Saturday, December 31, 2011

Apocalypse Not Now: 2012 Doomsday Debunked by NASA

On Dec. 21, 2012, many doomsday believers fear the apocalypse — anything from a rogue planet smashing into us to our world spinning end over end. However, the world should expect nothing more next year than the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, NASA says.
Many people point to the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on Dec. 21, 2012 as evidence of the coming apocalypse, but astronomers have been quick to stress that there is nothing to be concerned about.
According to the ancient Mayan calendar, next year's winter solstice marks the end of a 144,000-day cycle. This cycle, which begins at the mythical Maya creation date, has already been repeated 12 times. The 13th will end in 2012, capping a full 5,200-year Mayan cycle of creation.
This date has long been shrouded in mystery, with many claiming that it will bring destruction to our planet.
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"2012" END...?


December 21, 2012 is Friday; the day the Prophet said the world will come to an end while Muslims are in the mosque :-(

The horrid end of the world seems to be confined to the believers of the Bible where the Armageddon/Apocalypse is found among the pages of the final chapters. The Bible is revered by a quarter of the human race. What I see (read) is what I get and for that reason…I will limit myself to the bare minimum of interpretation meaning I have no flight of ideas. I rely on my bodies of evidence.

I watched movies and video clips of scholarly broadcast and read divergent views on the subject. The consensus is that the End is nigh. There will be a battle of Armageddon between the forces of good and evil followed closely by a natural calamity that will destroy the planet earth and end life as we know it.

Jesus (…and many others) in the midst of the chaos will appear and join the battle to save (I am not laughing) the Jews that Christians insist have accepted Jesus (Jews are not laughing either) and therefore by inference must have converted to Christianity. Some fundamentalist Christians even believe that they will be lifted up to heaven in rapture without ever having tasted the pain of death and by meeting Jesus in the sky; they will receive eternal life.

The only group I read in the Bible that Jesus will rescue is the 144,000 (Moslem) children of Palestine that he will bring to a place called ARMAGEDDON in Hebrew and take them to heaven (in a spaceship and or Time Machine and I say…why not: I am not laughing).

Before the End Times however…some horrendous events will happen and signs will appear to signal the coming of the End. Christian’s scholars, Jesus’ watchers of the second coming and guardians of the End Times have not been less meticulous in their search for the signs and the tagging of events that may herald the hour of the end. The discovery of the Mayan Calendar that ends on December 21, 2012 is pushing the mercury beyond the feverish limit.

Amazingly…Christians are still talking about decoding the Bible to discover the truth. They say the signs are here but nobody is sure…it is all conjecture while 2012 here and now.

Although all the prophesied signs of the hour (Bible/Qur’an/Nostradamus) are here…the Christian world not only misread the signs; they got it all wrong the reason being that…they are biased against Islam. I have yet to see one serious investigator of the end times that have looked deeply into the prophecies in the Qur’an and of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). For as long as they continue to ignore the knowledge that Islam offers…THEY WILL NEVER GET IT RIGHT.

Full article:;postID=5538950649156652607







Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 - The Year That Shook The World

Unlike Communist revolutionaries of yore, the new leaders in the Middle East of what must be called the Islamic revolution of 2011 are not the object of veneration, something that Islam as a religion warns against.

But while 1917 witnessed a Communist revolution against capitalism and imperialism by a small corps of professional revolutionaries, 2011 has witnessed a mass, leaderless revolution facilitated by telecommunications, and in the case of the key Middle East, inspired by Islam.


A Tunisian fruit vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire in a public square in a small town in December 2010, sparking protests that brought down dictators in Tunisia and Egypt, and began a tidal wave of change both in the Middle East and farther afield. Add in the 2011 American withdrawal from Iraq and failed attempts to subdue Afghanistan and Iran, and the writing on the wall for empire is written boldly - in blood.

