Friday, May 27, 2011

ARMAGEDDON: Nostradamus and the Clash of Civilizations

Posted By: acson005
Date: Friday, 2 February 2007, 4:05 p.m.

One who is ugly, wicked and infamous will come to power,
And tyrannize all of MESOPOTAMIA.
He will make friends by seducing them,
And the land will be made horribly black by destruction. 
Nostradamus VIII, 70

The prince of the Arabs, when Mars, the Sun and Venus are in Leo,
Will make the rule of the Church suffer at sea.
Towards Iran nearly a million men will march,
The true serpent will also invade Turkey and Egypt.

Nostradamus V, 25

Often times I wonder if the above prophecy refers to SADDAM HUSSEIN or to the father and son tandem of (MA)BUSH?

The West/Christian world has so effectively demonized Saddam Hussein; the deception is so complete that the mere mention of his name gives you visionary flashes of the demon figure. The above prophetic description however (bias aside) perfectly fit King George who is now being referred to by some in the Western Media as the (NEW) CALIPH. He, not Saddam wrought horrible destruction upon Mesopotamia (Babylon/Iraq).

The clash of civilizations has been from the dawn of history involved in skirmishes that peaked during the war of the Empires. It never abated assuming different names and shapes depending upon the prevailing winds of change at the time. Had USSR evolved instead of collapsing into something like what China is today, Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” may have never gotten the attention it did. If USSR is alive today, USA will be busy courting Moslem countries to her side of the civilizational divide.

Moslem’s dream of returning to its old Imperial self resides only in the fantasy of few romantic extremists.

While USSR is dead, China is emerging as the future superpower that has started with the right step…WORLD ECONOMIC CONGQUEST. In order not to offend the sensibilities of its Moslem population, China had allegedly banned companies from showing PIGS in commercial ads. It is a small step that speaks a thousand words meaning China is sending a signal that it is ready to take the side of Islam. If our Moslem leaders are wise, the time is now to play CHINA against USA and with 80% of the world’s PROVEN OIL RESERVE BENEATH OUR BEDS, the GAME OF INTRIGUE is tilted in our favor. ISLAM IS EAST AND SO IS CHINA. In a clash scenario of East vs. West, I will place my bet in the East. We can win this game but can our Moslem leaders wise up to the challenge?

I used to argue against the Nostradamus prophesies because I could not imagine how in a thousand year will any Moslem country match the firepower of the west. I disagreed with the interpreters of the Nostradamus prophesies that Moslems in alliance with China will invade Europe and unleash a devastating war that only Nostradamus can foresee or imagine. After seeing how the Moslems are treated by the west like a s**t (Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, Abu Ghuraib, renditions etc.); I am ready to believe that Moslems will not only find a BIG BROTHER in China, it will find a LUMBERING DRAGON willing to shield an oppressed underdog behind her tail. China like Islam had been for long demonized by the west; it is time to hit back. To those who have not read the Nostradamus Prophesies should because some of us may live to see its climax unfold before our very eyes.

Make no mistake…THE SLEEPING DRAGON IS RISING. By shooting down one of its ageing satellites in space, China is showing the world that it can do what USA can if not better and it need no permission from no one…not from the BEAST.

It is inevitable that for OIL, SUPERPOWERS will BATTLE over MOSLEM LANDS and the clock is ticking towards that end. If I can speak for Muslims, I will say that: OIL IS MY DIVINE GIFT…MY CURSE.


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