Saturday, February 11, 2012

ABSURD REPUBLICANS: they chose Israel over the American people

It boggles the mind how absurdly minded Republicans are choosing Israel over the American people as if Israelis not Americans are voting for the USA’s presidential elections. After Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and host of other wars where USA is directly or indirectly an active participant; Americans are weary of wars not to mention being bankrupt by the inhuman, demonic and monstrous nature of such a futile exercise. If Republicans thinks that by singing Israel’s songs of the apocalypse; they will get Americans vote; they are wrong. Americans might be misinformed but they are not stupid not to see the obvious; a vote for a republican is a vote for war with Iran. 

Santorum accuses Obama of abandoning Israel for Iran

Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has criticized the administration of Barack Obama for what he calls choosing Iran over Israel in fear of losing Iranian oil.

"We’re (the US government) throwing Israel under the bus because we know we’re going to be dependent upon OPEC [the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries]," Santorum said during a speech in Oklahoma City on Thursday.

He claimed Obama is not trying to halt Iran’s nuclear program in order to gain access to the country’s oil.

"The president (Obama) fought tooth and nail against putting sanctions on Iran and only capitulated at the end. This is a president who is not standing by our allies, is trying to appease, trying to find a way to allow - clearly to allow Iran to get this nuclear weapon," Santorum later told CNN.

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