Hence, the Arab Spring of 2011 and the accession to power of Islamists via the ballot box across the Middle East. Hence, the unwinnable war against the Afghan people, that brought empire to its knees in fateful 2011, even as the slaughter of insurgents and civilians increased. Yes, the imperialists managed a clever ruse, invading Libya to depose the clownish Gaddafi, but the Islamists and fiercely independent tribes there are unlikely allies of empire.

The tsunami of resistance to imperialism surged throughout 2011 around the world, while the empire's leaders put a worldwide "missile defense" system in place. But even as radars and missiles were installed in Europe, the rising tide reached the empire's shores in 2011, as financial crisis led to rising poverty and unrest in the imperial centre itself.

Taking inspiration from the Arab Spring, mass demonstrations in Greece and Spain erupted and Wall Street, the empire's "heartland", was occupied. The "99 per cent" entered the political lexicon as the people vs. the ruling elite (the 1 per cent who own half of the country's assets). Even Israel and newly capitalist Russia witnessed mass demonstrations, as ordinary citizens began to realize how the system works, or rather doesn't work for them. How increasing disparity of wealth is the logical result of market fundamentalism and control of the economy by financial capital.

2011 will go down in history as a year as fateful as 1917, when the blinkers fell away from the common people's eyes in Russia and they rose up against their oppressors. But while 1917 witnessed a Communist revolution against capitalism and imperialism by a small corps of professional revolutionaries, 2011 has witnessed a mass, leaderless revolution facilitated by telecommunications, and in the case of the key Middle East, inspired by Islam.

Even as the world environment degrades, even as imperial arms continue to kill, maim and choke demonstrators and insurgents both at the heart of the empire and in the heart of the "enemy", we can take heart in the new sense of human dignity which 2011 spawned, and fight the intrigues of empire with new vigour in 2012.

Please read the full article/essay:

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Top 10 Science Stories of 2011: MY TOP 3 PICKS Scientific American Extreme Weather
Overflowing rivers swollen by persistent rains. Over a million acres scorched by wildfires. Mighty blizzards blanketing the Northeast. One hundred ninety-nine tornadoes in a single day. The weather outside was not just frightful, but also costly. Although the number of extreme weather events have been increasing all over the world in the past few years, in 2011 the U.S. set a record in weather-related damagewith 12 catastrophes that cost at least $1 billion each. The damage from the May 22 tornado that devastated Joplin, Mo., alone could top $3 billion.
Extreme weather events have hit other nations hard as well, including Pakistan, the Philippines and Australia, which have all seen heavy flooding. All the events have convinced many experts that with climate change, the weather will, unfortunately, only get worse.—Rose Eveleth
See our In-Depth Report, "Extreme Weather and Climate Change" Fuels the Arab Spring
In the last year new technologies didn't just make our lives easier—they completely changed the political structure of the Middle East. Twitter had a hand in bringing down a several dictatorships this year as protestors in the Middle East communicated and organized with one another via social media.
The Arab Spring began in December 2010 after the self-immolation of fruit vendor Mohamed Bouazizi, who was protesting high unemployment rates in Tunisia. News and images of his protest began moving quickly. Protests in Tunisia ousted President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in January 2011, and by February resistance brought down the 30-year regime of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, forcing him to resign. In August, after months of protests that erupted into a civil war, Libya's dictator since 1969, Muammar Gaddafi, was hunted down by opposition forces and killed.
To see if Twitter played a role in regime change, researchers from the University of Washington in Seattle analyzed millions of tweets, looking for words like "revolution," "liberty," and "Ben Ali." The occurrence of those words spiked as the revolutions got underway. They also saw that the activity from Egypt on Twitter in the days before Mubarak resigned increased 100-fold. The study concludes that the service played a key role in toppling dictators in Egypt and Tunisia, although other experts debate just how much social media tools drove the revolutions.—Rose Eveleth Japan Tsunami and Nuclear Crisis
On March 11, a catastrophic earthquake and subsequent tsunami killed nearly 16,000 people in Japan—and destroyed a nuclear power complex. In the days and weeks that followed, the Fukushima Daiichi facility went on to experience three meltdowns and, because of a buildup of hydrogen gas, multiple explosions.
After months of heroic efforts workers have officially succeeded in achieving "cold shutdown"—that is, keeping the temperatures in the damaged reactors below 100 degrees Celsius so that the water used to cool the reactors does not just quickly boil away. Such a shutdown state makes it simpler to keep the melted nuclear fuel from undergoing further fission. Unfortunately, leaks in the reactor containment vessels means that water must continue to be added to keep the reactors chilled.
Regardless, much damage has been done. Roughly 88,000 people have been evacuated from an area of 20 kilometers surrounding the power plant, many never to return. Most recently, the utility that owns the plant spilled 45,000 liters of radioactive cooling water, and radioactive elements spewed by the power plant have been found over an area of some 30,000 square kilometers. The multiple meltdownsslowed the pace of new nuclear power plant construction globally—potentially setting back efforts to combat climate change—as well as created the world's newest nuclear park, otherwise known as an "exclusion zone."—David Biello


