Wednesday, December 28, 2011




Everything was right; real interesting until halfway to the 2 hours and 22 minutes movie when the topic suddenly turned to Christianity and the prophecies of the Bible. The first half obviously was an introduction to the real goal of the movie: the Bible as an absolute word of God

The Bible allegedly surpassed all other religious book including the Qur’an in the accuracy of its prophecies. No wonder it is the first movie I watched on You Tube where there are more who disliked it (700) than those who liked it (about 300). The ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ reflects amusingly the real state of Christianity today. The days are gone where people simply swallow what they are told by Christian scholars. With technology that put knowledge at the tip of our finger tips…IGNORANCE IS NO LONGER A VALID EXCUSE and the liars find it harder peddling their trades.  

There is however an eye opener for me in the beginning of the movie where it extensively presented in scholarly manner Adam, Eve, the serpent and the forbidden tree. I realized to my amazement that the “FORBIDDEN TREE” is the modern “CHRISTMAS TREE.” In as much as I don’t want to jump into conclusion; I can’t drive away the thoughts that with all those lovable glittering material objects hanging on a Christmas Tree and gift boxes piled under it similarly represents the “worldly things” Lucifer (serpent) promised Eve if she partook of the fruit against innocence, love, peace and harmony not to mention eternity that the Garden of Eden represented.

I think the Christian world should forbid altogether the celebration of Christmas or continue worshipping the serpent. It is your choice especially after the now common knowledge that Jesus could have never been born on December 25; a day marked in ancient times devoted to “sun worship.” Why continue doing that which is wrong like smoking, drug or alcohol addiction?

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your search for truth. I believe you might find it rewarding to do a study of church history as it will help support your conclusion that Christ was not born in december but rather in the early months of spring. It will also help explain that the Catholic church is the enity that adopted Christmas as Christs birthday and not New Testament. Christianity. There are many who dislike the assosiation of a pagen holiday with that of GODS ONLY SON. Howevever, we taught to test all spirits to see if they are of God or not. Please continue to study a seek truth as it is absolute.
