Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why We Should Fear Zionism More than Islam


By Rev. Ted Pike
10 Jul 07


Who Could Destroy Christian Civilization?

In contrast to the violent external disruptions of radical Islam, another power presents an even greater and dangerously unrecognized threat. It is the power of organized world Jewry—an elite and focused minority of Jews largely operating under the direction of ADL/B’nai B’rith International. This aggressive and powerful minority is intent on fulfilling their Talmudic religious mandate to “repair the universe” (tikkun olam) through worldwide control and destruction of Christianity and other “idolatry.”


Opposing the Wrong Enemy

Thousands of years ago, when Ishmael, the half-breed father of the Arabs, was born to Abraham, God's angel prophesied of him and his posterity: “He will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him; and he will live to the east of all his brothers.” (Gen.16:12) Time has proven the accuracy of that prediction. The Muslim faith, birthed in sword and conquest, has resulted in a far-flung eastern empire, largely alienated from the rest of humanity. Always weakened by vendettas and dissensions, Arabs have shown themselves as disorganized as Jews are organized. And now, with Jews controlling most of the major newspapers we read in the morning and the evening news we watch at night, it is incredibly easy for Zionist media moguls to create in Islam the caricature of an enemy surpassing all others. How easily are Christians deceived!

It's happened before. In the Middle Ages, rumors came to Europe from Palestine that Muslims were performing indignities against Christians and forbidding them to visit Christian holy places. A great cry erupted in Christian Europe to rally for battle against Islam. “It is the will of God!” resounded throughout Western Europe as every able-bodied man left family, farm, and business to embark on a “holy crusade" to make the Mideast safe for Christianity. Like lemmings, millions went, including children. The Crusades lasted nearly 200 years and about one and a half million people died. Eventually, Palestine reverted to Moslem control.

Déjà vu? Today, a similar alarm is going up that “Islamo-Fascism” is the great Satan that civilization should unite against. The Jewish media fans this flame to white-hot intensity, encouraging evangelicals and Christian-based nations that more and yet more must be done in the Mideast to pursue and subdue this Moslem bogey, even into Iran. Yet in the end, the result will be the same as followed our attempt to eradicate Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction.” Disillusionment. Death. Defeat. Thousands more body bags shipped home.

The crusaders got their priorities all mixed up, as Christians today have. It's because we follow Jewish media and fanatics like John Hagee.


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