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Everything was right; real interesting until halfway to the 2 hours and 22 minutes movie when the topic suddenly turned to Christianity and the prophecies of the Bible. The first half obviously was an introduction to the real goal of the movie: the Bible as an absolute word of God

The Bible allegedly surpassed all other religious book including the Qur’an in the accuracy of its prophecies. No wonder it is the first movie I watched on You Tube where there are more who disliked it (700) than those who liked it (about 300). The ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ reflects amusingly the real state of Christianity today. The days are gone where people simply swallow what they are told by Christian scholars. With technology that put knowledge at the tip of our finger tips…IGNORANCE IS NO LONGER A VALID EXCUSE and the liars find it harder peddling their trades.  

There is however an eye opener for me in the beginning of the movie where it extensively presented in scholarly manner Adam, Eve, the serpent and the forbidden tree. I realized to my amazement that the “FORBIDDEN TREE” is the modern “CHRISTMAS TREE.” In as much as I don’t want to jump into conclusion; I can’t drive away the thoughts that with all those lovable glittering material objects hanging on a Christmas Tree and gift boxes piled under it similarly represents the “worldly things” Lucifer (serpent) promised Eve if she partook of the fruit against innocence, love, peace and harmony not to mention eternity that the Garden of Eden represented.

I think the Christian world should forbid altogether the celebration of Christmas or continue worshipping the serpent. It is your choice especially after the now common knowledge that Jesus could have never been born on December 25; a day marked in ancient times devoted to “sun worship.” Why continue doing that which is wrong like smoking, drug or alcohol addiction?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011


(Take note of the number of pageviews of my blog on DECEMBER 25, 2011)


