Friday, February 10, 2012


I remember well; I wrote to some friends in 1991 that the fall of the USSR does not bode well for the rest of the world. I said then and I have been so far proven right that it will be a world comparable to a country ruled by one party system where there is no opposition.

If USSR did not fall as an empire, the brutal murder of Khaddafy and the destruction of Libya would not have happened.

The war in Iraq and Afghanistan may have taken a different direction.

The world needs an equally robust empire to stand up to the beast and restrain the marauding demons (CIA) killing people and bringing down governments who do not bow to their whims. We look to China for such role but China has 1.5 billion people to feed. War is not to the interest of the Chinese and you have to admire their leaders for being pro-people.

The world needs Putin; the James Bond lookalike of Daniel Craig and former chief of the KGB to stand up to the BEAST OF EMPIRES.

Syria marks the return of Russia; the BEAR OF EMPIRES or will it?

If Syria falls; it will cut off Iran from Hezbollah which is the genuine aim of USA/Israel/NATO. Technically; it is easy for the west to do because 90% of Syrians are Sunnis against the ruling minority of Alawites. With most if not all of the Sunni Arabs allied with USA; Syria can turn into a battle ground between the West and their Arab allies vs. Iran/Russia.

Syria is the spark that will engulf the region in a new conflagration of war and destruction…

US and Allies 'Considering Plans' for Military Aid to Syrian Rebels

By NewsCore
February 09, 2012 "
Herald Sun" - -THE US and its allies were considering giving military aid to the Syrian opposition battling the regime of President Bashar al Assad in an 11-month uprising that activists say has killed more than 6,000 people.

The Pentagon had drawn up contingency plans which could include supplying the Free Syrian Army (FSA) with weapons and establishing a humanitarian corridor to deliver aid to civilians, The Times reported today, citing a US official.
Full article:

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