Sunday, December 25, 2011


Lie-beer-man; Israel’s drunken master foreign minister on December 25 tells Israel’s European war-dogs to cease from talking and stop Iran and in Jerusalem of all places. I wish Christian Europe will stop turning a blind eye and cease denying that Jews are rabid Jesus’ haters maintaining to this day that Jesus was a bastard son of Mary and that the Jews crucified him for blasphemy.

Israel: EU paying lip service over Iran

Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman believes that Europe's support for the Tel Aviv regime is mere lip service as Europe is not doing anything to prove it is working to stop Iran's drive for nuclear energy.

Addressing Israeli diplomats in al-Quds (Jerusalem) on Sunday, Lieberman called on Europe to take immediate and “courageous decisions” on Iran, Reuters reported.

"Unfortunately my impression is that some of the nations of Europe and senior figures there speak about sanctions more in order to calm Israel than to stop Iran's nuclear program," he argued.

Earlier this month, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak urged Europe to impose crippling sanctions on Iran, saying it was "time for urgent, coherent, paralyzing" steps targeting Tehran's oil trade and central bank.


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