Tuesday, May 17, 2011




Towards Iran nearly a million men will march, 

the true serpent will also invade Turkey and Egypt.

Nostradamus V, 25 




I choose the word “UNBREAKABLE” from a movie of the same title. It was probably the most unexciting of all Bruce Willis movies but for some strange phenomena…I thought I was watching the perplexing saga of my own existence. 

I believe it is not unusual for chosen men of destiny to be heaven protected. I am not and I say it with a definite sense of sarcasm…going to ever play anything of consequence to the world. Having said that; I find it even more imperative to keep asking myself the big question: “WHY”. 

Why will God go to the extent even at some point to sacrifice the life of others to preserve mine knowing that I am a nobody unless in the end, I am going to do something heroic or achieve somewhat incredible things that may in my little ways change the world or make an impact of consequence larger than life, larger than mine. 

If however there is one man I can truly call a man of unbreakable destiny: that one man would be MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD; president of Iran. God’s intervention to preserve his life is unlike any in recorded history. It is comparable if not surpass the parting of the Red Sea in the time of Moses. We have come to a point in time where God is no longer stay in hiding. God’s intervention during an American rescue mission in April 1980 to free hostages in Tehran is probably the most accurately recoded miracle in history that keeps people wondering to this day…to whom was the miracle for? I say without any reservation: the miracle THEN was for the man of the hour thirty years hence…Iran’s president, MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD. 

In the height of the HOSTAGE CRISES in Tehran, USA’s Delta Force not only planned a rescue mission in April 1980, it had actually taken off the ground only to be called off due to a baffling series of incidents that defied rational explanations. 


• An improvised B52 fitted with machine guns on its wings and re-mechanized for short take off and landing exploded during a test flight. It was suppose to land on a football field near the US EMBASSY and haul the hostages to freedom. (The same perfected killing machine played a major part in the Bush’s Afghan war of 2001). 

• A steam pipe broke off on board a Carrier in the Arabian Sea. It disabled some of the Helicopters that were preparing to take off for the mission. 

• The element of surprise was vital to the success of the mission. An isolated rendezvous was chosen somewhere in the desert of Iran. Isolated so they thought when suddenly, a busload of grade school children showed up for a picnic in the desert. 
• But the mission will go as planned. A helicopter took off and for no apparent reason; it crushed and dropped on a C-130 transport plane on the ground readying for takeoff. The resulting fireball killed 8 members of the 44 on board. 

• Six surviving helicopters finally took off for the final leg of the mission but they run into a sandstorm the pilots had never seen before. It was the kind of sandstorm where the sands stay suspended in the air in defiance of the law of gravity. That type of sandstorm accordingly can only happen once in every fifty years somewhere on the planet. There was no way the helicopters could fly through it. They finally turned back aborting the mission. It was like the Pharaoh running into a wall of fire in pursuit of Moses and if need be, God would have divided the sea of the Persian Gulf which is on the other side of the Arabian Peninsula where the pre-historic parting of the red sea took place. The media hailed the divine intervention as God’s way of preserving American lives…huh. Looking back, the assumptions were almost laughable with many American lives lost without ever reaching its target. 

• The Northern Alliance was pro-Iranian (Shiite) Afghan freedom fighters that played a major role in the war against the Russians. They beat off challengers to the government after the liberation. USA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia did not want a pro-Iranian government in Kabul. Members of the “Taliban (student) Movement” were children gathered some say kidnapped from the Afghan refugee camps inside Pakistan. Financed by Saudi Arabia, they were segregated into isolated “Madrasas” and schooled in extreme Islam. They were trained by the CIA from the cradle in the art of the kill a.k.a. universal soldiers to dislodge the Russians unfortunately, by the time the human bombs/Universal soldiers were old enough for the mission, the Russians were already driven out. Armed by USA that Saudi Arabia paid for, they sent them riding into Kabul. The Northern Alliance lead by Sha Mashood considered by many as a military genius was driven out of Kabul. The trio of USA, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia realized later what monstrosity they have done and after 9/11, U S of A and Pakistan decided to get rid of the Taliban and Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, another CIA’s baby. USA was terrified of fighting it alone on the ground so they came courting the Northern Alliance that were cornered by the Taliban along the borders with Iran. The alliance was still mourning the assassination 2 DAYS before 9/11 of their charismatic leader, Sha Mashood by the Al Qaeda. The alliance will do anything to make those responsible pay and USA was heaven sent. The rest is now history. Looking back, I will not discount the possibility that the assassination was a joint Qa’eda/CIA operation. The coincidence was too convenient for USA providing more fuel to conspiracy theories that 9/11 was an inside job. 

• Although Iraq was responsible for the Iran-Iraq war, the west openly supported Saddam Hussein. The Arab World hailed the man as PRINCE OF THE ARABS in the cover of Time Magazine (if my memory serves me right) and bankrolled his war of aggression. The West supplied Saddam with the latest weaponry including alleged WMD paid for in cash by the Arabs. The Western Alliance that later became known as the “Coalition of the Willing” were like a bunch of cowboys that turned their guns on each other’s (20 years of the Gulf War and counting) after shooting down a common adversary (IRAN). President George W. Bush declared victory after each Iraq Election but the Mullahs in Iran are likewise celebrating. While Bush’s victory is a sham, the AYATULLAH’S victory jubilation is not. Iran is the real victor both in Iraq and Afghanistan; courtesy of Uncle Sam. 

• AHMADINEJAD declared Israel a menace to world peace and should be erased from the pages of time. He did not threaten Israel; he was only stating a fact that had been said over and over by every Arab and Moslem leader in the last half a century. Israel’s dogs of war however kept on barking for days. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that ISRAEL will do it alone meaning bomb Iran’s nuclear generation plants and instead of the world stopping Ariel Sharon, USA shipped to Israel BUNKER BUSTING BOMBS TIPPED WITH DEPLETED URANIUM. While the world is mad, GOD IS NOT. He sent Ariel Sharon into a coma and that is not insane. Had Ariel Sharon not slipped into a coma, he would have bombed Iran by now. Is God giving the world a little more time to come to its senses? 

• CONCLUSION: God intervened in April 1980 to stop USA’s rescue mission to save the life of one young man. 

The hostages positively identified AHMADINEJAD, the president of Iran as the leader of those who took over the American Embassy in 1979. He is seen to be an ultra-conservative, having also been a top commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the regime’s ideological army. When the decision was made to take over the American embassy, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad according to witnesses present at the meeting suggested storming the Russian Embassy as well. 

He was a firebrand in his youth. He would have died if the American Rescue Mission were not aborted. THE DIVINE INTERVENTION WAS MEANT TO PRESERVE HIS LIFE. His rise to power was not short of miracle; it was miraculous. In the run up to the election, the media surveys gave him a laughable 1% of the vote at the bottom of the presidential candidates. He ended up challenging Rafsanjani, a two-time president and scion of Iran’s wealthiest family. He beat him handily in the second round of voting. Ironically, the unsuspecting US of A was instrumental in the removal of Iran’s fiercest foes in the Middle East; Saddam Hussein and the Taliban.

God so it seems is willing to turn heaven and earth to clear the road for Ahmadinejad’s destiny…The Battle of Armageddon?


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