dreamt of attending a funeral procession. We were crossing a bridge in the dream and there were many of us. What were so unusual about the dream were the white clothes everyone was wearing, improper for a funeral. I wasn’t worried but I chose my seat in the bus just in case accident happens; I thought.
The beach resort was located at ‘Taal Lake.’ We occupied a number of cottages. At about 11:00 AM, I heard screams and commotions with everyone running towards one of the crowds in my class. One of my female classmates was rescued from near drowning. As soon as she regained consciousness, she started screaming pointing to the lake, “She is there, she is drowned,” she repeated over and over hysterical. Those of us who know how to swim dived into the lake but she was nowhere to be found. The color of the lake was greenish yellow compared to the blue water of Lake Lanao where I grew up. In the middle of the lake is the Taal Volcano, one of the most active volcanos along the Pacific ring of fire. Five of us if I remember correctly had to stay overnight while trying to recover the body from the lake. With help from the town’s fishermen; we recovered the body early morning of the following day.

 The whole class attended her funeral in our white uniforms exactly the way I saw it in the dream. When we crossed the Pampanga Bridge; it was like a videotape I was seeing for the second time.



  1. Astral projection in space and time is your spirit just having fun. I read a lot for no special reason than understanding the gift. I neither trained to control it nor astral project consciously. I treated it like a friend that is free to come and go. If you have the gift; your spirit guide will be there when you need it most like keeping you away from harm’s way in your waking life or manipulate or influence the environment in your favor. When the makers of the movie “FINAL DESTINATION” series killed the dreamer; they killed the only tiny bit of truth in the movie. If you have the gift of astral projection; you must have the gift of premonitions too meaning; astral projection is just the tip of the iceberg. Your spirit guide or call it guardian angel does not only manifest itself in your sleep; it is with you 24/7. Don’t control it; let it be a good friend that you can trust and rely on.
    I woke up feeling very uncomfortable in my bed. I was in the intern’s quarter of the hospital where I was doing my post graduate internship. I was alone. All the other interns have gone home for the weekend. I got out of my bed and walked half consciously to another bed directly under the window. I did something I have never done before. I went back to sleep but shortly afterwards; the gas cylinder of the hospital canteen directly under my bed exploded setting the two stories wooden structures on fire. The cleaners who knew where my bed was gave me up for dead until they saw me break the glass window on the other end of the building and jumped out to safety.

  2. Goosepimples all over my body. You do have the gift, doc. May you be protected from the unknowns.

    1. They say sleep is the cousin of death. Family members have somethings in common.
      We sleep to rest but some leave their body to dream. We die and leave our body to do... who-knows?
      Key to lucid dreaming, astral project and obes through kundalini: . Thank me later.
