Saturday, December 31, 2011

"2012" END...?


December 21, 2012 is Friday; the day the Prophet said the world will come to an end while Muslims are in the mosque :-(

The horrid end of the world seems to be confined to the believers of the Bible where the Armageddon/Apocalypse is found among the pages of the final chapters. The Bible is revered by a quarter of the human race. What I see (read) is what I get and for that reason…I will limit myself to the bare minimum of interpretation meaning I have no flight of ideas. I rely on my bodies of evidence.

I watched movies and video clips of scholarly broadcast and read divergent views on the subject. The consensus is that the End is nigh. There will be a battle of Armageddon between the forces of good and evil followed closely by a natural calamity that will destroy the planet earth and end life as we know it.

Jesus (…and many others) in the midst of the chaos will appear and join the battle to save (I am not laughing) the Jews that Christians insist have accepted Jesus (Jews are not laughing either) and therefore by inference must have converted to Christianity. Some fundamentalist Christians even believe that they will be lifted up to heaven in rapture without ever having tasted the pain of death and by meeting Jesus in the sky; they will receive eternal life.

The only group I read in the Bible that Jesus will rescue is the 144,000 (Moslem) children of Palestine that he will bring to a place called ARMAGEDDON in Hebrew and take them to heaven (in a spaceship and or Time Machine and I say…why not: I am not laughing).

Before the End Times however…some horrendous events will happen and signs will appear to signal the coming of the End. Christian’s scholars, Jesus’ watchers of the second coming and guardians of the End Times have not been less meticulous in their search for the signs and the tagging of events that may herald the hour of the end. The discovery of the Mayan Calendar that ends on December 21, 2012 is pushing the mercury beyond the feverish limit.

Amazingly…Christians are still talking about decoding the Bible to discover the truth. They say the signs are here but nobody is sure…it is all conjecture while 2012 here and now.

Although all the prophesied signs of the hour (Bible/Qur’an/Nostradamus) are here…the Christian world not only misread the signs; they got it all wrong the reason being that…they are biased against Islam. I have yet to see one serious investigator of the end times that have looked deeply into the prophecies in the Qur’an and of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). For as long as they continue to ignore the knowledge that Islam offers…THEY WILL NEVER GET IT RIGHT.

Full article:;postID=5538950649156652607

1 comment:

  1. Mali ata ang mayan calendar. I think 2011 is the year that really changed the world (Arab Spring) or 2011 could be the beginning of the end. Islamists are taking over via the ballot ;-) and with that in mind; USA/NATO/ISRAEL attacks Iran and the Islamists invade Israel from all directions. Israel starts lobbing nuclear bombs towards Mecca and Yemen. (A fire will come from the Hijjas so bright that it will light the neck of the camel in Basra. Another fire will come from Yemen that will drive people to the sea. A gentle breeze will come from the direction of Syria (Europe) that will take the life of every believer (chemical/bacterial WMD) in a way that even if you can hide inside the mountain (bunkers and tunnels); it will come and take you :-( THE PROPHET)
