Monday, September 28, 2015


The Graphics Interchange Format (better known by its acronym GIF /ˈdʒɪf/ or /ˈɡɪf/) is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability.

If there is one place to find beautiful GIFs; it’s g+ because Google among many giant tech companies enables its websites including g-mail to see pictures in live GIF format. You can g-mail a GIF to a friend and receive it live. It is how I copy/download a gif to my disc by simply sharing it to my g-mail.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Nishreen – a 6th grader intellectual rebel…

Nishreen is bored to death with school. In one of our “Kakaotalk” chats: “why can’t people believe that I want to be an astronaut? I want to mix and tinker with things. I want to be a scientist. They teach you stupid things at school – things you already know. I am bored to death – I just want to stay in bed!”

She probably expected something new and exciting at 6th grade so during the first long examination; she perfected 4 of her 8 subjects but then she realized that 6th grade is no different. She lost interest again that led to these hilarious incidents that kept me laughing to work long after our chat. 

Personally; the k to 12 (K12) is a big mistake. The world has changed in a way that truly boggles the mind – the money would have been better spent to overhaul our system of education. Technology has accelerated learning in a way that what took me 4 years of high school will probably take my daughter a year to learn. “Class; our subject today is Einstein’s Theory of special relativity. Open your tablets and cell phones and search on You Tube. An animation of Einstein himself will teach you his special relativity.” 4 years of high school and 4 years of college and I didn’t understand Einstein’s special theory of relativity but in minutes – my daughter can understand it on you tube. In medical college; we spent months on the cadaver but today; software anatomy in 3D allows you to walk around a hologram of the human body and study the tiniest part of the human body. You learn in days what took us months to learn so what is the logic of extending years of education – plain stupid. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

TIME TRAVEL: Astral Journey to the “FUTURE” of our Moon can watch this eBook for free at kindle

There are those times when something just pops into your mind. Several days back; I just sort of wonder why I have not time traveled in and out of planet earth for quite sometimes – an amusing thought. The last time was more than a year ago.

My spirit guide must have read my thought because last night – I journeyed not once but 3 times to the moon and the moon was never in my thoughts for astral projection. 3 times - I went back and forth but every time; I was with a different group of traveling site seeing tourists.

I have no doubt that I had projected forward in time when travel to the moon is like vacationing anywhere else on planet earth. There will be at least 3 settlements on the moon in the not so distant future.

ASTRAL TRAVEL: Interplanetary Journeys

Saturday, September 12, 2015

BEAST 666’s 25th birth anniversary - September 13, 2015

The greatest Biblical prophecy that came to pass unnoticed is U.N. Resolution 666 and yet 1.5 billion of Earth’s denizens who believe in the Bible are still to this day waiting for the BEAST 666. It is like Jesus had come and gone and nobody noticed. 25 years since - Babylon did not have a single minute of peace culminating in the birth of the ISIS (Dajjal – Islam’s version of the Anti-Christ) that truly threatens the peace of the world as we know it.

Revelation 13

1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six


(The Beast Man perfectly matches President Bush Sr. who fired the first salvo of the battle for Babylon – GULF WAR 1991. He was born on June 12, ‘24 or 6/6+6/6+6+6+6)

Excerpt from the United Nations Resolution 666

5. Decides that if the Committee, after receiving the reports from the Secretary-General, determines that circumstances have arisen in which there is an urgent humanitarian need to supply foodstuffs to Iraq or Kuwait in order to relieve human suffering, it will report promptly to the Council its decision as to how such need should be met;

6. Directs the Committee that in formulating its decisions it should bear in mind that foodstuffs should be provided through the United Nations in co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross or other appropriate humanitarian agencies and distributed by them or under their supervision in order to ensure that they reach the intended beneficiaries;

8. Recalls that resolution 661 (1990) does not apply to supplies intended strictly for medical purposes, but in this connection recommends that medical supplies should be exported under the strict supervision of the Government of the exporting State or by appropriate humanitarian agencies."

(Because of the concerns of the community of nations that foreigners still trapped in Iraq and Kuwait [many of them Filipinos] may starve; U.N. Resolution 666 was passed that made an exemption to the total embargo against Iraq and Kuwait. It allowed only foods and medicines to be traded by U.N. personnel meaning only foods and medicines bearing the U.N. seals (seal of the beast) by virtue of U.N. resolution 666 were permitted to be bought and sold inside Iraq and Kuwait precisely as foretold in the Bible.) 

UN RESOLUTION 666 - Beginning of the END