Wednesday, February 22, 2012

BURNING THE QUR’AN: a wrong expression of hate


Sometimes in the 80s; a question reached Saudi Arabia’s religious ministry of how best to dispose of newspapers and magazines where verses of the Qur’an and photos of Mecca and Medina are printed. These waste materials often times ends up being used as wrappers or simply thrown away in the garbage. The recommendation was to burn it.

Burning the Qur’an is therefore a proper way of disposing old Qur’an rather than leaving it collecting dust in the dungeon or dumping it in garbage. We also develop the habit of giving our non-Muslim friends a copy of the Qur’an as a gift but how many of our friends care? We may even give it to people who hate Islam as in the undeniable case of the USA’s forces who may not only burn it but use it as toiletries as an expression of not only anger and mockery of God but extreme hate.

Burning the Qur’an per se is not wrong; it is the evil intentions that spark anger among the believers especially in a nation suffering under occupation by another believed to be infidels and Muslim haters. 

Six dead in Afghanistan Koran burning protests
At least six people have been killed and dozens injured in Afghanistan after protests spread over the burning of copies of the Koran at a US airbase.
One person was killed in Kabul, one in the eastern city of Jalalabad and at least four in Parwan province.
US officials apologised on Tuesday after Korans were "inadvertently" put in an incinerator at Bagram airbase.
Officials at Bagram reportedly believed Taliban prisoners were using the books to pass messages to each other.
The charred remains of the volumes were found by local labourers.
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