(Note: I wrote the following article long before the invasion of Iraq/Babylon in 2003)
The recurrence of like numbers and names had always been a riddle to me. For many years, my payroll page number was 20, the regional branch number of Al Rahji Bank through where I send my salary to a corresponding bank in Manila. 864, the flight number of Saudia Airline from Riyadh to Manila is very close to the plate number of my Lancer car, 866. When I subscribed to the Pacific Internet in September 2000, I was amazed to find out that the company’s dial-up-line is 635-1388. My telephone number in Saudi Arabia was 255-1388.
Believe it or not, it is only very recently did I learn that Saudi Arabia’s International Telephone code is 966. Although I had been in Saudi Arabia for a very long time, I didn’t see any reason to call anyone in that country when I am on leave. Take note, my car’s plate number is 866. (The 9 is an upright 6)
The Sudanese who processed my papers when I first came to Saudi Arabia reversed my name. My first name became Khalid. When I tried to correct him, he told me that it was better for me. King Khalid Ibn Abdul Azis was the king of Saudi Arabia when I first arrived in the kingdom. Prince Khalid Ibn Faisal is the governor of Assir province.
The initial title of my book was “Places in Time.” Although, one of the interesting topic in the book was the subject of the Biblical Beast [UN Res.666/Gulf War], it never crossed my mind to call it that. I considered Time Travel [Jesus’ Second Coming] and the New Jerusalem [Mecca/Ka’aba] as more important discoveries but my publisher saw it differently. I agreed.
In 1999 which when inverted reads 6661, my book was printed but the launching date was postponed. It was also in 1999 that the Saudi Government reinstated our salary increments. It was frozen for several years and when my salary was computed plus 2%, the amount was, believe it or not, 6664 Saudi Riyals.
In June 1999, the registration of my Mazda car expired. The antiquated system of 7 digits was changed to 3 letters and 3 digits. I won’t be surprised I thought if my 3 digits turned out to be 666 but of course it didn’t. Amazingly, the 3 letters did. The letters were SKS [in Arabic]. If asked to write the number 6 in words, any Arab will write it exactly in that order because Arabs don’t write the vowels [as in text messaging]. SKS reads 6 either from left to right [English] or right to left [Arabic]. It is 6 every which way. Dr. Kamel Yusef, a Palestinian colleague was laughing when he received his new plate. We renewed our registration at the same time but he received his plate one day ahead of me.
He said, “I feel ashamed of my new plate.”
 “Why?” I asked him.
“My 3 letters reads ‘SEX’,” he replied and laughing.
 When I received my plate, we have different numbers but the same 3 letters, “SKS” that can also be read as ‘SEX’.
Our helper and my wife’s niece were in the kitchen. I was home in Manila for my annual leave. They were busy preparing early on for the New Year/New Millennium/1999 party. My younger brother Omar and his family were staying with us at the time. They have traveled all the way from Mindanao to give the children a treat. My niece in law had the AIWA stereo turned on FM radio while doing their chore in the kitchen. Suddenly and for no apparent reason, the program shifted to AM. No one was near the stereo. Annoyed, my niece stopped whatever she was doing and walked towards the stereo. Although she was still wondering how the program shifted to AM, she was determined to bring it back to Fine Medium. When she reached for the tuner, the numbers 66.6 MHz were staring in her face. Stunned, she withdrew her hand and called our helper to see it.
 I was born on the 6th of Ramadan. What year, my mother had no idea but she was certain that it was on the 6th because she fasted 5 days before I was born. It was a time when Moslems in the Philippines didn’t register birth or death. Nobody ever required them to do so. I used to write in my diary when I was in the high school. It was through this that I discovered the difference between the Gregorian and the Hegira calendar. The difference is 11 days. I wanted to know my Birthday in the Gregorian calendar so I counted backward subtracting 11 days each year. I ended up with believe it or not, June 12, 1952. I was never aware of the significance of this date until January of 2000 when my book was released.
Ramadan 6 is 9/6 in the Hegira Lunar Calendar while June 12 is 6/6+6.
I always feel strange when some people especially new acquaintances call me with my first name NOSCA. In my childhood, friends and classmates used to call me nicknames and in college, I was always called Khalid and Dr. Khalid after medical college. Because of my interest in prophecies, I laughed when somebody called me NOScadamus. Take especial note of the first 3 letters of my name and NOStradamus.
[Note: I wrote the above in January 2000. In 2007, two years after I returned to Saudi Arabia…our clinic installed a new centralized telephone lines. The new phone number in my bedroom is 108. The PIN number of my Saudi mobile phone is (7)108. Stranger still, President Bush Sr.; the king who fired the first salvo of the  Battle for Babylon and whose son re-launched the unfinished war was born on June 12, 1924 or 6/6+6/6+6+6+6…real creepy.) 

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Lie-beer-man; Israel’s drunken master foreign minister on December 25 tells Israel’s European war-dogs to cease from talking and stop Iran and in Jerusalem of all places. I wish Christian Europe will stop turning a blind eye and cease denying that Jews are rabid Jesus’ haters maintaining to this day that Jesus was a bastard son of Mary and that the Jews crucified him for blasphemy.

