Sunday, May 15, 2011


Israel’s overanxious almost psychotic response to PLO/HAMAS unity confirmed people’s suspicion that the PLO/HAMAS schism was engineered by Israel in order to “Divide and Rule” the occupied territories. HAMAS is to Israel what OBL is to USA on its war against terror. The non-recognition of Israel by Hamas is comparable to Ahmadenijad’s “erase Israel from the pages of time.” It is like the “ABU SAYYAF” non-recognition of the Philippine government. It is all semantics that amounts to very little if at all. People are just looking for small reasons they can pump with air to maintain the status quo. 
Troubles in the world now and for all ages down the backward road are ripples from colonial times where European Empires divided the world like a piece of cake among themselves. USA’s subtle and not so secret intervention in the Philippines, Italy’s ongoing bombardment of Libya, France’s interventions in Africa and the British continuing interventions in the Arab world are the demons of empire drunken hang-over from colonial times.
Pitting one tribe against another (Libya) or one group of freedom fighters against another (PLO vs. Hamas) or nations against another (Arabs vs. Iran) are the “divide and conquer” evil ways of the Empire of Demons that have raped and plundered most of the nations of the planet. The demonic empires (NATO/USA) of old are alive and well in the world. If in the olden days; they plundered gold and other precious metals, diamonds and rubies from defenceless nations they conquered; today, it is oil.
It will be wise for Israel to make peace now with or without Hamas before the smoke of battle for democracy settles down. Middle East is changed and changing. Khadaffy before the Coalition of Demons attacked him said: “...peaceful Arab Palestinians should march towards the border with Israel and demand for peace. They must refuse to leave until their demands are meet.” Few days after making that encouraging statement; USA/NATO bombed him. Imagine if millions of young unarmed Arabs march toward Israel. Such a scenario is not farfetched if...with the winds of change now at hurricane strength blowing across the Middle East turns its wrath towards Israel; a nation that has been for the last sixty years a fountain of troubles for the Arabs and  the world.
It is a day I wish; I will live to see.

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