Israel: EU paying lip service over Iran

Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman believes that Europe's support for the Tel Aviv regime is mere lip service as Europe is not doing anything to prove it is working to stop Iran's drive for nuclear energy.

Addressing Israeli diplomats in al-Quds (Jerusalem) on Sunday, Lieberman called on Europe to take immediate and “courageous decisions” on Iran, Reuters reported.

"Unfortunately my impression is that some of the nations of Europe and senior figures there speak about sanctions more in order to calm Israel than to stop Iran's nuclear program," he argued.

Earlier this month, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak urged Europe to impose crippling sanctions on Iran, saying it was "time for urgent, coherent, paralyzing" steps targeting Tehran's oil trade and central bank.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

From Here to TIHAMALAND: A BRIEF MEMOIR (Series 1)

From Here to TIHAMALAND: A BRIEF MEMOIR (Series 1)

Tihamaland is the Saudi Arabia that is little known to the world unfamiliar even to most of its citizens.
My town of Dhahran Al Janoub (Dhahran South) is located near the other end of the mountain range that runs along the Southwest of the Arabian Peninsula from Taif looming over Jeddah and Mecca to the Najran plains. Along this range are breathtaking panorama of upland towns and cities most famous of which is Taif because it is where the Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.) was stoned by pagans in the early days of ISLAM. Some of the high altitude cities, towns and villages are 3,000 feet above sea level blessed with dry and temperate climate. It is indicated in some maps of Saudi Arabia as Tihamaland inhabited by a tribe with customs and traditions unique to the Middle East. They dress very differently as well. Time yonder adventurers referred to these mountains as Arabia Felix part of which belongs to Yemen.
            Internet sources are very frustrating. Pictures are mislabeled similarly in some books written by foreigners about this region; names of towns and villages are interchanged. Most of the books written about this region are picturesque in nature like “Flowered Men” so titled because men of Tihamaland wear crowns of weaved ornaments, leaves, flowers and whatever they fancy over their heads. A man at one time knocked at our village clinic asking for a roll of cotton. His wife allegedly delivered at home only to find parts of the cotton mounted on his head the following day. Even synthetic flowers mysteriously vanished from our vases only to see it tucked over their heads. “The Undiscovered Assir” is the book that I bought and treasures with care because it covered most of “Tihama Qahtan” where I spent a better half of my whole existence. Most of the tribal men whose pictures appeared in the book are people I knew and although names of villages were mislabeled, some of the pictures are superb.
            I used to drive precariously four to six hours in one of Earth’s most rugged mountainous terrain to get to the heartland of Tihama Qahtan named after the first settler of these mountains. It is known that one of the first that embraced Islam in the time of the prophet was a Qahtan. The Tihama flatland that runs along the foothills not far from the Red Sea coastal plains is Tihama Assiri so named like Tihama Qahtan from the patriarch of its early settlers.
            One hundred kilometers east of Dhahran Janoub is the city of Najran, the lowland at the end of the mountain range and at the edge of the Empty Quarter. When it rains in the mountains; rampaging torrents cascades down the mountains negotiating through valleys flooding the Najran plains. It is probably one of the oldest settlements in the Arabian Peninsula that used to be a Judeo-Christian City before Islam. It is biblical important as well being along the path and alleged favorite stopover of Yemen’s Queen of Sheba on her way to Solomon’s kingdom. It is the town where according to some historians, whole families leaped into deep wells rather than convert to Islam. Other historians however claimed that the mass suicide happened long before Islam arrived in the scene. There was a conflict between the Jews and the Christians that for whatever mysterious reason prompted the Christians to commit mass suicides. I am more inclined to believe the latter because Muslims are never known to have forced Jews and Christians to convert to Islam whom the Qur’an referred to with respect as the people of the book.


                                                                                       QUR’AN 2:62